Former-commit-id: 46a2eb1d0b
7075 lines
210 KiB
7075 lines
210 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2006-2012, JGraph Ltd
// Workaround for allowing target="_blank" in HTML sanitizer
// see https://code.google.com/p/google-caja/issues/detail?can=2&q=&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Owner%20Summary&groupby=&sort=&id=1296
if (typeof html4 !== 'undefined')
html4.ATTRIBS["a::target"] = 0;
html4.ATTRIBS["source::src"] = 0;
html4.ATTRIBS["video::src"] = 0;
// Would be nice for tooltips but probably a security risk...
//html4.ATTRIBS["video::autoplay"] = 0;
//html4.ATTRIBS["video::autobuffer"] = 0;
* Sets global constants.
// Changes default colors
mxConstants.SHADOW_OPACITY = 0.25;
mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR = '#000000';
mxConstants.VML_SHADOWCOLOR = '#d0d0d0';
mxGraph.prototype.pageBreakColor = '#c0c0c0';
mxGraph.prototype.pageScale = 1;
// Letter page format is default in US, Canada and Mexico
if (navigator != null && navigator.language != null)
var lang = navigator.language.toLowerCase();
mxGraph.prototype.pageFormat = (lang === 'en-us' || lang === 'en-ca' || lang === 'es-mx') ?
catch (e)
// ignore
// Matches label positions of mxGraph 1.x
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingTop = 5;
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingBottom = 1;
// Keeps edges between relative child cells inside parent
mxGraphModel.prototype.ignoreRelativeEdgeParent = false;
// Defines grid properties
mxGraphView.prototype.gridImage = (mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/grid.gif';
mxGraphView.prototype.gridSteps = 4;
mxGraphView.prototype.minGridSize = 4;
// UrlParams is null in embed mode
mxGraphView.prototype.gridColor = '#e0e0e0';
// Alternative text for unsupported foreignObjects
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.foAltText = '[Not supported by viewer]';
* Constructs a new graph instance. Note that the constructor does not take a
* container because the graph instance is needed for creating the UI, which
* in turn will create the container for the graph. Hence, the container is
* assigned later in EditorUi.
* Defines graph class.
Graph = function(container, model, renderHint, stylesheet, themes)
mxGraph.call(this, container, model, renderHint, stylesheet);
this.themes = themes || this.defaultThemes;
this.currentEdgeStyle = this.defaultEdgeStyle;
this.currentVertexStyle = this.defaultVertexStyle;
// Sets the base domain URL and domain path URL for relative links.
var b = this.baseUrl;
var p = b.indexOf('//');
this.domainUrl = '';
this.domainPathUrl = '';
if (p > 0)
var d = b.indexOf('/', p + 2);
if (d > 0)
this.domainUrl = b.substring(0, d);
d = b.lastIndexOf('/');
if (d > 0)
this.domainPathUrl = b.substring(0, d + 1);
// Adds support for HTML labels via style. Note: Currently, only the Java
// backend supports HTML labels but CSS support is limited to the following:
// http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/index.html?javax/swing/text/html/CSS.html
// TODO: Wrap should not affect isHtmlLabel output (should be handled later)
this.isHtmlLabel = function(cell)
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(cell);
return style['html'] == '1' || style[mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE] == 'wrap';
// Implements a listener for hover and click handling on edges
if (this.edgeMode)
var start = {
point: null,
event: null,
state: null,
handle: null,
selected: false
// Uses this event to process mouseDown to check the selection state before it is changed
this.addListener(mxEvent.FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT, mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
if (evt.getProperty('eventName') == 'mouseDown' && this.isEnabled())
var me = evt.getProperty('event');
if (!mxEvent.isControlDown(me.getEvent()) && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(me.getEvent()))
var state = me.getState();
if (state != null)
// Checks if state was removed in call to stopEditing above
if (this.model.isEdge(state.cell))
start.point = new mxPoint(me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY());
start.selected = this.isCellSelected(state.cell);
start.state = state;
start.event = me;
if (state.text != null && state.text.boundingBox != null &&
mxUtils.contains(state.text.boundingBox, me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY()))
start.handle = mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE;
var handler = this.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(state.cell);
if (handler != null && handler.bends != null && handler.bends.length > 0)
start.handle = handler.getHandleForEvent(me);
var mouseDown = null;
mouseDown: function(sender, me) {},
mouseMove: mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, me)
// Checks if any other handler is active
var handlerMap = this.selectionCellsHandler.handlers.map;
for (var key in handlerMap)
if (handlerMap[key].index != null)
if (this.isEnabled() && !this.panningHandler.isActive() && !mxEvent.isControlDown(me.getEvent()) &&
!mxEvent.isShiftDown(me.getEvent()) && !mxEvent.isAltDown(me.getEvent()))
var tol = this.tolerance;
if (start.point != null && start.state != null && start.event != null)
var state = start.state;
if (Math.abs(start.point.x - me.getGraphX()) > tol * this.view.scale ||
Math.abs(start.point.y - me.getGraphY()) > tol * this.view.scale)
// Lazy selection for edges inside groups
if (!this.isCellSelected(state.cell))
var handler = this.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(state.cell);
if (handler != null && handler.bends != null && handler.bends.length > 0)
var handle = handler.getHandleForEvent(start.event);
var edgeStyle = this.view.getEdgeStyle(state);
var entity = edgeStyle == mxEdgeStyle.EntityRelation;
// Handles special case where label was clicked on unselected edge in which
// case the label will be moved regardless of the handle that is returned
if (!start.selected && start.handle == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE)
handle = start.handle;
if (!entity || handle == 0 || handle == handler.bends.length - 1 || handle == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE)
// Source or target handle or connected for direct handle access or orthogonal line
// with just two points where the central handle is moved regardless of mouse position
if (handle == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE || handle == 0 || state.visibleSourceState != null ||
handle == handler.bends.length - 1 || state.visibleTargetState != null)
if (!entity && handle != mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE)
var pts = state.absolutePoints;
// Default case where handles are at corner points handles
// drag of corner as drag of existing point
if (pts != null && ((edgeStyle == null && handle == null) ||
edgeStyle == mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector))
// Does not use handles if they were not initially visible
handle = start.handle;
if (handle == null)
var box = new mxRectangle(start.point.x, start.point.y);
box.grow(mxEdgeHandler.prototype.handleImage.width / 2);
if (mxUtils.contains(box, pts[0].x, pts[0].y))
// Moves source terminal handle
handle = 0;
else if (mxUtils.contains(box, pts[pts.length - 1].x, pts[pts.length - 1].y))
// Moves target terminal handle
handle = handler.bends.length - 1;
// Checks if edge has no bends
var nobends = edgeStyle != null && (pts.length == 2 || (pts.length == 3 &&
((Math.round(pts[0].x - pts[1].x) == 0 && Math.round(pts[1].x - pts[2].x) == 0) ||
(Math.round(pts[0].y - pts[1].y) == 0 && Math.round(pts[1].y - pts[2].y) == 0))));
if (nobends)
// Moves central handle for straight orthogonal edges
handle = 2;
// Finds and moves vertical or horizontal segment
handle = mxUtils.findNearestSegment(state, start.point.x, start.point.y);
// Converts segment to virtual handle index
if (edgeStyle == null)
handle = mxEvent.VIRTUAL_HANDLE - handle;
// Maps segment to handle
handle += 1;
// Creates a new waypoint and starts moving it
if (handle == null)
handle = mxEvent.VIRTUAL_HANDLE;
handler.start(me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphX(), handle);
start.state = null;
start.event = null;
start.point = null;
start.handle = null;
start.selected = false;
// Removes preview rectangle in graph handler
else if (entity && (state.visibleSourceState != null || state.visibleTargetState != null))
// Disables moves on entity to make it consistent
// Updates cursor for unselected edges under the mouse
var state = me.getState();
if (state != null)
// Checks if state was removed in call to stopEditing above
if (this.model.isEdge(state.cell))
var cursor = null;
var pts = state.absolutePoints;
if (pts != null)
var box = new mxRectangle(me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY());
box.grow(mxEdgeHandler.prototype.handleImage.width / 2);
if (state.text != null && state.text.boundingBox != null &&
mxUtils.contains(state.text.boundingBox, me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY()))
cursor = 'move';
else if (mxUtils.contains(box, pts[0].x, pts[0].y) ||
mxUtils.contains(box, pts[pts.length - 1].x, pts[pts.length - 1].y))
cursor = 'pointer';
else if (state.visibleSourceState != null || state.visibleTargetState != null)
// Moving is not allowed for entity relation but still indicate hover state
var tmp = this.view.getEdgeStyle(state);
cursor = 'crosshair';
if (tmp != mxEdgeStyle.EntityRelation && this.isOrthogonal(state))
var idx = mxUtils.findNearestSegment(state, me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY());
if (idx < pts.length - 1 && idx >= 0)
cursor = (Math.round(pts[idx].x - pts[idx + 1].x) == 0) ?
'col-resize' : 'row-resize';
if (cursor != null)
mouseUp: mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, me)
start.state = null;
start.event = null;
start.point = null;
start.handle = null;
// HTML entities are displayed as plain text in wrapped plain text labels
this.cellRenderer.getLabelValue = function(state)
var result = mxCellRenderer.prototype.getLabelValue.apply(this, arguments);
if (state.view.graph.isHtmlLabel(state.cell))
if (state.style['html'] != 1)
result = mxUtils.htmlEntities(result, false);
result = state.view.graph.sanitizeHtml(result);
return result;
// All code below not available and not needed in embed mode
if (typeof mxVertexHandler !== 'undefined')
this.allowAutoPanning = true;
this.resetEdgesOnConnect = false;
this.constrainChildren = false;
this.constrainRelativeChildren = true;
// Do not scroll after moving cells
this.graphHandler.scrollOnMove = false;
this.graphHandler.scaleGrid = true;
// Disables cloning of connection sources by default
this.connectionHandler.insertBeforeSource = true;
// Disables built-in connection starts
this.connectionHandler.isValidSource = function(cell, me)
return false;
// Sets the style to be used when an elbow edge is double clicked
this.alternateEdgeStyle = 'vertical';
if (stylesheet == null)
// Adds page centers to the guides for moving cells
var graphHandlerGetGuideStates = this.graphHandler.getGuideStates;
this.graphHandler.getGuideStates = function()
var result = graphHandlerGetGuideStates.apply(this, arguments);
// Create virtual cell state for page centers
if (this.graph.pageVisible)
var guides = [];
var pf = this.graph.pageFormat;
var ps = this.graph.pageScale;
var pw = pf.width * ps;
var ph = pf.height * ps;
var t = this.graph.view.translate;
var s = this.graph.view.scale;
var layout = this.graph.getPageLayout();
for (var i = 0; i < layout.width; i++)
guides.push(new mxRectangle(((layout.x + i) * pw + t.x) * s,
(layout.y * ph + t.y) * s, pw * s, ph * s));
for (var j = 0; j < layout.height; j++)
guides.push(new mxRectangle((layout.x * pw + t.x) * s,
((layout.y + j) * ph + t.y) * s, pw * s, ph * s));
// Page center guides have predence over normal guides
result = guides.concat(result);
return result;
// Overrides zIndex for dragElement
mxDragSource.prototype.dragElementZIndex = mxPopupMenu.prototype.zIndex;
// Overrides color for virtual guides for page centers
mxGuide.prototype.getGuideColor = function(state, horizontal)
return (state.cell == null) ? '#ffa500' /* orange */ : mxConstants.GUIDE_COLOR;
// Changes color of move preview for black backgrounds
this.graphHandler.createPreviewShape = function(bounds)
this.previewColor = (this.graph.background == '#000000') ? '#ffffff' : mxGraphHandler.prototype.previewColor;
return mxGraphHandler.prototype.createPreviewShape.apply(this, arguments);
// Handles parts of cells by checking if part=1 is in the style and returning the parent
// if the parent is not already in the list of cells. container style is used to disable
// step into swimlanes and dropTarget style is used to disable acting as a drop target.
// LATER: Handle recursive parts
this.graphHandler.getCells = function(initialCell)
var cells = mxGraphHandler.prototype.getCells.apply(this, arguments);
var newCells = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
var state = this.graph.view.getState(cells[i]);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.graph.getCellStyle(cells[i]);
if (mxUtils.getValue(style, 'part', '0') == '1')
var parent = this.graph.model.getParent(cells[i]);
if (this.graph.model.isVertex(parent) && mxUtils.indexOf(cells, parent) < 0)
return newCells;
// Handles parts of cells when cloning the source for new connections
this.connectionHandler.createTargetVertex = function(evt, source)
var state = this.graph.view.getState(source);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.graph.getCellStyle(source);
if (mxUtils.getValue(style, 'part', false))
var parent = this.graph.model.getParent(source);
if (this.graph.model.isVertex(parent))
source = parent;
return mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createTargetVertex.apply(this, arguments);
var rubberband = new mxRubberband(this);
this.getRubberband = function()
return rubberband;
// Timer-based activation of outline connect in connection handler
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeOnTarget = 0;
var connectionHandlerMouseMove = this.connectionHandler.mouseMove;
this.connectionHandler.mouseMove = function()
var prev = this.currentState;
connectionHandlerMouseMove.apply(this, arguments);
if (prev != this.currentState)
startTime = new Date().getTime();
timeOnTarget = 0;
timeOnTarget = new Date().getTime() - startTime;
// Activates outline connect after 1500ms with touch event or if alt is pressed inside the shape
var connectionHandleIsOutlineConnectEvent = this.connectionHandler.isOutlineConnectEvent;
this.connectionHandler.isOutlineConnectEvent = function(me)
return (this.currentState != null && me.getState() == this.currentState && timeOnTarget > 2000) ||
((this.currentState == null || mxUtils.getValue(this.currentState.style, 'outlineConnect', '1') != '0') &&
connectionHandleIsOutlineConnectEvent.apply(this, arguments));
// Adds shift+click to toggle selection state
var isToggleEvent = this.isToggleEvent;
this.isToggleEvent = function(evt)
return isToggleEvent.apply(this, arguments) || mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt);
// Workaround for Firefox where first mouse down is received
// after tap and hold if scrollbars are visible, which means
// start rubberband immediately if no cell is under mouse.
var isForceRubberBandEvent = rubberband.isForceRubberbandEvent;
rubberband.isForceRubberbandEvent = function(me)
return isForceRubberBandEvent.apply(this, arguments) ||
(mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.graph.container) && mxClient.IS_FF &&
mxClient.IS_WIN && me.getState() == null && mxEvent.isTouchEvent(me.getEvent()));
// Shows hand cursor while panning
var prevCursor = null;
this.panningHandler.addListener(mxEvent.PAN_START, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
if (this.isEnabled())
prevCursor = this.container.style.cursor;
this.container.style.cursor = 'move';
this.panningHandler.addListener(mxEvent.PAN_END, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
if (this.isEnabled())
this.container.style.cursor = prevCursor;
this.popupMenuHandler.autoExpand = true;
this.popupMenuHandler.isSelectOnPopup = function(me)
return mxEvent.isMouseEvent(me.getEvent());
// Enables links if graph is "disabled" (ie. read-only)
var click = this.click;
this.click = function(me)
if (!this.isEnabled() && !me.isConsumed())
var cell = me.getCell();
if (cell != null)
var link = this.getLinkForCell(cell);
if (link != null)
return click.apply(this, arguments);
// Shows pointer cursor for clickable cells with links
// ie. if the graph is disabled and cells cannot be selected
var getCursorForCell = this.getCursorForCell;
this.getCursorForCell = function(cell)
if (!this.isEnabled())
var link = this.getLinkForCell(cell);
if (link != null)
return 'pointer';
return getCursorForCell.apply(this, arguments);
// Changes rubberband selection to be recursive
this.selectRegion = function(rect, evt)
var cells = this.getAllCells(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
this.selectCellsForEvent(cells, evt);
return cells;
// Recursive implementation for rubberband selection
this.getAllCells = function(x, y, width, height, parent, result)
result = (result != null) ? result : [];
if (width > 0 || height > 0)
var model = this.getModel();
var right = x + width;
var bottom = y + height;
if (parent == null)
parent = this.getCurrentRoot();
if (parent == null)
parent = model.getRoot();
if (parent != null)
var childCount = model.getChildCount(parent);
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
var cell = model.getChildAt(parent, i);
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
if (state != null && this.isCellVisible(cell) && mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'locked', '0') != '1')
var deg = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION) || 0;
var box = state;
if (deg != 0)
box = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(box, deg);
if ((model.isEdge(cell) || model.isVertex(cell)) &&
box.x >= x && box.y + box.height <= bottom &&
box.y >= y && box.x + box.width <= right)
this.getAllCells(x, y, width, height, cell, result);
return result;
// Never removes cells from parents that are being moved
var graphHandlerShouldRemoveCellsFromParent = this.graphHandler.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent;
this.graphHandler.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent = function(parent, cells, evt)
if (this.graph.isCellSelected(parent))
return false;
return graphHandlerShouldRemoveCellsFromParent.apply(this, arguments);
// Unlocks all cells
this.isCellLocked = function(cell)
var pState = this.view.getState(cell);
while (pState != null)
if (mxUtils.getValue(pState.style, 'locked', '0') == '1')
return true;
pState = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(pState.cell));
return false;
var tapAndHoldSelection = null;
// Uses this event to process mouseDown to check the selection state before it is changed
this.addListener(mxEvent.FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT, mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
if (evt.getProperty('eventName') == 'mouseDown')
var me = evt.getProperty('event');
var state = me.getState();
if (state != null && !this.isSelectionEmpty() && !this.isCellSelected(state.cell))
tapAndHoldSelection = this.getSelectionCells();
tapAndHoldSelection = null;
// Tap and hold on background starts rubberband for multiple selected
// cells the cell associated with the event is deselected
this.addListener(mxEvent.TAP_AND_HOLD, mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
if (!mxEvent.isMultiTouchEvent(evt))
var me = evt.getProperty('event');
var cell = evt.getProperty('cell');
if (cell == null)
var pt = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container,
mxEvent.getClientX(me), mxEvent.getClientY(me));
rubberband.start(pt.x, pt.y);
else if (tapAndHoldSelection != null)
else if (this.getSelectionCount() > 1 && this.isCellSelected(cell))
// Blocks further processing of the event
tapAndHoldSelection = null;
// On connect the target is selected and we clone the cell of the preview edge for insert
this.connectionHandler.selectCells = function(edge, target)
this.graph.setSelectionCell(target || edge);
// Shows connection points only if cell not selected
this.connectionHandler.constraintHandler.isStateIgnored = function(state, source)
return source && state.view.graph.isCellSelected(state.cell);
// Updates constraint handler if the selection changes
this.selectionModel.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
var ch = this.connectionHandler.constraintHandler;
if (ch.currentFocus != null && ch.isStateIgnored(ch.currentFocus, true))
ch.currentFocus = null;
ch.constraints = null;
// Initializes touch interface
if (Graph.touchStyle)
* Adds locking
var graphUpdateMouseEvent = this.updateMouseEvent;
this.updateMouseEvent = function(me)
me = graphUpdateMouseEvent.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.isCellLocked(me.getCell()))
me.state = null;
return me;
* Specifies if the touch UI should be used (cannot detect touch in FF so always on for Windows/Linux)
Graph.touchStyle = mxClient.IS_TOUCH || (mxClient.IS_FF && mxClient.IS_WIN) || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 ||
navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 || window.urlParams == null || urlParams['touch'] == '1';
* Shortcut for capability check.
