Former-commit-id: ccde2c896d
1437 lines
37 KiB
1437 lines
37 KiB
* Mindmaps plugin.
* Todo:
* - Make cursor key selection more generic
* - Handle single-cell movement on touch
* - Move multiple cells without subtrees
* - Make offset subtrees more generic
var spacing = 10;
var level = 40;
var graph = ui.editor.graph;
var model = graph.getModel();
// Adds resources for actions
mxResources.parse('selectChildren=Select Children');
mxResources.parse('selectSiblings=Select Siblings');
mxResources.parse('selectSubtree=Select Subtree');
mxResources.parse('selectParent=Select Parent');
function isTreeCell(cell)
var result = false;
if (cell != null)
graph.traverse(cell, true, function(vertex)
result = vertex.getAttribute('treeRoot') == '1';
return !result;
}, null, null, true);
return result;
var uiCreatePopupMenu = ui.menus.createPopupMenu;
ui.menus.createPopupMenu = function(menu, cell, evt)
uiCreatePopupMenu.apply(this, arguments);
if (isTreeCell(graph.getSelectionCell()) && graph.getSelectionCount() == 1)
var cell = graph.getSelectionCell();
var sib = graph.getOutgoingEdges(cell);
if (sib != null && sib.length > 0)
this.addMenuItems(menu, ['selectChildren', 'selectSubtree'], null, evt);
if (cell.getAttribute('treeRoot') != '1')
this.addMenuItems(menu, ['selectSiblings', 'selectParent'], null, evt);
// Adds actions
ui.actions.addAction('selectChildren', function()
if (graph.isEnabled() && graph.getSelectionCount() == 1)
var cell = graph.getSelectionCell();
var sib = graph.getOutgoingEdges(cell);
if (sib != null)
var tmp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sib.length; i++)
tmp.push(graph.model.getTerminal(sib[i], false));
}, null, null, 'Alt+Shift+X');
// Adds actions
ui.actions.addAction('selectSiblings', function()
if (graph.isEnabled() && graph.getSelectionCount() == 1)
var cell = graph.getSelectionCell();
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cell);
if (edges != null && edges.length > 0)
var sib = graph.getOutgoingEdges(graph.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true));
if (sib != null)
var tmp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sib.length; i++)
tmp.push(graph.model.getTerminal(sib[i], false));
}, null, null, 'Alt+Shift+S');
// Adds actions
ui.actions.addAction('selectParent', function()
if (graph.isEnabled() && graph.getSelectionCount() == 1)
var cell = graph.getSelectionCell();
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cell);
if (edges != null && edges.length > 0)
graph.setSelectionCell(graph.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true));
}, null, null, 'Alt+Shift+P');
ui.actions.addAction('selectSubtree', function()
if (graph.isEnabled() && graph.getSelectionCount() == 1)
var cell = graph.getSelectionCell();
// Makes space for new parent
var subtree = [];
graph.traverse(cell, true, function(vertex, edge)
if (edge != null)
return true;
}, null, null, 'Alt+Shift+T');
* Overriddes
var graphFoldCells = graph.foldCells;
graph.foldCells = function(collapse, recurse, cells, checkFoldable, evt)
//console.log('cells', cells, collapse);
var newCells = cells.splice();
var tmp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (isTreeCell(cells[i]))
graph.traverse(cells[i], true, function(vertex, edge)
if (edge != null)
if (vertex != cells[i])
// Stop traversal on collapsed vertices
return vertex == cells[i] || !graph.model.isCollapsed(vertex);
graph.model.setCollapsed(cells[i], collapse);
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++)
graph.model.setVisible(tmp[i], !collapse);
cells = newCells;
graphFoldCells.apply(this, arguments);
var graphRemoveCells = graph.removeCells;
graph.removeCells = function(cells, includeEdges)
var tmp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (isTreeCell(cells[i]))
graph.traverse(cells[i], true, function(vertex, edge)
if (edge != null)
return true;
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cells[i]);
cells = cells.concat(edges);
cells = tmp;