Graph.fileSupport = window.File != null && window.FileReader != null && window.FileList != null &&
(window.urlParams == null || urlParams['filesupport'] != '0');
// Graph inherits from mxGraph
mxUtils.extend(Graph, mxGraph);
* Allows all values in fit.
Graph.prototype.minFitScale = null;
* Allows all values in fit.
Graph.prototype.maxFitScale = null;
* Sets the policy for links. Possible values are "self" to replace any framesets,
* "blank" to load the URL in <linkTarget> and "auto" (default).
Graph.prototype.linkPolicy = (urlParams['target'] == 'frame') ? 'blank' : (urlParams['target'] || 'auto');
* Target for links that open in a new window. Default is _blank.
Graph.prototype.linkTarget = (urlParams['target'] == 'frame') ? '_self' : '_blank';
* Scrollbars are enabled on non-touch devices (not including Firefox because touch events
* cannot be detected in Firefox, see above).
Graph.prototype.defaultScrollbars = !mxClient.IS_IOS;
* Specifies if the page should be visible for new files. Default is true.
Graph.prototype.defaultPageVisible = true;
* Specifies if the app should run in chromeless mode. Default is false.
* This default is only used if the contructor argument is null.
Graph.prototype.lightbox = false;
Graph.prototype.defaultGraphBackground = '#ffffff';
* Specifies the size of the size for "tiles" to be used for a graph with
* scrollbars but no visible background page. A good value is large
* enough to reduce the number of repaints that is caused for auto-
* translation, which depends on this value, and small enough to give
* a small empty buffer around the graph. Default is 400x400.
Graph.prototype.scrollTileSize = new mxRectangle(0, 0, 400, 400);
* Overrides the background color and paints a transparent background.
Graph.prototype.transparentBackground = true;
* Sets the default target for all links in cells.
Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeLength = 80;
* Disables move of bends/segments without selecting.
Graph.prototype.edgeMode = false;
* Allows all values in fit.
Graph.prototype.connectionArrowsEnabled = true;
* Specifies the regular expression for matching placeholders.
Graph.prototype.placeholderPattern = new RegExp('%(date\{.*\}|[^%^\{^\}]+)%', 'g');
* Specifies the regular expression for matching placeholders.
Graph.prototype.absoluteUrlPattern = new RegExp('^(?:[a-z]+:)?//', 'i');
* Specifies the default name for the theme. Default is 'default'.
Graph.prototype.defaultThemeName = 'default';
* Specifies the default name for the theme. Default is 'default'.
Graph.prototype.defaultThemes = {};
* Base URL for relative links.
Graph.prototype.baseUrl = (window != window.top) ? document.referrer : document.location.toString();
* Installs child layout styles.
Graph.prototype.init = function(container)
mxGraph.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
// Intercepts links with no target attribute and opens in new window
this.cellRenderer.initializeLabel = function(state, shape)
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeLabel.apply(this, arguments);
var fn = mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
var elt = mxEvent.getSource(evt)
while (elt != null && elt != shape.node)
if (elt.nodeName == 'A')
state.view.graph.labelLinkClicked(state, elt, evt);
elt = elt.parentNode;
// Workaround for no click events on touch
if (mxClient.IS_TOUCH)
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(shape.node, null, null, fn);
mxEvent.addListener(shape.node, 'click', function(evt)
mxEvent.addListener(shape.node, 'click', fn);
* Installs automatic layout via styles
Graph.prototype.labelLinkClicked = function(state, elt, evt)
var href = elt.getAttribute('href');
if (href != null)
var target = state.view.graph.isBlankLink(href) ?
state.view.graph.linkTarget : '_top';
href = state.view.graph.getAbsoluteUrl(href);
// Workaround for blocking in same iframe
if (target == '_self' && window != window.top)
window.location.href = href;
window.open(href, target);
* Installs automatic layout via styles
Graph.prototype.initLayoutManager = function()
this.layoutManager = new mxLayoutManager(this);
this.layoutManager.getLayout = function(cell)
var state = this.graph.view.getState(cell);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.graph.getCellStyle(cell);
if (style['childLayout'] == 'stackLayout')
var stackLayout = new mxStackLayout(this.graph, true);
stackLayout.resizeParentMax = true;
stackLayout.horizontal = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'horizontalStack', '1') == '1';
stackLayout.resizeParent = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'resizeParent', '1') == '1';
stackLayout.resizeLast = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'resizeLast', '0') == '1';
stackLayout.marginLeft = style['marginLeft'] || 0;
stackLayout.marginRight = style['marginRight'] || 0;
stackLayout.marginTop = style['marginTop'] || 0;
stackLayout.marginBottom = style['marginBottom'] || 0;
stackLayout.fill = true;
return stackLayout;
else if (style['childLayout'] == 'treeLayout')
var treeLayout = new mxCompactTreeLayout(this.graph);
treeLayout.horizontal = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'horizontalTree', '1') == '1';
treeLayout.resizeParent = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'resizeParent', '1') == '1';
treeLayout.groupPadding = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'parentPadding', 20);
treeLayout.levelDistance = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'treeLevelDistance', 30);
treeLayout.maintainParentLocation = true;
treeLayout.edgeRouting = false;
treeLayout.resetEdges = false;
return treeLayout;
else if (style['childLayout'] == 'flowLayout')
var flowLayout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(this.graph, mxUtils.getValue(style,
'flowOrientation', mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST));
flowLayout.resizeParent = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'resizeParent', '1') == '1';
flowLayout.parentBorder = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'parentPadding', 20);
flowLayout.maintainParentLocation = true;
// Special undocumented styles for changing the hierarchical
flowLayout.intraCellSpacing = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'intraCellSpacing', mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.intraCellSpacing);
flowLayout.interRankCellSpacing = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'interRankCellSpacing', mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.interRankCellSpacing);
flowLayout.interHierarchySpacing = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'interHierarchySpacing', mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.interHierarchySpacing);
flowLayout.parallelEdgeSpacing = mxUtils.getValue(style, 'parallelEdgeSpacing', mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.parallelEdgeSpacing);
return flowLayout;
return null;
* Returns the size of the page format scaled with the page size.
Graph.prototype.getPageSize = function()
return (this.pageVisible) ? new mxRectangle(0, 0, this.pageFormat.width * this.pageScale,
this.pageFormat.height * this.pageScale) : this.scrollTileSize;
* Returns a rectangle describing the position and count of the
* background pages, where x and y are the position of the top,
* left page and width and height are the vertical and horizontal
* page count.
Graph.prototype.getPageLayout = function()
var size = this.getPageSize();
var bounds = this.getGraphBounds();
if (bounds.width == 0 || bounds.height == 0)
return new mxRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
// Computes untransformed graph bounds
var x = Math.ceil(bounds.x / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.x);
var y = Math.ceil(bounds.y / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.y);
var w = Math.floor(bounds.width / this.view.scale);
var h = Math.floor(bounds.height / this.view.scale);
var x0 = Math.floor(x / size.width);
var y0 = Math.floor(y / size.height);
var w0 = Math.ceil((x + w) / size.width) - x0;
var h0 = Math.ceil((y + h) / size.height) - y0;
return new mxRectangle(x0, y0, w0, h0);
* Sanitizes the given HTML markup.
Graph.prototype.sanitizeHtml = function(value, editing)
// Uses https://code.google.com/p/google-caja/wiki/JsHtmlSanitizer
// NOTE: Original minimized sanitizer was modified to support
// data URIs for images, and mailto and special data:-links.
// LATER: Add MathML to whitelisted tags
function urlX(link)
if (link != null && link.toString().toLowerCase().substring(0, 11) !== 'javascript:')
return link;
return null;
function idX(id) { return id };
return html_sanitize(value, urlX, idX);
* Revalidates all cells with placeholders in the current graph model.
Graph.prototype.updatePlaceholders = function()
var model = this.model;
var validate = false;
for (var key in this.model.cells)
var cell = this.model.cells[key];
if (this.isReplacePlaceholders(cell))
this.view.invalidate(cell, false, false);
validate = true;
if (validate)
* Adds support for placeholders in labels.
Graph.prototype.isReplacePlaceholders = function(cell)
return cell.value != null && typeof(cell.value) == 'object' &&
cell.value.getAttribute('placeholders') == '1';
* Adds ctrl+shift+connect to disable connections.
Graph.prototype.isIgnoreTerminalEvent = function(evt)
return mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && mxEvent.isControlDown(evt);
* Adds support for placeholders in labels.
Graph.prototype.isSplitTarget = function(target, cells, evt)
return !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && mxGraph.prototype.isSplitTarget.apply(this, arguments);
* Adds support for placeholders in labels.
Graph.prototype.getLabel = function(cell)
var result = mxGraph.prototype.getLabel.apply(this, arguments);
if (result != null && this.isReplacePlaceholders(cell) && cell.getAttribute('placeholder') == null)
result = this.replacePlaceholders(cell, result);
return result;
* Adds labelMovable style.
Graph.prototype.isLabelMovable = function(cell)
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(cell);
return !this.isCellLocked(cell) &&
((this.model.isEdge(cell) && this.edgeLabelsMovable) ||
(this.model.isVertex(cell) && (this.vertexLabelsMovable ||
mxUtils.getValue(style, 'labelMovable', '0') == '1')));
* Adds event if grid size is changed.
mxGraph.prototype.setGridSize = function(value)
this.gridSize = value;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('gridSizeChanged'));
* Private helper method.
Graph.prototype.getGlobalVariable = function(name)
var val = null;
if (name == 'date')
val = new Date().toLocaleDateString();
else if (name == 'time')
val = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
else if (name == 'timestamp')
val = new Date().toLocaleString();
else if (name.substring(0, 5) == 'date{')
var fmt = name.substring(5, name.length - 1);
val = this.formatDate(new Date(), fmt);
return val;
* Formats a date, see http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/date-time-format
Graph.prototype.formatDate = function(date, mask, utc)
// LATER: Cache regexs
if (this.dateFormatCache == null)
this.dateFormatCache = {
i18n: {
dayNames: [
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat",
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
monthNames: [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec",
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
masks: {
"default": "ddd mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:ss",
shortDate: "m/d/yy",
mediumDate: "mmm d, yyyy",
longDate: "mmmm d, yyyy",
fullDate: "dddd, mmmm d, yyyy",
shortTime: "h:MM TT",
mediumTime: "h:MM:ss TT",
longTime: "h:MM:ss TT Z",
isoDate: "yyyy-mm-dd",
isoTime: "HH:MM:ss",
isoDateTime: "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss",
isoUtcDateTime: "UTC:yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss'Z'"
var dF = this.dateFormatCache;
var token = /d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|([HhMsTt])\1?|[LloSZ]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g,
timezone = /\b(?:[PMCEA][SDP]T|(?:Pacific|Mountain|Central|Eastern|Atlantic) (?:Standard|Daylight|Prevailing) Time|(?:GMT|UTC)(?:[-+]\d{4})?)\b/g,
timezoneClip = /[^-+\dA-Z]/g,
pad = function (val, len) {
val = String(val);
len = len || 2;
while (val.length < len) val = "0" + val;
return val;
// You can't provide utc if you skip other args (use the "UTC:" mask prefix)
if (arguments.length == 1 && Object.prototype.toString.call(date) == "[object String]" && !/\d/.test(date)) {
mask = date;
date = undefined;
// Passing date through Date applies Date.parse, if necessary
date = date ? new Date(date) : new Date;
if (isNaN(date)) throw SyntaxError("invalid date");
mask = String(dF.masks[mask] || mask || dF.masks["default"]);
// Allow setting the utc argument via the mask
if (mask.slice(0, 4) == "UTC:") {
mask = mask.slice(4);
utc = true;
var _ = utc ? "getUTC" : "get",
d = date[_ + "Date"](),
D = date[_ + "Day"](),
m = date[_ + "Month"](),
y = date[_ + "FullYear"](),
H = date[_ + "Hours"](),
M = date[_ + "Minutes"](),
s = date[_ + "Seconds"](),
L = date[_ + "Milliseconds"](),
o = utc ? 0 : date.getTimezoneOffset(),
flags = {
d: d,
dd: pad(d),
ddd: dF.i18n.dayNames[D],
dddd: dF.i18n.dayNames[D + 7],
m: m + 1,
mm: pad(m + 1),
mmm: dF.i18n.monthNames[m],
mmmm: dF.i18n.monthNames[m + 12],
yy: String(y).slice(2),
yyyy: y,
h: H % 12 || 12,
hh: pad(H % 12 || 12),
H: H,
HH: pad(H),
M: M,
MM: pad(M),
s: s,
ss: pad(s),
l: pad(L, 3),
L: pad(L > 99 ? Math.round(L / 10) : L),
t: H < 12 ? "a" : "p",
tt: H < 12 ? "am" : "pm",
T: H < 12 ? "A" : "P",
TT: H < 12 ? "AM" : "PM",
Z: utc ? "UTC" : (String(date).match(timezone) || [""]).pop().replace(timezoneClip, ""),
o: (o > 0 ? "-" : "+") + pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(o) / 60) * 100 + Math.abs(o) % 60, 4),
S: ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"][d % 10 > 3 ? 0 : (d % 100 - d % 10 != 10) * d % 10]
return mask.replace(token, function ($0)
return $0 in flags ? flags[$0] : $0.slice(1, $0.length - 1);
Graph.prototype.createLayersDialog = function()
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.position = 'absolute';
var model = this.getModel();
var childCount = model.getChildCount(model.root);
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
var span = document.createElement('div');
span.style.overflow = 'hidden';
span.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis';
span.style.padding = '2px';
span.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
var cb = document.createElement('input');
cb.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
if (model.isVisible(layer))
cb.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
cb.defaultChecked = true;
var title = layer.value || (mxResources.get('background') || 'Background');
span.setAttribute('title', title);
mxUtils.write(span, title);
mxEvent.addListener(cb, 'click', function()
if (cb.getAttribute('checked') != null)
cb.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
model.setVisible(layer, cb.checked);
}(model.getChildAt(model.root, i)));
return div;
* Private helper method.
Graph.prototype.replacePlaceholders = function(cell, str)
var result = [];
var last = 0;
while (match = this.placeholderPattern.exec(str))
var val = match[0];
if (val.length > 2 && val != '%label%' && val != '%tooltip%')
var tmp = null;
if (match.index > last && str.charAt(match.index - 1) == '%')
tmp = val.substring(1);
var name = val.substring(1, val.length - 1);
// Workaround for invalid char for getting attribute in older versions of IE
if (name.indexOf('{') < 0)
var current = cell;
while (tmp == null && current != null)
if (current.value != null && typeof(current.value) == 'object')
tmp = (current.hasAttribute(name)) ? ((current.getAttribute(name) != null) ?
current.getAttribute(name) : '') : null;
current = this.model.getParent(current);
if (tmp == null)
tmp = this.getGlobalVariable(name);
result.push(str.substring(last, match.index) + ((tmp != null) ? tmp : val));
last = match.index + val.length;
return result.join('');
* Selects cells for connect vertex return value.
Graph.prototype.selectCellsForConnectVertex = function(cells, evt, hoverIcons)
// Selects only target vertex if one exists
if (cells.length == 2 && this.model.isVertex(cells[1]))
if (hoverIcons != null)
// Adds hover icons to new target vertex for touch devices
if (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt))
// Hides hover icons after click with mouse
* Adds a connection to the given vertex.
Graph.prototype.connectVertex = function(source, direction, length, evt, forceClone, ignoreCellAt)
ignoreCellAt = (ignoreCellAt) ? ignoreCellAt : false;
var pt = (source.geometry.relative && source.parent.geometry != null) ?
new mxPoint(source.parent.geometry.width * source.geometry.x, source.parent.geometry.height * source.geometry.y) :
new mxPoint(source.geometry.x, source.geometry.y);
if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
pt.x += source.geometry.width / 2;
pt.y -= length ;
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
pt.x += source.geometry.width / 2;
pt.y += source.geometry.height + length;
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
pt.x -= length;
pt.y += source.geometry.height / 2;
pt.x += source.geometry.width + length;
pt.y += source.geometry.height / 2;
var parentState = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(source));
var s = this.view.scale;
var t = this.view.translate;
var dx = t.x * s;
var dy = t.y * s;
if (this.model.isVertex(parentState.cell))
dx = parentState.x;
dy = parentState.y;
// Workaround for relative child cells
if (this.model.isVertex(source.parent) && source.geometry.relative)
pt.x += source.parent.geometry.x;
pt.y += source.parent.geometry.y;
// Checks actual end point of edge for target cell
var target = (ignoreCellAt || (mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) && !forceClone)) ?
null : this.getCellAt(dx + pt.x * s, dy + pt.y * s);
if (this.model.isAncestor(target, source))
target = null;
// Checks if target or ancestor is locked
var temp = target;
while (temp != null)
if (this.isCellLocked(temp))
target = null;
temp = this.model.getParent(temp);
// Checks if source and target intersect
if (target != null)
var sourceState = this.view.getState(source);
var targetState = this.view.getState(target);
if (sourceState != null && targetState != null && mxUtils.intersects(sourceState, targetState))
target = null;
var duplicate = !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) || forceClone;
if (duplicate)
if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
pt.y -= source.geometry.height / 2;
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
pt.y += source.geometry.height / 2;
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
pt.x -= source.geometry.width / 2;
pt.x += source.geometry.width / 2;
// Uses connectable parent vertex if one exists
if (target != null && !this.isCellConnectable(target))
var parent = this.getModel().getParent(target);
if (this.getModel().isVertex(parent) && this.isCellConnectable(parent))
target = parent;
if (target == source || this.model.isEdge(target) || !this.isCellConnectable(target))
target = null;
var result = [];
var realTarget = target;
if (realTarget == null && duplicate)
// Handles relative children
var cellToClone = source;
var geo = this.getCellGeometry(source);
while (geo != null && geo.relative)
cellToClone = this.getModel().getParent(cellToClone);
geo = this.getCellGeometry(cellToClone);
// Handle consistuents for cloning
var state = this.view.getState(cellToClone);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(cellToClone);
if (mxUtils.getValue(style, 'part', false))
var tmpParent = this.model.getParent(cellToClone);
if (this.model.isVertex(tmpParent))
cellToClone = tmpParent;
realTarget = this.duplicateCells([cellToClone], false)[0];
var geo = this.getCellGeometry(realTarget);
if (geo != null)
geo.x = pt.x - geo.width / 2;
geo.y = pt.y - geo.height / 2;
// Never connects children in stack layouts
var layout = null;
if (this.layoutManager != null)
layout = this.layoutManager.getLayout(this.model.getParent(source));
var edge = ((mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) && duplicate) || (target == null && layout != null && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout)) ? null :
this.insertEdge(this.model.getParent(source), null, '', source, realTarget, this.createCurrentEdgeStyle());
// Inserts edge before source
if (edge != null && this.connectionHandler.insertBeforeSource)
var index = null;
var tmp = source;
while (tmp.parent != null && tmp.geometry != null &&
tmp.geometry.relative && tmp.parent != edge.parent)
tmp = this.model.getParent(tmp);
if (tmp != null && tmp.parent != null && tmp.parent == edge.parent)
var index = tmp.parent.getIndex(tmp);
tmp.parent.insert(edge, index);
// Special case: Click on west icon puts clone before cell
if (target == null && realTarget != null && layout != null && source.parent != null &&
layout.constructor == mxStackLayout && direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
var index = source.parent.getIndex(source);
source.parent.insert(realTarget, index);
if (edge != null)
// Uses elbow edges with vertical or horizontal direction
// var elbowValue = (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
// edge.style = mxUtils.setStyle(edge.style, 'edgeStyle', 'elbowEdgeStyle');
// edge.style = mxUtils.setStyle(edge.style, 'elbow', elbowValue);
if (target == null && realTarget != null)
if (realTarget == null && edge != null)
edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(pt, false);
if (edge != null)
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('cellsInserted', 'cells', [edge]));
return result;
* Returns all labels in the diagram as a string.
Graph.prototype.getIndexableText = function()
var tmp = document.createElement('div');
var labels = [];
var label = '';
for (var key in this.model.cells)
var cell = this.model.cells[key];
if (this.model.isVertex(cell) || this.model.isEdge(cell))
if (this.isHtmlLabel(cell))
tmp.innerHTML = this.getLabel(cell);
label = mxUtils.extractTextWithWhitespace([tmp]);
label = this.getLabel(cell);
label = mxUtils.trim(label.replace(/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]|\s+/g, ' '));
if (label.length > 0)
return labels.join(' ');
* Returns the label for the given cell.
Graph.prototype.convertValueToString = function(cell)
if (cell.value != null && typeof(cell.value) == 'object')
if (this.isReplacePlaceholders(cell) && cell.getAttribute('placeholder') != null)
var name = cell.getAttribute('placeholder');
var current = cell;
var result = null;
while (result == null && current != null)
if (current.value != null && typeof(current.value) == 'object')
result = (current.hasAttribute(name)) ? ((current.getAttribute(name) != null) ?
current.getAttribute(name) : '') : null;
current = this.model.getParent(current);
return result || '';
return cell.value.getAttribute('label');
return mxGraph.prototype.convertValueToString.apply(this, arguments);
* Returns the link for the given cell.
Graph.prototype.getLinkForCell = function(cell)
if (cell.value != null && typeof(cell.value) == 'object')
var link = cell.value.getAttribute('link');
// Removes links with leading javascript: protocol
// TODO: Check more possible attack vectors
if (link != null && link.toLowerCase().substring(0, 11) === 'javascript:')
link = link.substring(11);
return link;
return null;
* Overrides label orientation for collapsed swimlanes inside stack.
Graph.prototype.getCellStyle = function(cell)
var style = mxGraph.prototype.getCellStyle.apply(this, arguments);
if (cell != null && this.layoutManager != null)
var parent = this.model.getParent(cell);
if (this.model.isVertex(parent) && this.isCellCollapsed(cell))
var layout = this.layoutManager.getLayout(parent);
if (layout != null && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout)
style[mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL] = !layout.horizontal;
return style;
* Disables alternate width persistence for stack layout parents
Graph.prototype.updateAlternateBounds = function(cell, geo, willCollapse)
if (cell != null && geo != null && this.layoutManager != null && geo.alternateBounds != null)
var layout = this.layoutManager.getLayout(this.model.getParent(cell));
if (layout != null && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout)
if (layout.horizontal)
geo.alternateBounds.height = 0;
geo.alternateBounds.width = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.updateAlternateBounds.apply(this, arguments);
* Adds Shift+collapse/expand and size management for folding inside stack
Graph.prototype.isMoveCellsEvent = function(evt)
return mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt);
* Adds Shift+collapse/expand and size management for folding inside stack
Graph.prototype.foldCells = function(collapse, recurse, cells, checkFoldable, evt)
recurse = (recurse != null) ? recurse : false;
if (cells == null)
cells = this.getFoldableCells(this.getSelectionCells(), collapse);
if (cells != null)
mxGraph.prototype.foldCells.apply(this, arguments);
// Resizes all parent stacks if alt is not pressed
if (this.layoutManager != null)
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
var state = this.view.getState(cells[i]);
var geo = this.getCellGeometry(cells[i]);
if (state != null && geo != null)
var dx = Math.round(geo.width - state.width / this.view.scale);
var dy = Math.round(geo.height - state.height / this.view.scale);
if (dy != 0 || dx != 0)
var parent = this.model.getParent(cells[i]);
var layout = this.layoutManager.getLayout(parent);
if (layout == null)
// Moves cells to the right and down after collapse/expand
if (evt != null && this.isMoveCellsEvent(evt))
this.moveSiblings(state, parent, dx, dy);
else if ((evt == null || !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt)) && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout && !layout.resizeLast)
this.resizeParentStacks(parent, layout, dx, dy);
// Selects cells after folding
if (this.isEnabled())
* Overrides label orientation for collapsed swimlanes inside stack.
Graph.prototype.moveSiblings = function(state, parent, dx, dy)
var cells = this.getCellsBeyond(state.x, state.y, parent, true, true);
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (cells[i] != state.cell)
var tmp = this.view.getState(cells[i]);
var geo = this.getCellGeometry(cells[i]);
if (tmp != null && geo != null)
geo = geo.clone();
geo.translate(Math.round(dx * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (tmp.x - state.x) / state.width))),
Math.round(dy * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (tmp.y - state.y) / state.height))));
this.model.setGeometry(cells[i], geo);
* Overrides label orientation for collapsed swimlanes inside stack.
Graph.prototype.resizeParentStacks = function(parent, layout, dx, dy)
if (this.layoutManager != null && layout != null && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout && !layout.resizeLast)
var dir = layout.horizontal;
// Bubble resize up for all parent stack layouts with same orientation
while (parent != null && layout != null && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout &&
layout.horizontal == dir && !layout.resizeLast)
var pgeo = this.getCellGeometry(parent);
var pstate = this.view.getState(parent);
if (pstate != null && pgeo != null)
pgeo = pgeo.clone();
if (layout.horizontal)
pgeo.width += dx + Math.min(0, pstate.width / this.view.scale - pgeo.width);
pgeo.height += dy + Math.min(0, pstate.height / this.view.scale - pgeo.height);
this.model.setGeometry(parent, pgeo);
parent = this.model.getParent(parent);
layout = this.layoutManager.getLayout(parent);
* Disables drill-down for non-swimlanes.
Graph.prototype.isContainer = function(cell)
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(cell);
if (this.isSwimlane(cell))
return style['container'] != '0';
return style['container'] == '1';
* Adds a connectable style.
Graph.prototype.isCellConnectable = function(cell)
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(cell);
return (style['connectable'] != null) ? style['connectable'] != '0' :
mxGraph.prototype.isCellConnectable.apply(this, arguments);
* Function: selectAll
* Selects all children of the given parent cell or the children of the
* default parent if no parent is specified. To select leaf vertices and/or
* edges use <selectCells>.
* Parameters:
* parent - Optional <mxCell> whose children should be selected.
* Default is <defaultParent>.
Graph.prototype.selectAll = function(parent)
parent = parent || this.getDefaultParent();
if (!this.isCellLocked(parent))
mxGraph.prototype.selectAll.apply(this, arguments);
* Function: selectCells
* Selects all vertices and/or edges depending on the given boolean
* arguments recursively, starting at the given parent or the default
* parent if no parent is specified. Use <selectAll> to select all cells.
* For vertices, only cells with no children are selected.
* Parameters:
* vertices - Boolean indicating if vertices should be selected.
* edges - Boolean indicating if edges should be selected.
* parent - Optional <mxCell> that acts as the root of the recursion.
* Default is <defaultParent>.
Graph.prototype.selectCells = function(vertices, edges, parent)
parent = parent || this.getDefaultParent();
if (!this.isCellLocked(parent))
mxGraph.prototype.selectCells.apply(this, arguments);
* Function: getSwimlaneAt
* Returns the bottom-most swimlane that intersects the given point (x, y)
* in the cell hierarchy that starts at the given parent.
* Parameters:
* x - X-coordinate of the location to be checked.
* y - Y-coordinate of the location to be checked.
* parent - <mxCell> that should be used as the root of the recursion.
* Default is <defaultParent>.
Graph.prototype.getSwimlaneAt = function (x, y, parent)
parent = parent || this.getDefaultParent();
if (!this.isCellLocked(parent))
return mxGraph.prototype.getSwimlaneAt.apply(this, arguments);
return null;
* Disables folding for non-swimlanes.
Graph.prototype.isCellFoldable = function(cell)
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(cell);
return this.foldingEnabled && !this.isCellLocked(cell) &&
((this.isContainer(cell) && style['collapsible'] != '0') ||
(!this.isContainer(cell) && style['collapsible'] == '1'));
* Stops all interactions and clears the selection.
Graph.prototype.reset = function()
if (this.isEditing())
if (!this.isSelectionEmpty())
* Overridden to limit zoom to 1% - 16.000%.
Graph.prototype.zoom = function(factor, center)
factor = Math.max(0.01, Math.min(this.view.scale * factor, 160)) / this.view.scale;
mxGraph.prototype.zoom.apply(this, arguments);
* Function: zoomIn
* Zooms into the graph by <zoomFactor>.
Graph.prototype.zoomIn = function()
// Switches to 1% zoom steps below 15%
if (this.view.scale < 0.15)
this.zoom((this.view.scale + 0.01) / this.view.scale);
// Uses to 5% zoom steps for better grid rendering in webkit
// and to avoid rounding errors for zoom steps
this.zoom((Math.round(this.view.scale * this.zoomFactor * 20) / 20) / this.view.scale);
* Function: zoomOut
* Zooms out of the graph by <zoomFactor>.
Graph.prototype.zoomOut = function()
// Switches to 1% zoom steps below 15%
if (this.view.scale <= 0.15)
this.zoom((this.view.scale - 0.01) / this.view.scale);
// Uses to 5% zoom steps for better grid rendering in webkit
// and to avoid rounding errors for zoom steps
this.zoom((Math.round(this.view.scale * (1 / this.zoomFactor) * 20) / 20) / this.view.scale);
* Overrides tooltips to show custom tooltip or metadata.
Graph.prototype.getTooltipForCell = function(cell)
var tip = '';
if (mxUtils.isNode(cell.value))
var tmp = cell.value.getAttribute('tooltip');
if (tmp != null)
if (tmp != null && this.isReplacePlaceholders(cell))
tmp = this.replacePlaceholders(cell, tmp);
tip = this.sanitizeHtml(tmp);
var ignored = ['label', 'tooltip', 'placeholders', 'placeholder'];
var attrs = cell.value.attributes;
// Hides links in edit mode
if (this.isEnabled())
for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++)
if (mxUtils.indexOf(ignored, attrs[i].nodeName) < 0 && attrs[i].nodeValue.length > 0)
tip += ((attrs[i].nodeName != 'link') ? attrs[i].nodeName + ':' : '') +
mxUtils.htmlEntities(attrs[i].nodeValue) + '\n';
if (tip.length > 0)
tip = tip.substring(0, tip.length - 1);
return tip;
* Turns the given string into an array.
Graph.prototype.stringToBytes = function(str)
var arr = new Array(str.length);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return arr;
* Turns the given array into a string.
Graph.prototype.bytesToString = function(arr)
var result = new Array(arr.length);
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
result[i] = String.fromCharCode(arr[i]);
return result.join('');
* Returns a base64 encoded version of the compressed string.
Graph.prototype.compress = function(data)
if (data == null || data.length == 0 || typeof(pako) === 'undefined')
return data;
var tmp = this.bytesToString(pako.deflateRaw(encodeURIComponent(data)));
return (window.btoa) ? btoa(tmp) : Base64.encode(tmp, true);
* Returns a decompressed version of the base64 encoded string.
Graph.prototype.decompress = function(data)
if (data == null || data.length == 0 || typeof(pako) === 'undefined')
return data;
var tmp = (window.atob) ? atob(data) : Base64.decode(data, true);
return this.zapGremlins(decodeURIComponent(
* Removes all illegal control characters with ASCII code <32 except TAB, LF
* and CR.
Graph.prototype.zapGremlins = function(text)
var checked = [];
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++)
var code = text.charCodeAt(i);
// Removes all control chars except TAB, LF and CR
if (code >= 32 || code == 9 || code == 10 || code == 13)
return checked.join('');
* Hover icons are used for hover, vertex handler and drag from sidebar.
HoverIcons = function(graph)
this.graph = graph;
* Up arrow.
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowSpacing = 6;
* Delay to switch to another state for overlapping bbox. Default is 500ms.
HoverIcons.prototype.updateDelay = 500;
* Delay to switch between states. Default is 140ms.
HoverIcons.prototype.activationDelay = 140;
* Up arrow.
HoverIcons.prototype.currentState = null;
* Up arrow.
HoverIcons.prototype.activeArrow = null;
* Up arrow.
HoverIcons.prototype.inactiveOpacity = 15;
* Whether to hide arrows that collide with vertices.
* LATER: Add keyboard override, touch support.
HoverIcons.prototype.checkCollisions = true;
* Up arrow.
HoverIcons.prototype.triangleUp = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/triangle-up.png', 26, 14);
* Right arrow.
HoverIcons.prototype.triangleRight = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '':
IMAGE_PATH + '/triangle-right.png', 14, 26);
* Down arrow.
HoverIcons.prototype.triangleDown = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/triangle-down.png', 26, 14);
* Left arrow.
HoverIcons.prototype.triangleLeft = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/triangle-left.png', 14, 26);
* Round target.
HoverIcons.prototype.roundDrop = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/round-drop.png', 26, 26);
* Refresh target.