graphRemoveCells.apply(this, arguments);
ui.hoverIcons.getStateAt = function(state, x, y)
return (isTreeCell(state.cell)) ? null : this.graph.view.getState(this.graph.getCellAt(x, y));
var graphDuplicateCells = graph.duplicateCells;
graph.duplicateCells = function(cells, append)
cells = (cells != null) ? cells : this.getSelectionCells();
var temp = cells.slice(0);
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++)
var cell = temp[i];
var state = graph.view.getState(cell);
if (state != null && isTreeCell(state.cell))
// Avoids disconnecting subtree by removing all incoming edges
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(state.cell);
for (var j = 0; j < edges.length; j++)
mxUtils.remove(edges[j], cells);
var result = graphDuplicateCells.call(this, cells, append);
if (result.length == cells.length)
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (isTreeCell(cells[i]))
var newEdges = graph.getIncomingEdges(result[i]);
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cells[i]);
if (newEdges.length == 0 && edges.length > 0)
var clone = this.cloneCells([edges[0]])[0];
this.addEdge(clone, graph.getDefaultParent(),
this.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true), result[i]);
return result;
var graphMoveCells = graph.moveCells;
graph.moveCells = function(cells, dx, dy, clone, target, evt, mapping)
var result = null;
var newSource = target;
if (isTreeCell(target))
// Handles only drag from tree or from sidebar with dangling edges
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (isTreeCell(cells[i]) || (graph.model.isEdge(cells[i]) &&
graph.model.getTerminal(cells[i], true) == null))
target = null;
// Applies distance between previous and current parent for non-sidebar drags
if (newSource != null && target == null && this.view.getState(cells[0]) != null)
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cells[0]);
if (edges.length > 0)
var state1 = graph.view.getState(graph.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true));
if (state1 != null)
var state2 = graph.view.getState(newSource);
if (state2 != null)
dx = state2.getCenterX() - state1.getCenterX();
dy = state2.getCenterY() - state1.getCenterY();
result = graphMoveCells.apply(this, arguments);
if (result.length == cells.length)
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
// Connects all dangling edges from the sidebar when dropped into drop target (not hover icon)
if (this.model.isEdge(result[i]))
if (isTreeCell(newSource) && mxUtils.indexOf(result, this.model.getTerminal(result[i], true)) < 0)
this.model.setTerminal(result[i], newSource, true);
else if (isTreeCell(cells[i]))
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cells[i]);
if (edges.length > 0)
if (!clone)
if (isTreeCell(newSource) && mxUtils.indexOf(cells, this.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true)) < 0)
this.model.setTerminal(edges[0], newSource, true);
var newEdges = graph.getIncomingEdges(result[i]);
if (newEdges.length == 0)
var temp = newSource;
if (temp == null)
temp = graph.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true);
var clone = this.cloneCells([edges[0]])[0];
this.addEdge(clone, graph.getDefaultParent(), temp, result[i]);
return result;
// Connects all dangling edges from the sidebar (by
// default only first dangling edge gets connected)
var sidebarDropAndConnect = ui.sidebar.dropAndConnect;
ui.sidebar.dropAndConnect = function(source, targets, direction, dropCellIndex)
var model = graph.model;
var result = null;
result = sidebarDropAndConnect.apply(this, arguments);
if (isTreeCell(source))
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
if (model.isEdge(result[i]) && model.getTerminal(result[i], true) == null)
model.setTerminal(result[i], source, true);
var geo = graph.getCellGeometry(result[i]);
geo.points = null;
if (geo.getTerminalPoint(true) != null)
geo.setTerminalPoint(null, true);
return result;
* Checks source point of incoming edge relative to target terminal.