HoverIcons.prototype.refreshTarget = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/refresh.png', 38, 38);
HoverIcons.prototype.init = function()
this.arrowUp = this.createArrow(this.triangleUp, mxResources.get('plusTooltip'));
this.arrowRight = this.createArrow(this.triangleRight, mxResources.get('plusTooltip'));
this.arrowDown = this.createArrow(this.triangleDown, mxResources.get('plusTooltip'));
this.arrowLeft = this.createArrow(this.triangleLeft, mxResources.get('plusTooltip'));
this.elts = [this.arrowUp, this.arrowRight, this.arrowDown, this.arrowLeft];
this.repaintHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
this.graph.selectionModel.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.DOWN, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.UP, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.ROOT, this.repaintHandler);
// Resets the mouse point on escape
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.ESCAPE, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
this.mouseDownPoint = null;
// Removes hover icons if mouse leaves the container
mxEvent.addListener(this.graph.container, 'mouseleave', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
// Workaround for IE11 firing mouseleave for touch in diagram
if (evt.relatedTarget != null && mxEvent.getSource(evt) == this.graph.container)
// Resets current state after update of selection state for touch events
var graphClick = this.graph.click;
this.graph.click = mxUtils.bind(this, function(me)
graphClick.apply(this.graph, arguments);
if (this.currentState != null && !this.graph.isCellSelected(this.currentState.cell) &&
mxEvent.isTouchEvent(me.getEvent()) && !this.graph.model.isVertex(me.getCell()))
// Checks if connection handler was active in mouse move
// as workaround for possible double connection inserted
var connectionHandlerActive = false;
// Implements a listener for hover and click handling
mouseDown: mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, me)
connectionHandlerActive = false;
var evt = me.getEvent();
if (this.isResetEvent(evt))
else if (!this.isActive())
var state = this.getState(me.getState());
if (state != null || !mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt))
mouseMove: mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, me)
var evt = me.getEvent();
if (this.isResetEvent(evt))
else if (!this.graph.isMouseDown && !mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt))
this.update(this.getState(me.getState()), me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY());
if (this.graph.connectionHandler != null && this.graph.connectionHandler.shape != null)
connectionHandlerActive = true;
mouseUp: mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, me)
var evt = me.getEvent();
if (this.isResetEvent(evt))
else if (this.isActive() && this.mouseDownPoint != null &&
Math.abs(me.getGraphX() - this.mouseDownPoint.x) < this.graph.tolerance &&
Math.abs(me.getGraphY() - this.mouseDownPoint.y) < this.graph.tolerance)
// Executes click event on highlighted arrow
if (!connectionHandlerActive)
this.click(this.currentState, this.getDirection(), me);
else if (this.isActive())
// Selects target vertex after drag and clone if not only new edge was inserted
if (this.graph.getSelectionCount() != 1 || !this.graph.model.isEdge(this.graph.getSelectionCell()))
this.update(this.getState(this.graph.view.getState(this.graph.getCellAt(me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY()))));
else if (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt) || (this.bbox != null && mxUtils.contains(this.bbox, me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY())))
// Shows existing hover icons if inside bounding box
else if (!mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt))
connectionHandlerActive = false;
HoverIcons.prototype.isResetEvent = function(evt, allowShift)
return mxEvent.isAltDown(evt) || (this.activeArrow == null && mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) ||
mxEvent.isMetaDown(evt) || (mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(evt) && !mxEvent.isControlDown(evt));
HoverIcons.prototype.createArrow = function(img, tooltip)
var arrow = null;
if (mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_SVG)
// Workaround for PNG images in IE6
if (mxClient.IS_IE6 && document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat')
arrow = document.createElement(mxClient.VML_PREFIX + ':image');
arrow.setAttribute('src', img.src);
arrow.style.borderStyle = 'none';
arrow = document.createElement('div');
arrow.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + img.src + ')';
arrow.style.backgroundPosition = 'center';
arrow.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
arrow.style.width = (img.width + 4) + 'px';
arrow.style.height = (img.height + 4) + 'px';
arrow.style.display = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? 'inline' : 'inline-block';
arrow = mxUtils.createImage(img.src);
arrow.style.width = img.width + 'px';
arrow.style.height = img.height + 'px';
if (tooltip != null)
arrow.setAttribute('title', tooltip);
arrow.style.position = 'absolute';
arrow.style.cursor = 'crosshair';
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(arrow, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (this.currentState != null && !this.isResetEvent(evt))
this.mouseDownPoint = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container,
mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt));
this.drag(evt, this.mouseDownPoint.x, this.mouseDownPoint.y);
this.activeArrow = arrow;
// Captures mouse events as events on graph
mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(arrow, this.graph, this.currentState);
mxEvent.addListener(arrow, 'mouseenter', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
// Workaround for Firefox firing mouseenter on touchend
if (mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt))
if (this.activeArrow != null && this.activeArrow != arrow)
mxUtils.setOpacity(this.activeArrow, this.inactiveOpacity);
mxUtils.setOpacity(arrow, 100);
this.activeArrow = arrow;
mxEvent.addListener(arrow, 'mouseleave', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
// Workaround for IE11 firing this event on touch
if (!this.graph.isMouseDown)
return arrow;
HoverIcons.prototype.resetActiveArrow = function()
if (this.activeArrow != null)
mxUtils.setOpacity(this.activeArrow, this.inactiveOpacity);
this.activeArrow = null;
HoverIcons.prototype.getDirection = function()
var dir = mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
if (this.activeArrow == this.arrowUp)
dir = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
else if (this.activeArrow == this.arrowDown)
dir = mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
else if (this.activeArrow == this.arrowLeft)
dir = mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST;
return dir;
HoverIcons.prototype.visitNodes = function(visitor)
for (var i = 0; i < this.elts.length; i++)
if (this.elts[i] != null)
HoverIcons.prototype.removeNodes = function()
if (elt.parentNode != null)
HoverIcons.prototype.setDisplay = function(display)
elt.style.display = display;
HoverIcons.prototype.isActive = function()
return this.activeArrow != null && this.currentState != null;
HoverIcons.prototype.drag = function(evt, x, y)
// Checks if state was removed in call to stopEditing above
if (this.currentState != null)
this.graph.connectionHandler.start(this.currentState, x, y);
this.graph.isMouseTrigger = mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt);
this.graph.isMouseDown = true;
// Hides handles for selection cell
var handler = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(this.currentState.cell);
if (handler != null)
// Uses elbow edges with vertical or horizontal direction
// var direction = this.getDirection();
// var elbowValue = (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
// var es = this.graph.connectionHandler.edgeState;
// es.style['edgeStyle'] = 'elbowEdgeStyle';
// es.style['elbow'] = elbowValue;
// es.cell.style = mxUtils.setStyle(es.cell.style, 'edgeStyle', es.style['edgeStyle']);
// es.cell.style = mxUtils.setStyle(es.cell.style, 'elbow', es.style['elbow']);
HoverIcons.prototype.getStateAt = function(state, x, y)
return this.graph.view.getState(this.graph.getCellAt(x, y));
HoverIcons.prototype.click = function(state, dir, me)
var evt = me.getEvent();
var x = me.getGraphX();
var y = me.getGraphY();
var tmp = this.getStateAt(state, x, y);
if (tmp != null && this.graph.model.isEdge(tmp.cell) && !mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) &&
(tmp.getVisibleTerminalState(true) == state || tmp.getVisibleTerminalState(false) == state))
else if (state != null)
var cells = this.graph.connectVertex(state.cell, dir, this.graph.defaultEdgeLength, evt);
this.graph.selectCellsForConnectVertex(cells, evt, this);
// Selects only target vertex if one exists
if (cells.length == 2 && this.graph.model.isVertex(cells[1]))
// Adds hover icons to new target vertex for touch devices
if (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt))
// Hides hover icons after click with mouse
HoverIcons.prototype.reset = function(clearTimeout)
clearTimeout = (clearTimeout == null) ? true : clearTimeout;
if (clearTimeout && this.updateThread != null)
this.mouseDownPoint = null;
this.currentState = null;
this.activeArrow = null;
this.bbox = null;
HoverIcons.prototype.repaint = function()
this.bbox = null;
if (this.currentState != null)
// Checks if cell was deleted
this.currentState = this.getState(this.currentState);
// Cell was deleted
if (this.currentState != null &&
this.graph.model.isVertex(this.currentState.cell) &&
var bds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.currentState);
// Uses outer bounding box to take rotation into account
if (this.currentState.shape != null && this.currentState.shape.boundingBox != null)
bds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.currentState.shape.boundingBox);
var handler = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(this.currentState.cell);
if (handler != null)
bds.x -= handler.horizontalOffset / 2;
bds.y -= handler.verticalOffset / 2;
bds.width += handler.horizontalOffset;
bds.height += handler.verticalOffset;
// Adds bounding box of rotation handle to avoid overlap
if (handler.rotationShape != null && handler.rotationShape.node != null &&
handler.rotationShape.node.style.visibility != 'hidden' &&
handler.rotationShape.node.style.display != 'none' &&
handler.rotationShape.boundingBox != null)
this.arrowUp.style.left = Math.round(this.currentState.getCenterX() - this.triangleUp.width / 2) + 'px';
this.arrowUp.style.top = Math.round(bds.y - this.triangleUp.height) + 'px';
mxUtils.setOpacity(this.arrowUp, this.inactiveOpacity);
this.arrowRight.style.left = Math.round(bds.x + bds.width) + 'px';
this.arrowRight.style.top = Math.round(this.currentState.getCenterY() - this.triangleRight.height / 2) + 'px';
mxUtils.setOpacity(this.arrowRight, this.inactiveOpacity);
this.arrowDown.style.left = this.arrowUp.style.left
this.arrowDown.style.top = Math.round(bds.y + bds.height) + 'px';
mxUtils.setOpacity(this.arrowDown, this.inactiveOpacity);
this.arrowLeft.style.left = Math.round(bds.x - this.triangleLeft.width) + 'px';
this.arrowLeft.style.top = this.arrowRight.style.top;
mxUtils.setOpacity(this.arrowLeft, this.inactiveOpacity);
if (this.checkCollisions)
var right = this.graph.getCellAt(bds.x + bds.width +
this.triangleRight.width / 2, this.currentState.getCenterY());
var left = this.graph.getCellAt(bds.x - this.triangleLeft.width / 2, this.currentState.getCenterY());
var top = this.graph.getCellAt(this.currentState.getCenterX(), bds.y - this.triangleUp.height / 2);
var bottom = this.graph.getCellAt(this.currentState.getCenterX(), bds.y + bds.height + this.triangleDown.height / 2);
// Shows hover icons large cell is behind all directions of current cell
if (right != null && right == left && left == top && top == bottom)
right = null;
left = null;
top = null;
bottom = null;
var currentGeo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(this.currentState.cell);
var checkCollision = mxUtils.bind(this, function(cell, arrow)
var geo = this.graph.model.isVertex(cell) && this.graph.getCellGeometry(cell);
// Ignores collision if vertex is more than 3 times the size of this vertex
if (cell != null && !this.graph.model.isAncestor(cell, this.currentState.cell) &&
(geo == null || currentGeo == null || (geo.height < 6 * currentGeo.height &&
geo.width < 6 * currentGeo.width)))
arrow.style.visibility = 'hidden';
arrow.style.visibility = 'visible';
checkCollision(right, this.arrowRight);
checkCollision(left, this.arrowLeft);
checkCollision(top, this.arrowUp);
checkCollision(bottom, this.arrowDown);
this.arrowLeft.style.visibility = 'visible';
this.arrowRight.style.visibility = 'visible';
this.arrowUp.style.visibility = 'visible';
this.arrowDown.style.visibility = 'visible';
if (this.graph.tooltipHandler.isEnabled())
this.arrowLeft.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('plusTooltip'));
this.arrowRight.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('plusTooltip'));
this.arrowUp.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('plusTooltip'));
this.arrowDown.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('plusTooltip'));
// Updates bounding box
if (this.currentState != null)
this.bbox = this.computeBoundingBox();
// Adds tolerance for hover
if (this.bbox != null)
HoverIcons.prototype.computeBoundingBox = function()
var bbox = (!this.graph.model.isEdge(this.currentState.cell)) ? mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.currentState) : null;
if (elt.parentNode != null)
var tmp = new mxRectangle(elt.offsetLeft, elt.offsetTop, elt.offsetWidth, elt.offsetHeight);
if (bbox == null)
bbox = tmp;
return bbox;
HoverIcons.prototype.getState = function(state)
if (state != null)
var cell = state.cell;
// Uses connectable parent vertex if child is not connectable
if (this.graph.getModel().isVertex(cell) && !this.graph.isCellConnectable(cell))
var parent = this.graph.getModel().getParent(cell);
if (this.graph.getModel().isVertex(parent) && this.graph.isCellConnectable(parent))
cell = parent;
// Ignores locked cells and edges
if (this.graph.isCellLocked(cell) || this.graph.model.isEdge(cell))
cell = null;
state = this.graph.view.getState(cell);
return state;
HoverIcons.prototype.update = function(state, x, y)
if (!this.graph.connectionArrowsEnabled)
var timeOnTarget = null;
// Time on target
if (this.prev != state || this.isActive())
this.startTime = new Date().getTime();
this.prev = state;
timeOnTarget = 0;
if (this.updateThread != null)
if (state != null)
// Starts timer to update current state with no mouse events
this.updateThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function()
if (!this.isActive() && !this.graph.isMouseDown &&
this.prev = state;
this.update(state, x, y);
}), this.updateDelay + 10);
else if (this.startTime != null)
timeOnTarget = new Date().getTime() - this.startTime;
if (this.currentState != null && this.currentState != state && timeOnTarget < this.activationDelay &&
this.bbox != null && !mxUtils.contains(this.bbox, x, y))
else if (this.currentState != null || timeOnTarget > this.activationDelay)
if (this.currentState != state && ((timeOnTarget > this.updateDelay && state != null) ||
this.bbox == null || x == null || y == null || !mxUtils.contains(this.bbox, x, y)))
if (state != null && this.graph.isEnabled())
// Resets connection points on other focused cells
if (this.graph.connectionHandler.constraintHandler.currentFocus != state)
HoverIcons.prototype.setCurrentState = function(state)
if (state.style['portConstraint'] != 'eastwest')
this.currentState = state;
* Adds support for snapToPoint style.
var mxGraphViewUpdateFloatingTerminalPoint = mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint = function(edge, start, end, source)
if (start != null && edge != null &&
(start.style['snapToPoint'] == '1' ||
edge.style['snapToPoint'] == '1'))
start = this.getTerminalPort(edge, start, source);
var next = this.getNextPoint(edge, end, source);
var orth = this.graph.isOrthogonal(edge);
var alpha = mxUtils.toRadians(Number(start.style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0'));
var center = new mxPoint(start.getCenterX(), start.getCenterY());
if (alpha != 0)
var cos = Math.cos(-alpha);
var sin = Math.sin(-alpha);
next = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(next, cos, sin, center);
var border = parseFloat(edge.style[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER_SPACING] || 0);
border += parseFloat(edge.style[(source) ?
var pt = this.getPerimeterPoint(start, next, alpha == 0 && orth, border);
if (alpha != 0)
var cos = Math.cos(alpha);
var sin = Math.sin(alpha);
pt = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(pt, cos, sin, center);
edge.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(this.snapToAnchorPoint(edge, start, end, source, pt), source);
mxGraphViewUpdateFloatingTerminalPoint.apply(this, arguments);
mxGraphView.prototype.snapToAnchorPoint = function(edge, start, end, source, pt)
if (start != null && edge != null)
var constraints = this.graph.getAllConnectionConstraints(start)
var nearest = null;
var dist = null;
for (var i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++)
var cp = this.graph.getConnectionPoint(start, constraints[i]);
if (cp != null)
var tmp = (cp.x - pt.x) * (cp.x - pt.x) + (cp.y - pt.y) * (cp.y - pt.y);
if (dist == null || tmp < dist)
nearest = cp;
dist = tmp;
if (nearest != null)
pt = nearest;
return pt;
* Adds support for placeholders in text elements of shapes.
var mxStencilEvaluateTextAttribute = mxStencil.prototype.evaluateTextAttribute;
mxStencil.prototype.evaluateTextAttribute = function(node, attribute, shape)
var result = mxStencilEvaluateTextAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
var placeholders = node.getAttribute('placeholders');
if (placeholders == '1' && shape.state != null)
result = shape.state.view.graph.replacePlaceholders(shape.state.cell, result);
return result;
* Adds custom stencils defined via shape=stencil(value) style. The value is a base64 encoded, compressed and
* URL encoded XML definition of the shape according to the stencil definition language of mxGraph.
* Needs to be in this file to make sure its part of the embed client code. Also the check for ZLib is
* different than for the Editor code.
var mxCellRendererCreateShape = mxCellRenderer.prototype.createShape;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.createShape = function(state)
if (state.style != null && typeof(pako) !== 'undefined')
var shape = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null);
// Extracts and decodes stencil XML if shape has the form shape=stencil(value)
if (shape != null && shape.substring(0, 8) == 'stencil(')
var stencil = shape.substring(8, shape.length - 1);
var doc = mxUtils.parseXml(state.view.graph.decompress(stencil));
return new mxShape(new mxStencil(doc.documentElement));
catch (e)
if (window.console != null)
console.log('Error in shape: ' + e);
return mxCellRendererCreateShape.apply(this, arguments);
* Overrides stencil registry for dynamic loading of stencils.
* Maps from library names to an array of Javascript filenames,
* which are synchronously loaded. Currently only stencil files
* (.xml) and JS files (.js) are supported.
* IMPORTANT: For embedded diagrams to work entries must also
* be added in EmbedServlet.java.
mxStencilRegistry.libraries = {};
* Global switch to disable dynamic loading.
mxStencilRegistry.dynamicLoading = true;
* Stores all package names that have been dynamically loaded.
* Each package is only loaded once.
mxStencilRegistry.packages = [];
// Extends the default stencil registry to add dynamic loading
mxStencilRegistry.getStencil = function(name)
var result = mxStencilRegistry.stencils[name];
if (result == null && mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[name] == null && mxStencilRegistry.dynamicLoading)
var basename = mxStencilRegistry.getBasenameForStencil(name);
// Loads stencil files and tries again
if (basename != null)
var libs = mxStencilRegistry.libraries[basename];
if (libs != null)
if (mxStencilRegistry.packages[basename] == null)
mxStencilRegistry.packages[basename] = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < libs.length; i++)
var fname = libs[i];
if (fname.toLowerCase().substring(fname.length - 4, fname.length) == '.xml')
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(fname, null);
else if (fname.toLowerCase().substring(fname.length - 3, fname.length) == '.js')
var req = mxUtils.load(fname);
if (req != null && req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299)
eval.call(window, req.getText());
catch (e)
if (window.console != null)
console.log('error in getStencil:', fname, e);
// FIXME: This does not yet work as the loading is triggered after
// the shape was used in the graph, at which point the keys have
// typically been translated in the calling method.
// Replaces '_-_' with '_'
basename = basename.replace('_-_', '_');
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(STENCIL_PATH + '/' + basename + '.xml', null);
result = mxStencilRegistry.stencils[name];
return result;
// Returns the basename for the given stencil or null if no file must be
// loaded to render the given stencil.
mxStencilRegistry.getBasenameForStencil = function(name)
var tmp = null;
if (name != null)
var parts = name.split('.');
if (parts.length > 0 && parts[0] == 'mxgraph')
tmp = parts[1];
for (var i = 2; i < parts.length - 1; i++)
tmp += '/' + parts[i];
return tmp;
// Loads the given stencil set
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet = function(stencilFile, postStencilLoad, force, async)
force = (force != null) ? force : false;
// Uses additional cache for detecting previous load attempts
var xmlDoc = mxStencilRegistry.packages[stencilFile];
if (force || xmlDoc == null)
var install = false;
if (xmlDoc == null)
if (async)
var req = mxUtils.get(stencilFile, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req)
if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299)
xmlDoc = req.getXml();
mxStencilRegistry.packages[stencilFile] = xmlDoc;
install = true;
if (xmlDoc != null && xmlDoc.documentElement != null)
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet(xmlDoc.documentElement, postStencilLoad, install);
var req = mxUtils.load(stencilFile);
xmlDoc = req.getXml();
mxStencilRegistry.packages[stencilFile] = xmlDoc;
install = true;
catch (e)
if (window.console != null)
console.log('error in loadStencilSet:', stencilFile, e);
if (xmlDoc != null && xmlDoc.documentElement != null)
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet(xmlDoc.documentElement, postStencilLoad, install);
// Takes array of strings
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSets = function(stencils)
for (var i = 0; i < stencils.length; i++)
// Parses the given stencil set
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet = function(root, postStencilLoad, install)
if (root.nodeName == 'stencils')
var shapes = root.firstChild;
while (shapes != null)
if (shapes.nodeName == 'shapes')
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet(shapes, postStencilLoad, install);
shapes = shapes.nextSibling;
install = (install != null) ? install : true;
var shape = root.firstChild;
var packageName = '';
var name = root.getAttribute('name');
if (name != null)
packageName = name + '.';
while (shape != null)
if (shape.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT)
name = shape.getAttribute('name');
if (name != null)
packageName = packageName.toLowerCase();
var stencilName = name.replace(/ /g,"_");
if (install)
mxStencilRegistry.addStencil(packageName + stencilName.toLowerCase(), new mxStencil(shape));
if (postStencilLoad != null)
var w = shape.getAttribute('w');
var h = shape.getAttribute('h');
w = (w == null) ? 80 : parseInt(w, 10);
h = (h == null) ? 80 : parseInt(h, 10);
postStencilLoad(packageName, stencilName, name, w, h);
shape = shape.nextSibling;
* These overrides are only added if mxVertexHandler is defined (ie. not in embedded graph)
if (typeof mxVertexHandler != 'undefined')
// Sets colors for handles
mxConstants.HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#99ccff';
mxConstants.HANDLE_STROKECOLOR = '#0088cf';
mxConstants.VERTEX_SELECTION_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#99ccff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_HANDLE_STROKECOLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.CONNECT_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#cee7ff';
mxConstants.EDGE_SELECTION_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.LABEL_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#cee7ff';
mxConstants.GUIDE_COLOR = '#0088cf';
mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY = 30;
mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_SIZE = 8;
//Enables snapping to off-grid terminals for edge waypoints
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.snapToTerminals = true;
//Enables guides
mxGraphHandler.prototype.guidesEnabled = true;
//Alt-move disables guides
mxGuide.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function(evt)
return !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt);
// Extends connection handler to enable ctrl+drag for cloning source cell
// since copyOnConnect is now disabled by default
var mxConnectionHandlerCreateTarget = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget = function(evt)
return mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) || mxConnectionHandlerCreateTarget.apply(this, arguments);
// Overrides highlight shape for connection points
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.createHighlightShape = function()
var hl = new mxEllipse(null, this.highlightColor, this.highlightColor, 0);
hl.opacity = mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY;
return hl;
// Overrides edge preview to use current edge shape and default style
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.livePreview = true;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.cursor = 'crosshair';
// Uses current edge style for connect preview
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function(me)
var style = this.graph.createCurrentEdgeStyle();
var edge = this.graph.createEdge(null, null, null, null, null, style);
var state = new mxCellState(this.graph.view, edge, this.graph.getCellStyle(edge));
for (var key in this.graph.currentEdgeStyle)
state.style[key] = this.graph.currentEdgeStyle[key];
return state;
// Overrides dashed state with current edge style
var connectionHandlerCreateShape = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createShape;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createShape = function()
var shape = connectionHandlerCreateShape.apply(this, arguments);
shape.isDashed = this.graph.currentEdgeStyle[mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED] == '1';
return shape;
// Overrides live preview to keep current style
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updatePreview = function(valid)
// do not change color of preview
// Overrides connection handler to ignore edges instead of not allowing connections
var mxConnectionHandlerCreateMarker = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function()
var marker = mxConnectionHandlerCreateMarker.apply(this, arguments);
var markerGetCell = marker.getCell;
marker.getCell = mxUtils.bind(this, function(me)
var result = markerGetCell.apply(this, arguments);
this.error = null;
return result;
return marker;
Graph.prototype.defaultVertexStyle = {};
* Contains the default style for edges.
Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeStyle = {'edgeStyle': 'orthogonalEdgeStyle', 'rounded': '0',
'jettySize': 'auto', 'orthogonalLoop': '1'};
* Returns the current edge style as a string.
Graph.prototype.createCurrentEdgeStyle = function()
var style = 'edgeStyle=' + (this.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] || 'none') + ';';
if (this.currentEdgeStyle['shape'] != null)
style += 'shape=' + this.currentEdgeStyle['shape'] + ';';
if (this.currentEdgeStyle['curved'] != null)
style += 'curved=' + this.currentEdgeStyle['curved'] + ';';
if (this.currentEdgeStyle['rounded'] != null)
style += 'rounded=' + this.currentEdgeStyle['rounded'] + ';';
if (this.currentEdgeStyle['comic'] != null)
style += 'comic=' + this.currentEdgeStyle['comic'] + ';';
// Special logic for custom property of elbowEdgeStyle
if (this.currentEdgeStyle['edgeStyle'] == 'elbowEdgeStyle' && this.currentEdgeStyle['elbow'] != null)
style += 'elbow=' + this.currentEdgeStyle['elbow'] + ';';
if (this.currentEdgeStyle['html'] != null)
style += 'html=' + this.currentEdgeStyle['html'] + ';';
style += 'html=1;';
return style;
* Hook for subclassers.
Graph.prototype.getPagePadding = function()
return new mxPoint(0, 0);
* Loads the stylesheet for this graph.
Graph.prototype.loadStylesheet = function()
var node = (this.themes != null) ? this.themes[this.defaultThemeName] :
(!mxStyleRegistry.dynamicLoading) ? null :
mxUtils.load(STYLE_PATH + '/default.xml').getDocumentElement();
if (node != null)
var dec = new mxCodec(node.ownerDocument);
dec.decode(node, this.getStylesheet());
* Overrides method to provide connection constraints for shapes.
Graph.prototype.getAllConnectionConstraints = function(terminal, source)
if (terminal != null)
var constraints = mxUtils.getValue(terminal.style, 'points', null);
if (constraints != null)
// Requires an array of arrays with x, y (0..1) and an optional
// perimeter (0 or 1), eg. points=[[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,1]]
var result = [];
var c = JSON.parse(constraints);
for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
var tmp = c[i];
result.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(tmp[0], tmp[1]), (tmp.length > 2) ? tmp[2] != '0' : true));
catch (e)
// ignore
return result;
if (terminal.shape != null)
if (terminal.shape.stencil != null)
if (terminal.shape.stencil != null)
return terminal.shape.stencil.constraints;
else if (terminal.shape.constraints != null)
return terminal.shape.constraints;
return null;
* Inverts the elbow edge style without removing existing styles.
Graph.prototype.flipEdge = function(edge)
if (edge != null)
var state = this.view.getState(edge);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(edge);
if (style != null)
var elbow = mxUtils.getValue(style, mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW,
var value = (elbow == mxConstants.ELBOW_HORIZONTAL) ?
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW, value, [edge]);
* Disables drill-down for non-swimlanes.
Graph.prototype.isValidRoot = function(cell)
// Counts non-relative children
var childCount = this.model.getChildCount(cell);
var realChildCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
var child = this.model.getChildAt(cell, i);
if (this.model.isVertex(child))
var geometry = this.getCellGeometry(child);
if (geometry != null && !geometry.relative)
return realChildCount > 0 || this.isContainer(cell);
* Disables drill-down for non-swimlanes.
Graph.prototype.isValidDropTarget = function(cell)
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(cell);
return mxUtils.getValue(style, 'part', '0') != '1' && (this.isContainer(cell) ||
(mxGraph.prototype.isValidDropTarget.apply(this, arguments) &&
mxUtils.getValue(style, 'dropTarget', '1') != '0'));
* Overrides createGroupCell to set the group style for new groups to 'group'.
Graph.prototype.createGroupCell = function()
var group = mxGraph.prototype.createGroupCell.apply(this, arguments);
return group;
* Disables extending parents with stack layouts on add
Graph.prototype.isExtendParentsOnAdd = function(cell)
var result = mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParentsOnAdd.apply(this, arguments);
if (result && cell != null && this.layoutManager != null)
var parent = this.model.getParent(cell);
if (parent != null)
var layout = this.layoutManager.getLayout(parent);
if (layout != null && layout.constructor == mxStackLayout)
result = false;
return result;
* Overrides autosize to add a border.
Graph.prototype.getPreferredSizeForCell = function(cell)
var result = mxGraph.prototype.getPreferredSizeForCell.apply(this, arguments);
// Adds buffer
if (result != null)
result.width += 10;
result.height += 4;
if (this.gridEnabled)
result.width = this.snap(result.width);
result.height = this.snap(result.height);
return result;
* Turns the given cells and returns the changed cells.
Graph.prototype.turnShapes = function(cells)
var model = this.getModel();
var select = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
var cell = cells[i];
if (model.isEdge(cell))
var src = model.getTerminal(cell, true);
var trg = model.getTerminal(cell, false);
model.setTerminal(cell, trg, true);
model.setTerminal(cell, src, false);
var geo = model.getGeometry(cell);
if (geo != null)
geo = geo.clone();
if (geo.points != null)
var sp = geo.getTerminalPoint(true);
var tp = geo.getTerminalPoint(false)
geo.setTerminalPoint(sp, false);
geo.setTerminalPoint(tp, true);
model.setGeometry(cell, geo);
// Inverts constraints
var edgeState = this.view.getState(cell);
var sourceState = this.view.getState(src);
var targetState = this.view.getState(trg);
if (edgeState != null)
var sc = (sourceState != null) ? this.getConnectionConstraint(edgeState, sourceState, true) : null;
var tc = (targetState != null) ? this.getConnectionConstraint(edgeState, targetState, false) : null;
this.setConnectionConstraint(cell, src, true, tc);
this.setConnectionConstraint(cell, trg, false, sc);
else if (model.isVertex(cell))
var geo = this.getCellGeometry(cell);
if (geo != null)
// Rotates the size and position in the geometry
geo = geo.clone();
geo.x += geo.width / 2 - geo.height / 2;
geo.y += geo.height / 2 - geo.width / 2;
var tmp = geo.width;
geo.width = geo.height;
geo.height = tmp;
model.setGeometry(cell, geo);
// Reads the current direction and advances by 90 degrees
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
if (state != null)
var dir = state.style[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] || 'east'/*default*/;
if (dir == 'east')
dir = 'south';
else if (dir == 'south')
dir = 'west';
else if (dir == 'west')
dir = 'north';
else if (dir == 'north')
dir = 'east';
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, dir, [cell]);
return select;
* Updates the child cells with placeholders if metadata of a cell has changed.
Graph.prototype.processChange = function(change)
mxGraph.prototype.processChange.apply(this, arguments);
if (change instanceof mxValueChange && change.cell.value != null &&
typeof(change.cell.value) == 'object')
// Invalidates all descendants with placeholders
var desc = this.model.getDescendants(change.cell);
// LATER: Check if only label or tooltip have changed
if (desc.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < desc.length; i++)
if (this.isReplacePlaceholders(desc[i]))
this.view.invalidate(desc[i], false, false);
* Handles label changes for XML user objects.
Graph.prototype.cellLabelChanged = function(cell, value, autoSize)
// Removes all illegal control characters in user input
value = this.zapGremlins(value);
if (cell.value != null && typeof cell.value == 'object')
if (this.isReplacePlaceholders(cell) &&
cell.getAttribute('placeholder') != null)
// LATER: Handle delete, name change
var name = cell.getAttribute('placeholder');
var current = cell;
while (current != null)
if (current == this.model.getRoot() || (current.value != null &&
typeof(current.value) == 'object' && current.hasAttribute(name)))
this.setAttributeForCell(current, name, value);
current = this.model.getParent(current);
var tmp = cell.value.cloneNode(true);
tmp.setAttribute('label', value);
value = tmp;
mxGraph.prototype.cellLabelChanged.apply(this, arguments);
* Overrides ungroup to check if group should be removed.
Graph.prototype.removeCellsAfterUngroup = function(cells)
var cellsToRemove = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (this.isCellDeletable(cells[i]))
var state = this.view.getState(cells[i]);
if (state != null)
var stroke = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.NONE);
var fill = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE);
if (stroke == mxConstants.NONE && fill == mxConstants.NONE)
cells = cellsToRemove;
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsAfterUngroup.apply(this, arguments);
* Sets the link for the given cell.
Graph.prototype.setLinkForCell = function(cell, link)
this.setAttributeForCell(cell, 'link', link);
* Sets the link for the given cell.
Graph.prototype.setTooltipForCell = function(cell, link)
this.setAttributeForCell(cell, 'tooltip', link);
* Sets the link for the given cell.
Graph.prototype.setAttributeForCell = function(cell, attributeName, attributeValue)
var value = null;
if (cell.value != null && typeof(cell.value) == 'object')
value = cell.value.cloneNode(true);
var doc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
value = doc.createElement('UserObject');
value.setAttribute('label', cell.value || '');
if (attributeValue != null && attributeValue.length > 0)
value.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
this.model.setValue(cell, value);
* Overridden to stop moving edge labels between cells.
Graph.prototype.getDropTarget = function(cells, evt, cell, clone)
var model = this.getModel();
// Disables drop into group if alt is pressed
if (mxEvent.isAltDown(evt))
return null;
// Disables dragging edge labels out of edges
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (this.model.isEdge(this.model.getParent(cells[i])))
return null;
return mxGraph.prototype.getDropTarget.apply(this, arguments);
* Overrides double click handling to avoid accidental inserts of new labels in dblClick below.
Graph.prototype.click = function(me)
mxGraph.prototype.click.call(this, me);
// Stores state and source for checking in dblClick
this.firstClickState = me.getState();
this.firstClickSource = me.getSource();
* Overrides double click handling to add the tolerance and inserting text.
Graph.prototype.dblClick = function(evt, cell)
if (this.isEnabled())
var pt = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container, mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt));
// Automatically adds new child cells to edges on double click
if (evt != null && !this.model.isVertex(cell))
var state = (this.model.isEdge(cell)) ? this.view.getState(cell) : null;
var src = mxEvent.getSource(evt);
if (this.firstClickState == state && this.firstClickSource == src)
if (state == null || (state.text == null || state.text.node == null ||
(!mxUtils.contains(state.text.boundingBox, pt.x, pt.y) &&
!mxUtils.isAncestorNode(state.text.node, mxEvent.getSource(evt)))))
if ((state == null && !this.isCellLocked(this.getDefaultParent())) ||
(state != null && !this.isCellLocked(state.cell)))
// Avoids accidental inserts on background
if (state != null || (mxClient.IS_VML && src == this.view.getCanvas()) ||
(mxClient.IS_SVG && src == this.view.getCanvas().ownerSVGElement))
cell = this.addText(pt.x, pt.y, state);
mxGraph.prototype.dblClick.call(this, evt, cell);
* Returns a point that specifies the location for inserting cells.
Graph.prototype.getInsertPoint = function()
var gs = this.getGridSize();
var dx = this.container.scrollLeft / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.x;
var dy = this.container.scrollTop / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.y;
if (this.pageVisible)
var layout = this.getPageLayout();
var page = this.getPageSize();
dx = Math.max(dx, layout.x * page.width);
dy = Math.max(dy, layout.y * page.height);
return new mxPoint(this.snap(dx + gs), this.snap(dy + gs));
Graph.prototype.getFreeInsertPoint = function()
var view = this.view;
var bds = this.getGraphBounds();
var pt = this.getInsertPoint();
// Places at same x-coord and 2 grid sizes below existing graph
var x = this.snap(Math.round(Math.max(pt.x, bds.x / view.scale - view.translate.x +
((bds.width == 0) ? this.gridSize : 0))));
var y = this.snap(Math.round(Math.max(pt.y, (bds.y + bds.height) / view.scale - view.translate.y +
((bds.height == 0) ? 1 : 2) * this.gridSize)));
return new mxPoint(x, y);
* Hook for subclassers to return true if the current insert point was defined
* using a mouse hover event.
Graph.prototype.isMouseInsertPoint = function()
return false;
* Adds a new label at the given position and returns the new cell. State is
* an optional edge state to be used as the parent for the label. Vertices
* are not allowed currently as states.
Graph.prototype.addText = function(x, y, state)
// Creates a new edge label with a predefined text
var label = new mxCell();
label.value = 'Text';
label.style = 'text;html=1;resizable=0;points=[];'
label.geometry = new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0);
label.vertex = true;
if (state != null)
label.style += 'align=center;verticalAlign=middle;labelBackgroundColor=#ffffff;'
label.geometry.relative = true;
label.connectable = false;
// Resets the relative location stored inside the geometry
var pt2 = this.view.getRelativePoint(state, x, y);
label.geometry.x = Math.round(pt2.x * 10000) / 10000;
label.geometry.y = Math.round(pt2.y);
// Resets the offset inside the geometry to find the offset from the resulting point
label.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, 0);
pt2 = this.view.getPoint(state, label.geometry);
var scale = this.view.scale;
label.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(Math.round((x - pt2.x) / scale), Math.round((y - pt2.y) / scale));
label.style += 'autosize=1;align=left;verticalAlign=top;spacingTop=-4;'
var tr = this.view.translate;
label.geometry.width = 40;
label.geometry.height = 20;
label.geometry.x = Math.round(x / this.view.scale) - tr.x;
label.geometry.y = Math.round(y / this.view.scale) - tr.y;
this.addCells([label], (state != null) ? state.cell : null);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('textInserted', 'cells', [label]));
// Updates size of text after possible change of style via event
return label;
Graph.prototype.getAbsoluteUrl = function(url)
if (url != null && this.isRelativeUrl(url))
if (url.charAt(0) == '#')
url = this.baseUrl + url;
else if (url.charAt(0) == '/')
url = this.domainUrl + url;
url = this.domainPathUrl + url;
return url;
* Returns true if the fiven href references an external protocol that
* should never open in a new window. Default returns true for mailto.
Graph.prototype.isExternalProtocol = function(href)
return href.substring(0, 7) === 'mailto:';
* Hook for links to open in same window. Default returns true for anchors,
* links to same domain or if target == 'self' in the config.