function getTreeDirection(cell)
var state = graph.view.getState(cell);
if (state != null)
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(state.cell);
if (edges.length > 0)
var edgeState = graph.view.getState(edges[0]);
if (edgeState != null)
var abs = edgeState.absolutePoints;
if (abs != null && abs.length > 0)
var pt = abs[abs.length - 1];
if (pt != null)
if (pt.y == state.y && Math.abs(pt.x - state.getCenterX()) < state.width / 2)
return mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
else if (pt.y == state.y + state.height && Math.abs(pt.x - state.getCenterX()) < state.width / 2)
return mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
else if (pt.x > state.getCenterX())
return mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST;
return mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
function addSibling(cell, after)
after = (after != null) ? after : true;
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cell);
var clones = graph.cloneCells([edges[0], cell]);
graph.model.setTerminal(clones[0], graph.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true), true);
var dir = getTreeDirection(cell);
if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH || dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
clones[1].geometry.x += (after) ? cell.geometry.width + spacing :
-clones[1].geometry.width - spacing;
clones[1].geometry.y += (after) ? cell.geometry.height + spacing :
-clones[1].geometry.height - spacing;
if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
clones[1].geometry.x = cell.geometry.x + cell.geometry.width - clones[1].geometry.width;
// Moves existing siblings
var state = graph.view.getState(cell);
var s = graph.view.scale;
if (state != null)
var bbox = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(state);
if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH ||
dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
bbox.x += ((after) ? cell.geometry.width + spacing :
-clones[1].geometry.width - spacing) * s;
bbox.y += ((after) ? cell.geometry.height + spacing :
-clones[1].geometry.height - spacing) * s;
var sib = graph.getOutgoingEdges(graph.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true));
if (sib != null)
var hor = (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH || dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH);
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < sib.length; i++)
var temp = graph.model.getTerminal(sib[i], false);
if (dir == getTreeDirection(temp))
var sibling = graph.view.getState(temp);
if (temp != cell && sibling != null)
if ((hor && after != sibling.getCenterX() < state.getCenterX()) ||
(!hor && after != sibling.getCenterY() < state.getCenterY()))
if (mxUtils.intersects(bbox, sibling))
dx = spacing + Math.max(dx, (Math.min(bbox.x + bbox.width,
sibling.x + sibling.width) - Math.max(bbox.x, sibling.x)) / s);
dy = spacing + Math.max(dy, (Math.min(bbox.y + bbox.height,
sibling.y + sibling.height) - Math.max(bbox.y, sibling.y)) / s);
if (hor)
dy = 0;
dx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < sib.length; i++)
var temp = graph.model.getTerminal(sib[i], false);
if (dir == getTreeDirection(temp))
var sibling = graph.view.getState(temp);
if (temp != cell && sibling != null)
if ((hor && after != sibling.getCenterX() < state.getCenterX()) ||
(!hor && after != sibling.getCenterY() < state.getCenterY()))
var subtree = [];
graph.traverse(sibling.cell, true, function(vertex, edge)
if (edge != null)
return true;
graph.moveCells(subtree, ((after) ? 1 : -1) * dx, ((after) ? 1 : -1) * dy);
return graph.addCells(clones);
function addParent(cell)
var dir = getTreeDirection(cell);
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cell);
var clones = graph.cloneCells([edges[0], cell]);
graph.model.setTerminal(edges[0], clones[1], false);
graph.model.setTerminal(clones[0], clones[1], true);
graph.model.setTerminal(clones[0], cell, false);
// Makes space for new parent
var subtree = [];
graph.traverse(cell, true, function(vertex, edge)
if (edge != null)
return true;
var dx = cell.geometry.width + level;
var dy = cell.geometry.height + level;
if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
dx = 0;
else if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
dx = 0;
dy = -level;
else if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
dx = -level;
dy = 0;
else if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
dy = 0;
graph.moveCells(subtree, dx, dy);
return graph.addCells(clones);
function addChild(cell)
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cell);
var clones = graph.cloneCells([edges[0], cell]);
graph.model.setTerminal(clones[0], cell, true);
// Finds free space
var edges = graph.getOutgoingEdges(cell);
var targets = [];
for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
var target = graph.model.getTerminal(edges[i], false);
if (target != null)
var bbox = graph.view.getBounds(targets);
var dir = getTreeDirection(cell);
var tr = graph.view.translate;
var s = graph.view.scale;
if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
clones[1].geometry.x = (bbox == null) ? cell.geometry.x + (cell.geometry.width -
clones[1].geometry.width) / 2 : (bbox.x + bbox.width) / s - tr.x + spacing;
clones[1].geometry.y += cell.geometry.height + level;
else if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
clones[1].geometry.x = (bbox == null) ? cell.geometry.x + (cell.geometry.width -
clones[1].geometry.width) / 2 : (bbox.x + bbox.width) / s - tr.x + spacing;
clones[1].geometry.y -= clones[1].geometry.height + level;
else if (dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
clones[1].geometry.x -= clones[1].geometry.width + level;
clones[1].geometry.y = (bbox == null) ? cell.geometry.y + (cell.geometry.height -
clones[1].geometry.height) / 2 : (bbox.y + bbox.height) / s - tr.y + spacing;
clones[1].geometry.x += cell.geometry.width + level;
clones[1].geometry.y = (bbox == null) ? cell.geometry.y + (cell.geometry.height -
clones[1].geometry.height) / 2 : (bbox.y + bbox.height) / s - tr.y + spacing;
return graph.addCells(clones);
function getOrderedTargets(cell, horizontal, ref)
var sib = graph.getOutgoingEdges(cell);
var state = graph.view.getState(ref);
var targets = [];
if (state != null && sib != null)
for (var i = 0; i < sib.length; i++)
var temp = graph.view.getState(graph.model.getTerminal(sib[i], false));
if (temp != null && ((!horizontal && (Math.min(temp.x + temp.width,
state.x + state.width) >= Math.max(temp.x, state.x))) ||
(horizontal && (Math.min(temp.y + temp.height, state.y + state.height) >=
Math.max(temp.y, state.y)))))
targets.sort(function(a, b)
return (horizontal) ? a.x + a.width - b.x - b.width : a.y + a.height - b.y - b.height;
return targets;
function selectCell(cell, direction)
var dir = getTreeDirection(cell);
var h1 = dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST || dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST;
var h2 = direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST || direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST;
if (h1 == h2 && dir != direction)
else if (dir == direction)
var sib = graph.getOutgoingEdges(cell);
if (sib != null && sib.length > 0)
graph.setSelectionCell(graph.model.getTerminal(sib[0], false));
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(cell);
if (edges != null && edges.length > 0)
var targets = getOrderedTargets(graph.model.getTerminal(edges[0], true), h2, cell);
var state = graph.view.getState(cell);
if (state != null)
var idx = mxUtils.indexOf(targets, state);
if (idx >= 0)
idx += (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST) ? -1 : 1;
if (idx >= 0 && idx <= targets.length - 1)
// Overrides keyboard shortcuts
var altShiftActions = {88: ui.actions.get('selectChildren'), // Alt+Shift+X
84: ui.actions.get('selectSubtree'), // Alt+Shift+T
80: ui.actions.get('selectParent'), // Alt+Shift+P
83: ui.actions.get('selectSiblings')} // Alt+Shift+S
var editorUiOnKeyDown = ui.onKeyDown;
ui.onKeyDown = function(evt)
if (graph.isEnabled() && !graph.isEditing() && graph.getSelectionCount() == 1 &&
var cells = null;
if (graph.getSelectionCell().getAttribute('treeRoot') != '1')
if (evt.which == 9) // Tab adds child
cells = (mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) ?
addParent(graph.getSelectionCell()) :
else if (evt.which == 13) // Enter adds sibling
cells = addSibling(graph.getSelectionCell(), !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt));
if (cells != null && cells.length > 0)
if (cells.length == 1 && graph.model.isEdge(cells[0]))
graph.setSelectionCell(graph.model.getTerminal(cells[0], false));
graph.setSelectionCell(cells[cells.length - 1]);
if (ui.hoverIcons != null)
if (mxEvent.isAltDown(evt) && mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt))
var action = altShiftActions[evt.keyCode];
if (action != null)
if (evt.keyCode == 37) // left
selectCell(graph.getSelectionCell(), mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST);
else if (evt.keyCode == 38) // up
selectCell(graph.getSelectionCell(), mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH);
else if (evt.keyCode == 39) // right
selectCell(graph.getSelectionCell(), mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST);
else if (evt.keyCode == 40) // down
selectCell(graph.getSelectionCell(), mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH);
catch (e)
console.log('error', e);
if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(evt))
editorUiOnKeyDown.apply(this, arguments);
var graphConnectVertex = graph.connectVertex;
graph.connectVertex = function(source, direction, length, evt, forceClone, ignoreCellAt)
if (isTreeCell(source) && source.getAttribute('treeRoot') != '1')
var dir = getTreeDirection(source);
var h1 = dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST || dir == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST;
var h2 = direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST || direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST;
if (dir == direction)
return addChild(source);
else if (h1 == h2)
return addParent(source);
return addSibling(source, direction != mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH &&
direction != mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST);
return [];
var cells = graphConnectVertex.call(this, source, direction, length, evt, forceClone,
ignoreCellAt || source.getAttribute('treeRoot') == '1');
// Removes treeRoot flag in clones
if (source.getAttribute('treeRoot') == '1')
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (cells[i].getAttribute('treeRoot') == '1')
graph.setAttributeForCell(cells[i], 'treeRoot', null);
return cells;