Graph.prototype.isBlankLink = function(href)
return !this.isExternalProtocol(href) &&
(this.linkPolicy === 'blank' ||
(this.linkPolicy !== 'self' &&
!this.isRelativeUrl(href) &&
href.substring(0, this.domainUrl.length) !== this.domainUrl));
Graph.prototype.isRelativeUrl = function(url)
return url != null && !this.absoluteUrlPattern.test(url) &&
url.substring(0, 5) !== 'data:' &&
* Adds a handler for clicking on shapes with links. This replaces all links in labels.
Graph.prototype.addClickHandler = function(highlight, beforeClick, onClick)
// Replaces links in labels for consistent right-clicks
var checkLinks = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
var links = this.container.getElementsByTagName('a');
if (links != null)
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
var href = this.getAbsoluteUrl(links[i].getAttribute('href'));
if (href != null)
links[i].setAttribute('href', href);
if (beforeClick != null)
// Workaround for no click events on touch
if (mxClient.IS_TOUCH)
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(links[i], null, null, beforeClick);
mxEvent.addListener(links[i], 'click', function(evt)
mxEvent.addListener(links[i], 'click', beforeClick);
this.model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, checkLinks);
var cursor = this.container.style.cursor;
var tol = this.getTolerance();
var graph = this;
var mouseListener =
currentState: null,
currentLink: null,
highlight: (highlight != null && highlight != '' && highlight != mxConstants.NONE) ?
new mxCellHighlight(graph, highlight, 4) : null,
startX: 0,
startY: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0,
updateCurrentState: function(me)
var tmp = graph.view.getState(me.getCell());
if (tmp != this.currentState)
if (this.currentState != null)
this.currentState = tmp;
if (this.currentState != null)
mouseDown: function(sender, me)
this.startX = me.getGraphX();
this.startY = me.getGraphY();
this.scrollLeft = graph.container.scrollLeft;
this.scrollTop = graph.container.scrollTop;
if (this.currentLink == null && graph.container.style.overflow == 'auto')
graph.container.style.cursor = 'move';
mouseMove: function(sender, me)
if (graph.isMouseDown)
if (this.currentLink != null)
var dx = Math.abs(this.startX - me.getGraphX());
var dy = Math.abs(this.startY - me.getGraphY());
if (dx > tol || dy > tol)
if (me.getSource().nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a')
if (this.currentState != null && (me.getState() == this.currentState || me.getState() == null) &&
graph.intersects(this.currentState, me.getGraphX(), me.getGraphY()))
mouseUp: function(sender, me)
var source = me.getSource();
// Ignores clicks on links and collapse/expand icon
if (source.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a' && !me.isConsumed() &&
(me.getState() == null || !me.isSource(me.getState().control)) &&
(mxEvent.isLeftMouseButton(me.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isTouchEvent(me.getEvent())))
if (this.currentLink != null)
var blank = graph.isBlankLink(this.currentLink);
if ((this.currentLink.substring(0, 5) === 'data:' ||
!blank) && beforeClick != null)
beforeClick(me.getEvent(), this.currentLink);
if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(me.getEvent()))
var target = (blank) ? graph.linkTarget : '_top';
// Workaround for blocking in same iframe
if (target == '_self' && window != window.top)
window.location.href = this.currentLink;
window.open(this.currentLink, target);
else if (onClick != null && !me.isConsumed() &&
(Math.abs(this.scrollLeft - graph.container.scrollLeft) < tol &&
Math.abs(this.scrollTop - graph.container.scrollTop) < tol) &&
(Math.abs(this.startX - me.getGraphX()) < tol &&
Math.abs(this.startY - me.getGraphY()) < tol))
activate: function(state)
this.currentLink = graph.getAbsoluteUrl(graph.getLinkForCell(state.cell));
if (this.currentLink != null)
graph.container.style.cursor = 'pointer';
if (this.highlight != null)
clear: function()
if (graph.container != null)
graph.container.style.cursor = cursor;
this.currentState = null;
this.currentLink = null;
if (this.highlight != null)
// Ignores built-in click handling
graph.click = function(me) {};
mxEvent.addListener(document, 'mouseleave', function(evt)
* Duplicates the given cells and returns the duplicates.
Graph.prototype.duplicateCells = function(cells, append)
cells = (cells != null) ? cells : this.getSelectionCells();
append = (append != null) ? append : true;
cells = this.model.getTopmostCells(cells);
var model = this.getModel();
var s = this.gridSize;
var select = [];
var clones = this.cloneCells(cells, false);
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
var parent = model.getParent(cells[i]);
var child = this.moveCells([clones[i]], s, s, false, parent)[0];
if (append)
model.add(parent, clones[i]);
// Maintains child index by inserting after cloned in parent
var index = parent.getIndex(cells[i]);
model.add(parent, clones[i], index + 1);
return select;
* Inserts the given image at the cursor in a content editable text box using
* the insertimage command on the document instance.
Graph.prototype.insertImage = function(newValue, w, h)
// To find the new image, we create a list of all existing links first
if (newValue != null)
var tmp = this.cellEditor.textarea.getElementsByTagName('img');
var oldImages = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++)
// LATER: Fix inserting link/image in IE8/quirks after focus lost
document.execCommand('insertimage', false, newValue);
// Sets size of new image
var newImages = this.cellEditor.textarea.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (newImages.length == oldImages.length + 1)
// Inverse order in favor of appended images
for (var i = newImages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (i == 0 || newImages[i] != oldImages[i - 1])
// Workaround for lost styles during undo and redo is using attributes
newImages[i].setAttribute('width', w);
newImages[i].setAttribute('height', h);
* Inserts the given image at the cursor in a content editable text box using
* the insertimage command on the document instance.
Graph.prototype.insertLink = function(value)
if (value.length == 0)
document.execCommand('unlink', false);
// LATER: Fix inserting link/image in IE8/quirks after focus lost
document.execCommand('createlink', false, mxUtils.trim(value));
* @param cell
* @returns {Boolean}
Graph.prototype.isCellResizable = function(cell)
var result = mxGraph.prototype.isCellResizable.apply(this, arguments);
var state = this.view.getState(cell);
var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.getCellStyle(cell);
return result || (mxUtils.getValue(style, mxConstants.STYLE_RESIZABLE, '1') != '0' &&
style[mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE] == 'wrap');
* Function: distributeCells
* Distribuets the centers of the given cells equally along the available
* horizontal or vertical space.
* Parameters:
* horizontal - Boolean that specifies the direction of the distribution.
* cells - Optional array of <mxCells> to be distributed. Edges are ignored.
Graph.prototype.distributeCells = function(horizontal, cells)
if (cells == null)
cells = this.getSelectionCells();
if (cells != null && cells.length > 1)
var vertices = [];
var max = null;
var min = null;
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (this.getModel().isVertex(cells[i]))
var state = this.view.getState(cells[i]);
if (state != null)
var tmp = (horizontal) ? state.getCenterX() : state.getCenterY();
max = (max != null) ? Math.max(max, tmp) : tmp;
min = (min != null) ? Math.min(min, tmp) : tmp;
if (vertices.length > 2)
vertices.sort(function(a, b)
return (horizontal) ? a.x - b.x : a.y - b.y;
var t = this.view.translate;
var s = this.view.scale;
min = min / s - ((horizontal) ? t.x : t.y);
max = max / s - ((horizontal) ? t.x : t.y);
var dt = (max - min) / (vertices.length - 1);
var t0 = min;
for (var i = 1; i < vertices.length - 1; i++)
var pstate = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(vertices[i].cell));
var geo = this.getCellGeometry(vertices[i].cell);
t0 += dt;
if (geo != null && pstate != null)
geo = geo.clone();
if (horizontal)
geo.x = Math.round(t0 - geo.width / 2) - pstate.origin.x;
geo.y = Math.round(t0 - geo.height / 2) - pstate.origin.y;
this.getModel().setGeometry(vertices[i].cell, geo);
return cells;
* Adds meta-drag an Mac.
* @param evt
* @returns
Graph.prototype.isCloneEvent = function(evt)
return (mxClient.IS_MAC && mxEvent.isMetaDown(evt)) || mxEvent.isControlDown(evt);
* Translates this point by the given vector.
* @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation.
* @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation.
Graph.prototype.encodeCells = function(cells)
var clones = this.cloneCells(cells);
// Creates a dictionary for fast lookups
var dict = new mxDictionary();
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
dict.put(cells[i], true);
// Checks for orphaned relative children and makes absolute
for (var i = 0; i < clones.length; i++)
var state = this.view.getState(cells[i]);
if (state != null)
var geo = this.getCellGeometry(clones[i]);
if (geo != null && geo.relative && !this.model.isEdge(cells[i]) &&
geo.relative = false;
geo.x = state.x / state.view.scale - state.view.translate.x;
geo.y = state.y / state.view.scale - state.view.translate.y;
var codec = new mxCodec();
var model = new mxGraphModel();
var parent = model.getChildAt(model.getRoot(), 0);
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
model.add(parent, clones[i]);
return codec.encode(model);
* Translates this point by the given vector.
* @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation.
* @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation.
Graph.prototype.createSvgImageExport = function()
var exp = new mxImageExport();
// Adds hyperlinks (experimental)
exp.getLinkForCellState = mxUtils.bind(this, function(state, canvas)
return this.getLinkForCell(state.cell);
return exp;
* Translates this point by the given vector.
* @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation.
* @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation.
Graph.prototype.getSvg = function(background, scale, border, nocrop, crisp, ignoreSelection, showText)
scale = (scale != null) ? scale : 1;
border = (border != null) ? border : 0;
crisp = (crisp != null) ? crisp : true;
ignoreSelection = (ignoreSelection != null) ? ignoreSelection : true;
showText = (showText != null) ? showText : true;
var bounds = (ignoreSelection || nocrop) ?
this.getGraphBounds() : this.getBoundingBox(this.getSelectionCells());
if (bounds == null)
throw Error(mxResources.get('drawingEmpty'));
var vs = this.view.scale;
// Prepares SVG document that holds the output
var svgDoc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
var root = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ?
svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'svg') : svgDoc.createElement('svg');
if (background != null)
if (root.style != null)
root.style.backgroundColor = background;
root.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:' + background);
if (svgDoc.createElementNS == null)
root.setAttribute('xmlns', mxConstants.NS_SVG);
root.setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', mxConstants.NS_XLINK);
// KNOWN: Ignored in IE9-11, adds namespace for each image element instead. No workaround.
root.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns:xlink', mxConstants.NS_XLINK);
var s = scale / vs;
root.setAttribute('width', Math.max(1, Math.ceil(bounds.width * s) + 2 * border) + 'px');
root.setAttribute('height', Math.max(1, Math.ceil(bounds.height * s) + 2 * border) + 'px');
root.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
// Adds group for anti-aliasing via transform
var node = root;
if (crisp)
var group = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ?
svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g') : svgDoc.createElement('g');
group.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0.5,0.5)');
node = group;
// Renders graph. Offset will be multiplied with state's scale when painting state.
// TextOffset only seems to affect FF output but used everywhere for consistency.
var svgCanvas = this.createSvgCanvas(node);
svgCanvas.foOffset = (crisp) ? -0.5 : 0;
svgCanvas.textOffset = (crisp) ? -0.5 : 0;
svgCanvas.imageOffset = (crisp) ? -0.5 : 0;
svgCanvas.translate(Math.floor((border / scale - bounds.x) / vs), Math.floor((border / scale - bounds.y) / vs));
// Adds simple text fallback for viewers with no support for foreignObjects
var createAlternateContent = svgCanvas.createAlternateContent;
svgCanvas.createAlternateContent = function(fo, x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, format, overflow, clip, rotation)
var s = this.state;
// Assumes a max character width of 0.2em
if (this.foAltText != null && (w == 0 || (s.fontSize != 0 && str.length < (w * 5) / s.fontSize)))
var alt = this.createElement('text');
alt.setAttribute('x', Math.round(w / 2));
alt.setAttribute('y', Math.round((h + s.fontSize) / 2));
alt.setAttribute('fill', s.fontColor || 'black');
alt.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'middle');
alt.setAttribute('font-size', Math.round(s.fontSize) + 'px');
alt.setAttribute('font-family', s.fontFamily);
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD)
alt.setAttribute('font-weight', 'bold');
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC)
alt.setAttribute('font-style', 'italic');
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE)
alt.setAttribute('text-decoration', 'underline');
mxUtils.write(alt, str);
return alt;
return createAlternateContent.apply(this, arguments);
// Paints background image
var bgImg = this.backgroundImage;
if (bgImg != null)
var s2 = vs / scale;
var tr = this.view.translate;
var tmp = new mxRectangle(tr.x * s2, tr.y * s2, bgImg.width * s2, bgImg.height * s2);
// Checks if visible
if (mxUtils.intersects(bounds, tmp))
svgCanvas.image(tr.x, tr.y, bgImg.width, bgImg.height, bgImg.src, true);
svgCanvas.textEnabled = showText;
var imgExport = this.createSvgImageExport();
var imgExportDrawCellState = imgExport.drawCellState;
// Implements ignoreSelection flag
imgExport.drawCellState = function(state, canvas)
if (ignoreSelection || state.view.graph.isCellSelected(state.cell))
imgExportDrawCellState.apply(this, arguments);
imgExport.drawState(this.getView().getState(this.model.root), svgCanvas);
return root;
* Hook for creating the canvas used in getSvg.
Graph.prototype.createSvgCanvas = function(node)
return new mxSvgCanvas2D(node);
* Returns the first ancestor of the current selection with the given name.
Graph.prototype.getSelectedElement = function()
var node = null;
if (window.getSelection)
var sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount)
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
node = range.commonAncestorContainer;
else if (document.selection)
node = document.selection.createRange().parentElement();
return node;
* Returns the first ancestor of the current selection with the given name.
Graph.prototype.getParentByName = function(node, name, stopAt)
while (node != null)
if (node.nodeName == name)
return node;
if (node == stopAt)
return null;
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
* Selects the given node.
Graph.prototype.selectNode = function(node)
var sel = null;
// IE9 and non-IE
if (window.getSelection)
sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount)
var range = document.createRange();
// IE < 9
else if ((sel = document.selection) && sel.type != 'Control')
var originalRange = sel.createRange();
var range = sel.createRange();
range.setEndPoint('StartToStart', originalRange);
* Inserts a new row into the given table.
Graph.prototype.insertRow = function(table, index)
var bd = table.tBodies[0];
var cols = (bd.rows.length > 0) ? bd.rows[0].cells.length : 1;
var row = bd.insertRow(index);
for (var i = 0; i < cols; i++)
return row.cells[0];
* Deletes the given column.
Graph.prototype.deleteRow = function(table, index)
* Deletes the given column.
Graph.prototype.insertColumn = function(table, index)
var hd = table.tHead;
if (hd != null)
// TODO: use colIndex
for (var h = 0; h < hd.rows.length; h++)
var th = document.createElement('th');
var bd = table.tBodies[0];
for (var i = 0; i < bd.rows.length; i++)
var cell = bd.rows[i].insertCell(index);
return bd.rows[0].cells[(index >= 0) ? index : bd.rows[0].cells.length - 1];
* Deletes the given column.
Graph.prototype.deleteColumn = function(table, index)
if (index >= 0)
var bd = table.tBodies[0];
var rows = bd.rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
if (rows[i].cells.length > index)
* Inserts the given HTML at the caret position (no undo).
Graph.prototype.pasteHtmlAtCaret = function(html)
var sel, range;
// IE9 and non-IE
if (window.getSelection)
sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount)
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
// Range.createContextualFragment() would be useful here but is
// only relatively recently standardized and is not supported in
// some browsers (IE9, for one)
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.innerHTML = html;
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), node;
while ((node = el.firstChild))
lastNode = frag.appendChild(node);
// IE < 9
else if ((sel = document.selection) && sel.type != "Control")
// FIXME: Does not work if selection is empty
* Creates an anchor elements for handling the given link in the
* hint that is shown when the cell is selected.
Graph.prototype.createLinkForHint = function(link, label)
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', this.getAbsoluteUrl(link));
a.setAttribute('title', link);
if (this.linkTarget != null)
a.setAttribute('target', this.linkTarget);
// Adds shortened label to link
var max = 60;
var head = 36;
var tail = 20;
if (label.length > max)
label = label.substring(0, head) + '...' + label.substring(label.length - tail);
mxUtils.write(a, label);
return a;
* Customized graph for touch devices.
Graph.prototype.initTouch = function()
// Disables new connections via "hotspot"
this.connectionHandler.marker.isEnabled = function()
return this.graph.connectionHandler.first != null;
// Hides menu when editing starts
this.addListener(mxEvent.START_EDITING, function(sender, evt)
// Adds custom hit detection if native hit detection found no cell
var graphUpdateMouseEvent = this.updateMouseEvent;
this.updateMouseEvent = function(me)
me = graphUpdateMouseEvent.apply(this, arguments);
if (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(me.getEvent()) && me.getState() == null)
var cell = this.getCellAt(me.graphX, me.graphY);
if (cell != null && this.isSwimlane(cell) && this.hitsSwimlaneContent(cell, me.graphX, me.graphY))
cell = null;
me.state = this.view.getState(cell);
if (me.state != null && me.state.shape != null)
this.container.style.cursor = me.state.shape.node.style.cursor;
if (me.getState() == null && this.isEnabled())
this.container.style.cursor = 'default';
return me;
// Context menu trigger implementation depending on current selection state
// combined with support for normal popup trigger.
var cellSelected = false;
var selectionEmpty = false;
var menuShowing = false;
var oldFireMouseEvent = this.fireMouseEvent;
this.fireMouseEvent = function(evtName, me, sender)
if (evtName == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN)
// For hit detection on edges
me = this.updateMouseEvent(me);
cellSelected = this.isCellSelected(me.getCell());
selectionEmpty = this.isSelectionEmpty();
menuShowing = this.popupMenuHandler.isMenuShowing();
oldFireMouseEvent.apply(this, arguments);
// Shows popup menu if cell was selected or selection was empty and background was clicked
// FIXME: Conflicts with mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.getCellForPopupEvent in Editor.js by
// selecting parent for selected children in groups before this check can be made.
this.popupMenuHandler.mouseUp = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, me)
this.popupMenuHandler.popupTrigger = !this.isEditing() && this.isEnabled() &&
(me.getState() == null || !me.isSource(me.getState().control)) &&
(this.popupMenuHandler.popupTrigger || (!menuShowing && !mxEvent.isMouseEvent(me.getEvent()) &&
((selectionEmpty && me.getCell() == null && this.isSelectionEmpty()) ||
(cellSelected && this.isCellSelected(me.getCell())))));
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseUp.apply(this.popupMenuHandler, arguments);
* HTML in-place editor
mxCellEditor.prototype.isContentEditing = function()
var state = this.graph.view.getState(this.editingCell);
return state != null && state.style['html'] == 1;
* Creates the keyboard event handler for the current graph and history.
mxCellEditor.prototype.saveSelection = function()
if (window.getSelection)
sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount)
var ranges = [];
for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i)
return ranges;
else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange)
return document.selection.createRange();
return null;
* Creates the keyboard event handler for the current graph and history.
mxCellEditor.prototype.restoreSelection = function(savedSel)
if (savedSel)
if (window.getSelection)
sel = window.getSelection();
for (var i = 0, len = savedSel.length; i < len; ++i)
else if (document.selection && savedSel.select)
catch (e)
// ignore
* Handling of special nl2Br style for not converting newlines to breaks in HTML labels.