var graphHandlerGetCells = graph.graphHandler.getCells;
graph.graphHandler.getCells = function(initialCell)
var cells = graphHandlerGetCells.apply(this, arguments);
var temp = cells.slice(0);
// Removes all edges first
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++)
if (isTreeCell(temp[i]))
// Avoids disconnecting subtree by removing all incoming edges
var edges = graph.getIncomingEdges(temp[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < edges.length; j++)
mxUtils.remove(edges[j], cells);
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++)
if (isTreeCell(temp[i]))
// Gets the subtree from cell downwards
graph.traverse(temp[i], true, function(vertex, edge)
// TODO: Use dictionary to avoid duplicates
if (edge != null && mxUtils.indexOf(cells, edge) < 0)
if (mxUtils.indexOf(cells, vertex) < 0)
return true;
return cells;
// var ignoreMove = false;
// graph.addListener(mxEvent.MOVE_CELLS, function(sender, evt)
// {
// if (!ignoreMove)
// {
// var cells = evt.getProperty('cells');
// var dx = evt.getProperty('dx');
// var dy = evt.getProperty('dy');
// ignoreMove = true;
// for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
// {
// var state = graph.view.getState(cells[i]);
// if (state != null && state.style['mindmapRoot'] == '1')
// {
// // TODO: Move subtree by same dx/dy
// //layout.execute(model.getParent(state.cell), state.cell);
// // Gets the subtree from cell downwards
// var tmp = [];
// graph.traverse(cells[i], true, function(vertex)
// {
// tmp.push(vertex);
// return true;
// });
// mxUtils.remove(cells[i], tmp);
// graph.moveCells(tmp, dx, dy);
// }
// }
// ignoreMove = false;
// }
// });
// Defines a new class for all icons
function mxIconSet(state)
this.images = [];
var graph = state.view.graph;
// Icon1
// var img = mxUtils.createImage('images/handle-connect.png');
// img.setAttribute('title', 'Duplicate');
// img.style.position = 'absolute';
// img.style.cursor = 'pointer';
// img.style.width = '26px';
// img.style.height = '26px';
// img.style.left = (state.x - 13) + 'px';
// img.style.top = (state.getCenterY() - 13) + 'px';
// mxEvent.addGestureListeners(img,
// mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
// {
// var s = graph.gridSize;
// graph.setSelectionCells(graph.moveCells([state.cell], s, s, true));
// mxEvent.consume(evt);
// this.destroy();
// })
// );
// state.view.graph.container.appendChild(img);
// this.images.push(img);
// Delete
var img = mxUtils.createImage('plugins/trees/handle-move.gif');
img.setAttribute('title', 'Move Cell without Subtree');
img.style.position = 'absolute';
img.style.cursor = 'pointer';
img.style.width = '26px';
img.style.height = '26px';
img.style.left = (state.getCenterX() - 13) + 'px';
img.style.top = (state.getCenterY() - 13) + 'px';
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(img, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (!graph.isCellSelected(state.cell))
graph.graphHandler.start(state.cell, mxEvent.getClientX(evt), mxEvent.getClientY(evt));
graph.graphHandler.cells = [state.cell];
graph.graphHandler.bounds = graph.graphHandler.graph.getView().getBounds(graph.graphHandler.cells);
graph.graphHandler.pBounds = graph.graphHandler.getPreviewBounds(graph.graphHandler.cells);
graph.graphHandler.cellWasClicked = true;
graph.isMouseDown = true;
graph.isMouseTrigger = mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt);
// Disables dragging the image
// mxEvent.addListener(img, 'click',
// mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
// {
// console.log('here', graph.graphHandler.dx);
// if (Math.abs(graph.graphHandler.currentDx) < graph.tolerance)
// {
// graph.setSelectionCell(state.cell);
// }
// })
// );
mxIconSet.prototype.destroy = function()
if (this.images != null)
for (var i = 0; i < this.images.length; i++)
var img = this.images[i];
this.images = null;
// Defines the tolerance before removing the icons
var iconTolerance = 20;
// Shows icons if the mouse is over a cell
currentState: null,
currentIconSet: null,
mouseDown: function(sender, me)
// Hides icons on mouse down
if (this.currentState != null)
this.dragLeave(me.getEvent(), this.currentState);
this.currentState = null;
// TODO: Fix single cell movement on touch devices
// if (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(me.getEvent()))
// {
// this.mouseMove(sender, me);
// }
mouseMove: function(sender, me)
if (this.currentState != null && (me.getState() == this.currentState ||
me.getState() == null))
var tol = iconTolerance;
var tmp = new mxRectangle(me.getGraphX() - tol,
me.getGraphY() - tol, 2 * tol, 2 * tol);
if (mxUtils.intersects(tmp, this.currentState))
var tmp = me.getState();
// Ignores everything but vertices
if ((graph.isMouseDown && !mxEvent.isTouchEvent(me.getEvent())) ||
graph.isEditing() || (tmp != null &&
(!graph.getModel().isVertex(tmp.cell) || !isTreeCell(me.getCell()))))
tmp = null;
if (tmp != this.currentState)
if (this.currentState != null)
this.dragLeave(me.getEvent(), this.currentState);
this.currentState = tmp;
if (this.currentState != null)
this.dragEnter(me.getEvent(), this.currentState);
mouseUp: function(sender, me) { },
dragEnter: function(evt, state)
if (this.currentIconSet == null)
this.currentIconSet = new mxIconSet(state);
dragLeave: function(evt, state)
if (this.currentIconSet != null)
this.currentIconSet = null;
// Adds sidebar entries
var sb = ui.sidebar;
sb.addPalette('trees', 'Trees', true, function(content)
var cell = new mxCell('Central Idea', new mxGeometry(0, 20, 100, 40),
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cell.vertex = true;
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cell2.vertex = true;
var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=entityRelationEdgeStyle;' +
edge.geometry.relative = true;
edge.edge = true;
cell.insertEdge(edge, true);
cell2.insertEdge(edge, false);
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cell3.vertex = true;
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edge2.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(-40, 40), true);
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edge2.edge = true;
cell.insertEdge(edge2, true);
cell3.insertEdge(edge2, false);
content.appendChild(sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([edge, edge2, cell, cell2, cell3], 240, 66, 'Mindmap'));
var cell = new mxCell('Central Idea', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 100, 40),
'ellipse;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;' +
graph.setAttributeForCell(cell, 'treeRoot', '1');
cell.vertex = true;
content.appendChild(sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], 100, 40, 'Central Idea'));
var cell = new mxCell('Branch', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 80, 20),
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cell.vertex = true;
var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=entityRelationEdgeStyle;' +
edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(-40, 40), true);
edge.geometry.relative = true;
edge.edge = true;
cell.insertEdge(edge, false);
content.appendChild(sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([edge, cell], 80, 20, 'Branch'));
var cell = new mxCell('Sub Topic', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 72, 26),
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cell.vertex = true;
var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=entityRelationEdgeStyle;' +
edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(-40, 40), true);
edge.geometry.relative = true;
edge.edge = true;
cell.insertEdge(edge, false);
content.appendChild(sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([edge, cell], 72, 26, 'Sub Topic'));
var cell = new mxCell('Organization', new mxGeometry(60, 0, 120, 60),
'whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;' +
graph.setAttributeForCell(cell, 'treeRoot', '1');
cell.vertex = true;
var cell2 = new mxCell('Division', new mxGeometry(0, 100, 100, 60),
'whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;' +
cell2.vertex = true;
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edge.geometry.relative = true;
edge.edge = true;
cell.insertEdge(edge, true);
cell2.insertEdge(edge, false);
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'whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;' +
cell3.vertex = true;
var edge2 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;' +
edge2.geometry.relative = true;
edge2.edge = true;
cell.insertEdge(edge2, true);
cell3.insertEdge(edge2, false);
content.appendChild(sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([edge, edge2, cell, cell2, cell3], 240, 160, 'Orgchart'));
var cell = new mxCell('Tree Root', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 120, 60),
'whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;' +
graph.setAttributeForCell(cell, 'treeRoot', '1');
cell.vertex = true;
content.appendChild(sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([cell], 120, 60, 'Tree Root'));
var cell = new mxCell('Sub Tree', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 100, 60),
'whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;' +
cell.vertex = true;
var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=vertical;' +
edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(0, -40), true);
edge.geometry.relative = true;
edge.edge = true;
cell.insertEdge(edge, false);
content.appendChild(sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([edge, cell], 100, 60, 'Sub Tree'));
var cell = new mxCell('Sub Section', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 100, 60),
'whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;' +
cell.vertex = true;
var edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;' +
edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(110, -40), true);
edge.geometry.relative = true;
edge.edge = true;
cell.insertEdge(edge, false);
var cell2 = new mxCell('Sub Section', new mxGeometry(120, 0, 100, 60),
'whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;' +
cell2.vertex = true;
var edge2 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0), 'edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;' +
edge2.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(110, -40), true);
edge2.geometry.relative = true;
edge2.edge = true;
cell2.insertEdge(edge2, false);
content.appendChild(sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([edge, edge2, cell, cell2], 220, 60, 'Sub Sections'));
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c.insertBefore(c.lastChild.previousSibling, general);
c.insertBefore(c.lastChild, general);
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