* NOTE: Since it's easier to set this when the label is created we assume that it does
* not change during the lifetime of the mxText instance.
var mxCellRendererInitializeLabel = mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeLabel;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeLabel = function(state)
if (state.text != null)
state.text.replaceLinefeeds = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'nl2Br', '1') != '0';
mxCellRendererInitializeLabel.apply(this, arguments);
var mxConstraintHandlerUpdate = mxConstraintHandler.prototype.update;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.update = function(me, source)
if (this.isKeepFocusEvent(me) || !mxEvent.isAltDown(me.getEvent()))
mxConstraintHandlerUpdate.apply(this, arguments);
* No dashed shapes.
mxGuide.prototype.createGuideShape = function(horizontal)
var guide = new mxPolyline([], mxConstants.GUIDE_COLOR, mxConstants.GUIDE_STROKEWIDTH);
return guide;
* HTML in-place editor
mxCellEditor.prototype.escapeCancelsEditing = false;
var mxCellEditorStartEditing = mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing;
mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing = function(cell, trigger)
mxCellEditorStartEditing.apply(this, arguments);
// Overrides class in case of HTML content to add
// dashed borders for divs and table cells
var state = this.graph.view.getState(cell);
if (state != null && state.style['html'] == 1)
this.textarea.className = 'mxCellEditor geContentEditable';
this.textarea.className = 'mxCellEditor mxPlainTextEditor';
// Toggles markup vs wysiwyg mode
this.codeViewMode = false;
// Stores current selection range when switching between markup and code
this.switchSelectionState = null;
// Selects editing cell
// Enables focus outline for edges and edge labels
var parent = this.graph.getModel().getParent(cell);
var geo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(cell);
if ((this.graph.getModel().isEdge(parent) && geo != null && geo.relative) ||
// Quirks does not support outline at all so use border instead
if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS)
this.textarea.style.border = 'gray dotted 1px';
// IE>8 and FF on Windows uses outline default of none
else if (mxClient.IS_IE || mxClient.IS_IE11 || (mxClient.IS_FF && mxClient.IS_WIN))
this.textarea.style.outline = 'gray dotted 1px';
this.textarea.style.outline = '';
else if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS)
this.textarea.style.outline = 'none';
this.textarea.style.border = '';
* HTML in-place editor
var cellEditorInstallListeners = mxCellEditor.prototype.installListeners;
mxCellEditor.prototype.installListeners = function(elt)
cellEditorInstallListeners.apply(this, arguments);
// Adds a reference from the clone to the original node, recursively
function reference(node, clone)
clone.originalNode = node;
node = node.firstChild;
var child = clone.firstChild;
while (node != null && child != null)
reference(node, child);
node = node.nextSibling;
child = child.nextSibling;
return clone;
// Checks the given node for new nodes, recursively
function checkNode(node, clone)
if (node != null)
if (clone.originalNode != node)
node = node.firstChild;
clone = clone.firstChild;
while (node != null)
var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
if (clone == null)
checkNode(node, clone);
clone = clone.nextSibling;
node = nextNode;
// Removes unused DOM nodes and attributes, recursively
function cleanNode(node)
var child = node.firstChild;
while (child != null)
var next = child.nextSibling;
child = next;
if ((node.nodeType != 1 || (node.nodeName !== 'BR' && node.firstChild == null)) &&
(node.nodeType != 3 || mxUtils.trim(mxUtils.getTextContent(node)).length == 0))
// Removes linefeeds
if (node.nodeType == 3)
mxUtils.setTextContent(node, mxUtils.getTextContent(node).replace(/\n|\r/g, ''));
// Removes CSS classes and styles (for Word and Excel)
if (node.nodeType == 1)
// Handles paste from Word, Excel etc by removing styles, classnames and unused nodes
// LATER: Fix undo/redo for paste
if (!mxClient.IS_QUIRKS && document.documentMode !== 7 && document.documentMode !== 8)
mxEvent.addListener(this.textarea, 'paste', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
var clone = reference(this.textarea, this.textarea.cloneNode(true));
window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function()
checkNode(this.textarea, clone);
}), 0);
mxCellEditor.prototype.toggleViewMode = function()
var state = this.graph.view.getState(this.editingCell);
var nl2Br = state != null && mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'nl2Br', '1') != '0';
var tmp = this.saveSelection();
if (!this.codeViewMode)
// Clears the initial empty label on the first keystroke
if (this.clearOnChange && this.textarea.innerHTML == this.getEmptyLabelText())
this.clearOnChange = false;
this.textarea.innerHTML = '';
// Removes newlines from HTML and converts breaks to newlines
// to match the HTML output in plain text
var content = mxUtils.htmlEntities(this.textarea.innerHTML);
// Workaround for trailing line breaks being ignored in the editor
if (!mxClient.IS_QUIRKS && document.documentMode != 8)
content = mxUtils.replaceTrailingNewlines(content, '<div><br></div>');
content = this.graph.sanitizeHtml((nl2Br) ? content.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/<br\s*.?>/g, '<br>') : content, true);
this.textarea.className = 'mxCellEditor mxPlainTextEditor';
var size = mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE;
this.textarea.style.lineHeight = (mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT) ? Math.round(size * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) + 'px' : mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT;
this.textarea.style.fontSize = Math.round(size) + 'px';
this.textarea.style.textDecoration = '';
this.textarea.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
this.textarea.style.fontStyle = '';
this.textarea.style.fontFamily = mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY;
this.textarea.style.textAlign = 'left';
// Adds padding to make cursor visible with borders
this.textarea.style.padding = '2px';
if (this.textarea.innerHTML != content)
this.textarea.innerHTML = content;
this.codeViewMode = true;
var content = mxUtils.extractTextWithWhitespace(this.textarea.childNodes);
// Strips trailing line break
if (content.length > 0 && content.charAt(content.length - 1) == '\n')
content = content.substring(0, content.length - 1);
content = this.graph.sanitizeHtml((nl2Br) ? content.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') : content, true)
this.textarea.className = 'mxCellEditor geContentEditable';
var size = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE);
var family = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTFAMILY, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY);
var align = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT);
var bold = (mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) &
mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD;
var italic = (mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) &
mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC;
var uline = (mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) &
mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE;
this.textarea.style.lineHeight = (mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT) ? Math.round(size * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) + 'px' : mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT;
this.textarea.style.fontSize = Math.round(size) + 'px';
this.textarea.style.textDecoration = (uline) ? 'underline' : '';
this.textarea.style.fontWeight = (bold) ? 'bold' : 'normal';
this.textarea.style.fontStyle = (italic) ? 'italic' : '';
this.textarea.style.fontFamily = family;
this.textarea.style.textAlign = align;
this.textarea.style.padding = '0px';
if (this.textarea.innerHTML != content)
this.textarea.innerHTML = content;
if (this.textarea.innerHTML.length == 0)
this.textarea.innerHTML = this.getEmptyLabelText();
this.clearOnChange = this.textarea.innerHTML.length > 0;
this.codeViewMode = false;
if (this.switchSelectionState != null)
this.switchSelectionState = tmp;
var mxCellEditorResize = mxCellEditor.prototype.resize;
mxCellEditor.prototype.resize = function(state, trigger)
if (this.textarea != null)
var state = this.graph.getView().getState(this.editingCell);
if (this.codeViewMode && state != null)
var scale = state.view.scale;
this.bounds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(state);
// General placement of code editor if cell has no size
// LATER: Fix HTML editor bounds for edge labels
if (this.bounds.width == 0 && this.bounds.height == 0)
this.bounds.width = 160 * scale;
this.bounds.height = 60 * scale;
var m = (state.text != null) ? state.text.margin : null;
if (m == null)
m = mxUtils.getAlignmentAsPoint(mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER),
mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE));
this.bounds.x += m.x * this.bounds.width;
this.bounds.y += m.y * this.bounds.height;
this.textarea.style.width = Math.round((this.bounds.width - 4) / scale) + 'px';
this.textarea.style.height = Math.round((this.bounds.height - 4) / scale) + 'px';
this.textarea.style.overflow = 'auto';
// Adds scrollbar offset if visible
if (this.textarea.clientHeight < this.textarea.offsetHeight)
this.textarea.style.height = Math.round((this.bounds.height / scale)) + (this.textarea.offsetHeight - this.textarea.clientHeight) + 'px';
this.bounds.height = parseInt(this.textarea.style.height) * scale;
if (this.textarea.clientWidth < this.textarea.offsetWidth)
this.textarea.style.width = Math.round((this.bounds.width / scale)) + (this.textarea.offsetWidth - this.textarea.clientWidth) + 'px';
this.bounds.width = parseInt(this.textarea.style.width) * scale;
this.textarea.style.left = Math.round(this.bounds.x) + 'px';
this.textarea.style.top = Math.round(this.bounds.y) + 'px';
if (mxClient.IS_VML)
this.textarea.style.zoom = scale;
mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(this.textarea.style, 'transform', 'scale(' + scale + ',' + scale + ')');
this.textarea.style.height = '';
this.textarea.style.overflow = '';
mxCellEditorResize.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellEditorGetInitialValue = mxCellEditor.prototype.getInitialValue;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getInitialValue = function(state, trigger)
if (mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'html', '0') == '0')
return mxCellEditorGetInitialValue.apply(this, arguments);
var result = this.graph.getEditingValue(state.cell, trigger)
if (mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'nl2Br', '1') == '1')
result = result.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
result = this.graph.sanitizeHtml(result, true);
return result;
mxCellEditorGetCurrentValue = mxCellEditor.prototype.getCurrentValue;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getCurrentValue = function(state)
if (mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'html', '0') == '0')
return mxCellEditorGetCurrentValue.apply(this, arguments);
var result = this.graph.sanitizeHtml(this.textarea.innerHTML, true);
if (mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'nl2Br', '1') == '1')
result = result.replace(/\r\n/g, '<br/>').replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
result = result.replace(/\r\n/g, '').replace(/\n/g, '');
return result;
var mxCellEditorStopEditing = mxCellEditor.prototype.stopEditing;
mxCellEditor.prototype.stopEditing = function(cancel)
// Restores default view mode before applying value
if (this.codeViewMode)
mxCellEditorStopEditing.apply(this, arguments);
// Tries to move focus back to container after editing if possible
catch (e)
// ignore
var mxCellEditorApplyValue = mxCellEditor.prototype.applyValue;
mxCellEditor.prototype.applyValue = function(state, value)
// Removes empty relative child labels in edges
mxCellEditorApplyValue.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.graph.isCellDeletable(state.cell))
var stroke = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.NONE);
var fill = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE);
if (mxUtils.trim(value || '') == '' && stroke == mxConstants.NONE && fill == mxConstants.NONE)
this.graph.removeCells([state.cell], false);
* Returns the background color to be used for the editing box. This returns
* the label background for edge labels and null for all other cases.
mxCellEditor.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function(state)
var color = null;
if (this.graph.getModel().isEdge(state.cell) || this.graph.getModel().isEdge(this.graph.getModel().getParent(state.cell)))
var color = mxUtils.getValue(state.style, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, null);
if (color == mxConstants.NONE)
color = null;
return color;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getMinimumSize = function(state)
var scale = this.graph.getView().scale;
return new mxRectangle(0, 0, (state.text == null) ? 30 : state.text.size * scale + 20, 30);
// Hold alt to ignore drop target
var mxGraphHandlerMoveCells = mxGraphHandler.prototype.moveCells;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.moveCells = function(cells, dx, dy, clone, target, evt)
if (mxEvent.isAltDown(evt))
target = null;
mxGraphHandlerMoveCells.apply(this, arguments);
* Hints on handlers
function createHint()
var hint = document.createElement('div');
hint.className = 'geHint';
hint.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
hint.style.position = 'absolute';
return hint;
* Updates the hint for the current operation.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updateHint = function(me)
if (this.shape != null)
if (this.hint == null)
this.hint = createHint();
var t = this.graph.view.translate;
var s = this.graph.view.scale;
var x = this.roundLength((this.bounds.x + this.currentDx) / s - t.x);
var y = this.roundLength((this.bounds.y + this.currentDy) / s - t.y);
this.hint.innerHTML = x + ', ' + y;
this.hint.style.left = (this.shape.bounds.x + Math.round((this.shape.bounds.width - this.hint.clientWidth) / 2)) + 'px';
this.hint.style.top = (this.shape.bounds.y + this.shape.bounds.height + 12) + 'px';
* Updates the hint for the current operation.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeHint = function()
if (this.hint != null)
this.hint = null;
* Enables recursive resize for groups.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isRecursiveResize = function(state, me)
return !this.graph.isSwimlane(state.cell) && this.graph.model.getChildCount(state.cell) > 0 &&
!mxEvent.isControlDown(me.getEvent()) && !this.graph.isCellCollapsed(state.cell) &&
mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'recursiveResize', '1') == '1' &&
mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'childLayout', null) == null;
* Enables centered resize events.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isCenteredEvent = function(state, me)
return (!(!this.graph.isSwimlane(state.cell) && this.graph.model.getChildCount(state.cell) > 0 &&
!this.graph.isCellCollapsed(state.cell) &&
mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'recursiveResize', '1') == '1' &&
mxUtils.getValue(state.style, 'childLayout', null) == null) &&
mxEvent.isControlDown(me.getEvent())) ||
var vertexHandlerGetHandlePadding = mxVertexHandler.prototype.getHandlePadding;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.getHandlePadding = function()
var result = new mxPoint(0, 0);
var tol = this.tolerance;
if (this.graph.cellEditor.getEditingCell() == this.state.cell &&
this.sizers != null && this.sizers.length > 0 && this.sizers[0] != null)
tol /= 2;
result.x = this.sizers[0].bounds.width + tol;
result.y = this.sizers[0].bounds.height + tol;
result = vertexHandlerGetHandlePadding.apply(this, arguments);
return result;
* Updates the hint for the current operation.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.updateHint = function(me)
if (this.index != mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE)
if (this.hint == null)
this.hint = createHint();
if (this.index == mxEvent.ROTATION_HANDLE)
this.hint.innerHTML = this.currentAlpha + '°';
var s = this.state.view.scale;
this.hint.innerHTML = this.roundLength(this.bounds.width / s) + ' x ' + this.roundLength(this.bounds.height / s);
var rot = (this.currentAlpha != null) ? this.currentAlpha : this.state.style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0';
var bb = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(this.bounds, rot);
if (bb == null)
bb = this.bounds;
this.hint.style.left = bb.x + Math.round((bb.width - this.hint.clientWidth) / 2) + 'px';
this.hint.style.top = (bb.y + bb.height + 12) + 'px';
* Updates the hint for the current operation.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.removeHint = mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeHint;
* Updates the hint for the current operation.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updateHint = function(me, point)
if (this.hint == null)
this.hint = createHint();
var t = this.graph.view.translate;
var s = this.graph.view.scale;
var x = this.roundLength(point.x / s - t.x);
var y = this.roundLength(point.y / s - t.y);
this.hint.innerHTML = x + ', ' + y;
this.hint.style.visibility = 'visible';
if (this.isSource || this.isTarget)
if (this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint != null &&
this.constraintHandler.currentFocus != null)
var pt = this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint.point;
this.hint.innerHTML = '[' + Math.round(pt.x * 100) + '%, '+ Math.round(pt.y * 100) + '%]';
else if (this.marker.hasValidState())
this.hint.style.visibility = 'hidden';
this.hint.style.left = Math.round(me.getGraphX() - this.hint.clientWidth / 2) + 'px';
this.hint.style.top = (Math.max(me.getGraphY(), point.y) + this.state.view.graph.gridSize) + 'px';
if (this.hideEdgeHintThread != null)
this.hideEdgeHintThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function()
if (this.hint != null)
this.hint.style.visibility = 'hidden';
}), 500);
* Updates the hint for the current operation.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.removeHint = mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeHint;
* Defines the handles for the UI. Uses data-URIs to speed-up loading time where supported.
HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/handle-main.png', 17, 17);
HoverIcons.prototype.fixedHandle = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/handle-fixed.png', 17, 17);
HoverIcons.prototype.terminalHandle = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/handle-terminal.png', 17, 17);
HoverIcons.prototype.secondaryHandle = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/handle-secondary.png', 17, 17);
HoverIcons.prototype.rotationHandle = new mxImage((mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' :
IMAGE_PATH + '/handle-rotate.png', 19, 21);
mxVertexHandler.prototype.handleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.secondaryHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.secondaryHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.handleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.terminalHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.terminalHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.fixedHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.fixedHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.labelHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.secondaryHandle;
mxOutline.prototype.sizerImage = HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle;
if (window.Sidebar != null)
Sidebar.prototype.triangleUp = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleUp;
Sidebar.prototype.triangleRight = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleRight;
Sidebar.prototype.triangleDown = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleDown;
Sidebar.prototype.triangleLeft = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleLeft;
Sidebar.prototype.refreshTarget = HoverIcons.prototype.refreshTarget;
Sidebar.prototype.roundDrop = HoverIcons.prototype.roundDrop;
// Pre-fetches images (only needed for non data-uris)
if (!mxClient.IS_SVG)
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.fixedHandle.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.terminalHandle.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.secondaryHandle.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.rotationHandle.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleUp.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleRight.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleDown.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleLeft.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.refreshTarget.src;
new Image().src = HoverIcons.prototype.roundDrop.src;
// Adds rotation handle and live preview
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotationEnabled = true;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.manageSizers = true;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.livePreview = true;
// Increases default rubberband opacity (default is 20)
mxRubberband.prototype.defaultOpacity = 30;
// Enables connections along the outline, virtual waypoints, parent highlight etc
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.outlineConnect = true;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.keepOnTop = true;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.parentHighlightEnabled = true;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotationHandleVSpacing = -20;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.parentHighlightEnabled = true;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.dblClickRemoveEnabled = true;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.straightRemoveEnabled = true;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.virtualBendsEnabled = true;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mergeRemoveEnabled = true;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.manageLabelHandle = true;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.outlineConnect = true;
// Disables adding waypoints if shift is pressed
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isAddVirtualBendEvent = function(me)
return !mxEvent.isShiftDown(me.getEvent());
// Disables custom handles if shift is pressed
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isCustomHandleEvent = function(me)
return !mxEvent.isShiftDown(me.getEvent());
* Implements touch style
if (Graph.touchStyle)
// Larger tolerance for real touch devices
if (mxClient.IS_TOUCH || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)
mxShape.prototype.svgStrokeTolerance = 18;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.tolerance = 12;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.tolerance = 12;
Graph.prototype.tolerance = 12;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotationHandleVSpacing = -24;
// Implements a smaller tolerance for mouse events and a larger tolerance for touch
// events on touch devices. The default tolerance (4px) is used for mouse events.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.getTolerance = function(me)
return (mxEvent.isMouseEvent(me.getEvent())) ? 4 : this.graph.getTolerance();
// One finger pans (no rubberband selection) must start regardless of mouse button
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPanningTrigger = function(me)
var evt = me.getEvent();
return (me.getState() == null && !mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt)) ||
(mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(evt) && (me.getState() == null ||
mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) || mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)));
// Don't clear selection if multiple cells selected
var graphHandlerMouseDown = mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseDown;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function(sender, me)
graphHandlerMouseDown.apply(this, arguments);
if (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(me.getEvent()) && this.graph.isCellSelected(me.getCell()) &&
this.graph.getSelectionCount() > 1)
this.delayedSelection = false;
// Removes ctrl+shift as panning trigger for space splitting
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPanningTrigger = function(me)
var evt = me.getEvent();
return (mxEvent.isLeftMouseButton(evt) && ((this.useLeftButtonForPanning &&
me.getState() == null) || (mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) &&
!mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)))) || (this.usePopupTrigger &&
// Overrides/extends rubberband for space handling with Ctrl+Shift(+Alt) drag ("scissors tool")
mxRubberband.prototype.isSpaceEvent = function(me)
return this.graph.isEnabled() && !this.graph.isCellLocked(this.graph.getDefaultParent()) &&
mxEvent.isControlDown(me.getEvent()) && mxEvent.isShiftDown(me.getEvent());
// Handles moving of cells in both half panes
mxRubberband.prototype.mouseUp = function(sender, me)
var execute = this.div != null && this.div.style.display != 'none';
var x0 = null;
var y0 = null;
var dx = null;
var dy = null;
if (this.first != null && this.currentX != null && this.currentY != null)
x0 = this.first.x;
y0 = this.first.y;
dx = (this.currentX - x0) / this.graph.view.scale;
dy = (this.currentY - y0) / this.graph.view.scale;
if (!mxEvent.isAltDown(me.getEvent()))
dx = this.graph.snap(dx);
dy = this.graph.snap(dy);
if (!this.graph.isGridEnabled())
if (Math.abs(dx) < this.graph.tolerance)
dx = 0;
if (Math.abs(dy) < this.graph.tolerance)
dy = 0;
if (execute)
if (mxEvent.isAltDown(me.getEvent()) && this.graph.isToggleEvent(me.getEvent()))
var rect = new mxRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
var cells = this.graph.getCells(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
else if (this.isSpaceEvent(me))
var cells = this.graph.getCellsBeyond(x0, y0, this.graph.getDefaultParent(), true, true);
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (this.graph.isCellMovable(cells[i]))
var tmp = this.graph.view.getState(cells[i]);
var geo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(cells[i]);
if (tmp != null && geo != null)
geo = geo.clone();
geo.translate(dx, dy);
this.graph.model.setGeometry(cells[i], geo);
var rect = new mxRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
this.graph.selectRegion(rect, me.getEvent());
// Handles preview for creating/removing space in diagram
mxRubberband.prototype.mouseMove = function(sender, me)
if (!me.isConsumed() && this.first != null)
var origin = mxUtils.getScrollOrigin(this.graph.container);
var offset = mxUtils.getOffset(this.graph.container);
origin.x -= offset.x;
origin.y -= offset.y;
var x = me.getX() + origin.x;
var y = me.getY() + origin.y;
var dx = this.first.x - x;
var dy = this.first.y - y;
var tol = this.graph.tolerance;
if (this.div != null || Math.abs(dx) > tol || Math.abs(dy) > tol)
if (this.div == null)
this.div = this.createShape();
// Clears selection while rubberbanding. This is required because
// the event is not consumed in mouseDown.
this.update(x, y);
if (this.isSpaceEvent(me))
var right = this.x + this.width;
var bottom = this.y + this.height;
var scale = this.graph.view.scale;
if (!mxEvent.isAltDown(me.getEvent()))
this.width = this.graph.snap(this.width / scale) * scale;
this.height = this.graph.snap(this.height / scale) * scale;
if (!this.graph.isGridEnabled())
if (this.width < this.graph.tolerance)
this.width = 0;
if (this.height < this.graph.tolerance)
this.height = 0;
if (this.x < this.first.x)
this.x = right - this.width;
if (this.y < this.first.y)
this.y = bottom - this.height;
this.div.style.borderStyle = 'dashed';
this.div.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
this.div.style.left = this.x + 'px';
this.div.style.top = this.y + 'px';
this.div.style.width = Math.max(0, this.width) + 'px';
this.div.style.height = this.graph.container.clientHeight + 'px';
this.div.style.borderWidth = (this.width <= 0) ? '0px 1px 0px 0px' : '0px 1px 0px 1px';
if (this.secondDiv == null)
this.secondDiv = this.div.cloneNode(true);
this.secondDiv.style.left = this.x + 'px';
this.secondDiv.style.top = this.y + 'px';
this.secondDiv.style.width = this.graph.container.clientWidth + 'px';
this.secondDiv.style.height = Math.max(0, this.height) + 'px';
this.secondDiv.style.borderWidth = (this.height <= 0) ? '1px 0px 0px 0px' : '1px 0px 1px 0px';
// Hides second div and restores style
this.div.style.backgroundColor = '';
this.div.style.borderWidth = '';
this.div.style.borderStyle = '';
if (this.secondDiv != null)
this.secondDiv = null;
// Removes preview
var mxRubberbandReset = mxRubberband.prototype.reset;
mxRubberband.prototype.reset = function()
if (this.secondDiv != null)
this.secondDiv = null;
mxRubberbandReset.apply(this, arguments);
// Timer-based activation of outline connect in connection handler
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeOnTarget = 0;
var mxEdgeHandlerUpdatePreviewState = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updatePreviewState;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updatePreviewState = function(edge, point, terminalState, me)
mxEdgeHandlerUpdatePreviewState.apply(this, arguments);
if (terminalState != this.currentTerminalState)
startTime = new Date().getTime();
timeOnTarget = 0;
timeOnTarget = new Date().getTime() - startTime;
this.currentTerminalState = terminalState;
// Timer-based outline connect
var mxEdgeHandlerIsOutlineConnectEvent = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isOutlineConnectEvent;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isOutlineConnectEvent = function(me)
return (this.currentTerminalState != null && me.getState() == this.currentTerminalState && timeOnTarget > 2000) ||
((this.currentTerminalState == null || mxUtils.getValue(this.currentTerminalState.style, 'outlineConnect', '1') != '0') &&
mxEdgeHandlerIsOutlineConnectEvent.apply(this, arguments));
// Disables custom handles if shift is pressed
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isCustomHandleEvent = function(me)
return !mxEvent.isShiftDown(me.getEvent());
// Shows secondary handle for fixed connection points
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createHandleShape = function(index, virtual)
var source = index != null && index == 0;
var terminalState = this.state.getVisibleTerminalState(source);
var c = (index != null && (index == 0 || index >= this.state.absolutePoints.length - 1 ||
(this.constructor == mxElbowEdgeHandler && index == 2))) ?
this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(this.state, terminalState, source) : null;
var pt = (c != null) ? this.graph.getConnectionPoint(this.state.getVisibleTerminalState(source), c) : null;
var img = (pt != null) ? this.fixedHandleImage : ((c != null && terminalState != null) ?
this.terminalHandleImage : this.handleImage);
if (img != null)
var shape = new mxImageShape(new mxRectangle(0, 0, img.width, img.height), img.src);
// Allows HTML rendering of the images
shape.preserveImageAspect = false;
return shape;
var s = mxConstants.HANDLE_SIZE;
if (this.preferHtml)
s -= 1;
return new mxRectangleShape(new mxRectangle(0, 0, s, s), mxConstants.HANDLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.HANDLE_STROKECOLOR);
var vertexHandlerCreateSizerShape = mxVertexHandler.prototype.createSizerShape;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.createSizerShape = function(bounds, index, fillColor)
this.handleImage = (index == mxEvent.ROTATION_HANDLE) ? HoverIcons.prototype.rotationHandle : (index == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE) ? this.secondaryHandleImage : this.handleImage;
return vertexHandlerCreateSizerShape.apply(this, arguments);
// Special case for single edge label handle moving in which case the text bounding box is used
var mxGraphHandlerGetBoundingBox = mxGraphHandler.prototype.getBoundingBox;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getBoundingBox = function(cells)
if (cells != null && cells.length == 1)
var model = this.graph.getModel();
var parent = model.getParent(cells[0]);
var geo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(cells[0]);
if (model.isEdge(parent) && geo != null && geo.relative)
var state = this.graph.view.getState(cells[0]);
if (state != null && state.width < 2 && state.height < 2 && state.text != null && state.text.boundingBox != null)
return mxRectangle.fromRectangle(state.text.boundingBox);
return mxGraphHandlerGetBoundingBox.apply(this, arguments);
// Uses text bounding box for edge labels
var mxVertexHandlerGetSelectionBounds = mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionBounds;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionBounds = function(state)
var model = this.graph.getModel();
var parent = model.getParent(state.cell);
var geo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(state.cell);
if (model.isEdge(parent) && geo != null && geo.relative && state.width < 2 && state.height < 2 && state.text != null && state.text.boundingBox != null)
var bbox = state.text.unrotatedBoundingBox || state.text.boundingBox;
return new mxRectangle(Math.round(bbox.x), Math.round(bbox.y), Math.round(bbox.width), Math.round(bbox.height));
return mxVertexHandlerGetSelectionBounds.apply(this, arguments);
// Redirects moving of edge labels to mxGraphHandler by not starting here.
// This will use the move preview of mxGraphHandler (see above).
var mxVertexHandlerMouseDown = mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseDown;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function(sender, me)
var model = this.graph.getModel();
var parent = model.getParent(this.state.cell);
var geo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(this.state.cell);
// Lets rotation events through
var handle = this.getHandleForEvent(me);
if (handle == mxEvent.ROTATION_HANDLE || !model.isEdge(parent) || geo == null || !geo.relative ||
this.state == null || this.state.width >= 2 || this.state.height >= 2)
mxVertexHandlerMouseDown.apply(this, arguments);
// Shows rotation handle for edge labels.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isRotationHandleVisible = function()
return this.graph.isEnabled() && this.rotationEnabled && this.graph.isCellRotatable(this.state.cell) &&
(mxGraphHandler.prototype.maxCells <= 0 || this.graph.getSelectionCount() < mxGraphHandler.prototype.maxCells);
// Invokes turn on single click on rotation handle
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotateClick = function()
var vertexHandlerMouseMove = mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseMove;
// Workaround for "isConsumed not defined" in MS Edge is to use arguments
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function(sender, me)
vertexHandlerMouseMove.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.graph.graphHandler.first != null)
if (this.rotationShape != null && this.rotationShape.node != null)
this.rotationShape.node.style.display = 'none';
var vertexHandlerMouseUp = mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseUp;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function(sender, me)
vertexHandlerMouseUp.apply(this, arguments);
// Shows rotation handle only if one vertex is selected
if (this.rotationShape != null && this.rotationShape.node != null)
this.rotationShape.node.style.display = (this.graph.getSelectionCount() == 1) ? '' : 'none';
var vertexHandlerInit = mxVertexHandler.prototype.init;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.init = function()
vertexHandlerInit.apply(this, arguments);
var redraw = false;
if (this.rotationShape != null)
this.rotationShape.node.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('rotateTooltip'));
var update = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
// Shows rotation handle only if one vertex is selected
if (this.rotationShape != null && this.rotationShape.node != null)
this.rotationShape.node.style.display = (this.graph.getSelectionCount() == 1) ? '' : 'none';
if (this.specialHandle != null)
this.specialHandle.node.style.display = (this.graph.isEnabled() && this.graph.getSelectionCount() < this.graph.graphHandler.maxCells) ? '' : 'none';
this.selectionHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
this.graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.selectionHandler);
this.changeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.changeHandler);
// Repaint needed when editing stops and no change event is fired
this.editingHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.EDITING_STOPPED, this.editingHandler);
var link = this.graph.getLinkForCell(this.state.cell);
if (link != null)
redraw = true;
if (redraw)
mxVertexHandler.prototype.updateLinkHint = function(link)
if (link == null || this.graph.getSelectionCount() > 1)
if (this.linkHint != null)
this.linkHint = null;
else if (link != null)
if (this.linkHint == null)
this.linkHint = createHint();
this.linkHint.style.padding = '4px 10px 6px 10px';
this.linkHint.style.fontSize = '90%';
this.linkHint.style.opacity = '1';
this.linkHint.style.filter = '';
var a = this.graph.createLinkForHint(link, link);
this.linkHint.innerHTML = '';
if (this.graph.isEnabled() && typeof this.graph.editLink === 'function')
var changeLink = document.createElement('img');
changeLink.setAttribute('src', IMAGE_PATH + '/edit.gif');
changeLink.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('editLink'));
changeLink.setAttribute('width', '11');
changeLink.setAttribute('height', '11');
changeLink.style.marginLeft = '10px';
changeLink.style.marginBottom = '-1px';
changeLink.style.cursor = 'pointer';
mxEvent.addListener(changeLink, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updateLinkHint = mxVertexHandler.prototype.updateLinkHint;
var edgeHandlerInit = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.init;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.init = function()
edgeHandlerInit.apply(this, arguments);
// Disables connection points
this.constraintHandler.isEnabled = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
return this.state.view.graph.connectionHandler.isEnabled();
var update = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
if (this.linkHint != null)
this.linkHint.style.display = (this.graph.getSelectionCount() == 1) ? '' : 'none';
if (this.labelShape != null)
this.labelShape.node.style.display = (this.graph.isEnabled() && this.graph.getSelectionCount() < this.graph.graphHandler.maxCells) ? '' : 'none';
this.selectionHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
this.graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.selectionHandler);
this.changeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.changeHandler);
var link = this.graph.getLinkForCell(this.state.cell);
if (link != null)
// Disables connection points
var connectionHandlerInit = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.init;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.init = function()
connectionHandlerInit.apply(this, arguments);
this.constraintHandler.isEnabled = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
return this.graph.connectionHandler.isEnabled();
var vertexHandlerRedrawHandles = mxVertexHandler.prototype.redrawHandles;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function()
if (this.state != null && this.linkHint != null)
var c = new mxPoint(this.state.getCenterX(), this.state.getCenterY());
var tmp = new mxRectangle(this.state.x, this.state.y - 22, this.state.width + 24, this.state.height + 22);
var bb = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(tmp, this.state.style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0', c);
var rs = (bb != null) ? mxUtils.getBoundingBox(this.state, this.state.style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0') : this.state;
if (bb == null)
bb = this.state;
this.linkHint.style.left = Math.round(rs.x + (rs.width - this.linkHint.clientWidth) / 2) + 'px';
this.linkHint.style.top = Math.round(bb.y + bb.height + this.verticalOffset / 2 +
6 + this.state.view.graph.tolerance) + 'px';
var vertexHandlerReset = mxVertexHandler.prototype.reset;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.reset = function()
vertexHandlerReset.apply(this, arguments);
// Shows rotation handle only if one vertex is selected
if (this.rotationShape != null && this.rotationShape.node != null)
this.rotationShape.node.style.display = (this.graph.getSelectionCount() == 1) ? '' : 'none';
var vertexHandlerDestroy = mxVertexHandler.prototype.destroy;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
vertexHandlerDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.linkHint != null)
this.linkHint = null;
if (this.selectionHandler != null)
this.selectionHandler = null;
if (this.changeHandler != null)
this.changeHandler = null;
if (this.editingHandler != null)
this.editingHandler = null;
var edgeHandlerRedrawHandles = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawHandles;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function()
// Workaround for special case where handler
// is reset before this which leads to a NPE
if (this.marker != null)
if (this.state != null && this.linkHint != null)
var b = this.state;
if (this.state.text != null && this.state.text.bounds != null)
b = new mxRectangle(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height);
this.linkHint.style.left = Math.round(b.x + (b.width - this.linkHint.clientWidth) / 2) + 'px';
this.linkHint.style.top = Math.round(b.y + b.height + 6 + this.state.view.graph.tolerance) + 'px';
var edgeHandlerReset = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.reset;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.reset = function()
edgeHandlerReset.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.linkHint != null)
this.linkHint.style.visibility = '';
var edgeHandlerDestroy = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.destroy;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
edgeHandlerDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.linkHint != null)
this.linkHint = null;
if (this.selectionHandler != null)
this.selectionHandler = null;
if (this.changeHandler != null)
this.changeHandler = null;