302 lines
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* Update plugin. Use updateUrl and updateInterval (optional, default is 60000ms)
* in the meta data of the diagram to configure the plugin. It will send the XML
* of the current page to the given URL as a POST request (with a parameter called
* xml) and allows for the following type of XML response (with CORS headers):
* <updates>
* <update ...>
* </updates>
* Where update must contain an id attribute to reference the cell in the diagram.
* - An optional value attribute that contains XML markup is used as the value for
* the cell, with label and tooltip for the label and tooltip, respectively.
* Additionally, placeholders="1" can be used to enable placeholders in the label
* or tooltip of the cell.
* - An optional replace-value attribute that contains 1 can be specified to
* replace the value of the cell. Default is to add the attributes of the XML
* value specified above to the existing value of the cell. (Attributes with
* an empty string value are removed.)
* - An optional style attribute that contains the cell style is be used to replace
* the existing cell style.
* - An optional icon attribute that contains JSON is used to add an icon to the
* given cell. The object value that the icon attribute is parsed to may contain
* a tooltip (string), align ("left"|"center"|"right", default is "right"), valign
* (top|middle|bottom, default is bottom) and append (true|false, default is false)
* for adding or replacing existing icons. The image attribute is an object value
* with src, width and height for defining the icon to be displayed (default is
* mxGraph.warningImage). An empty string for the attribute removes all icons.
* See below for an example XML.
if (editorUi.editor.chromeless)
var graph = editorUi.editor.graph;
var interval = 60000;
function createOverlay(desc)
var overlay = new mxCellOverlay(desc.image || graph.warningImage,
desc.tooltip, desc.align, desc.valign, desc.offset);
// Installs a handler for clicks on the overlay
overlay.addListener(mxEvent.CLICK, function(sender, evt)
return overlay;
function parseUpdates(xml)
if (xml != null && xml.length > 0)
var doc = mxUtils.parseXml(xml);
if (doc != null && doc.documentElement != null)
var model = graph.getModel();
var nodes = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('update');
if (nodes != null && nodes.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
// Resolves the cell ID
var cell = model.getCell(nodes[i].getAttribute('id'));
if (cell != null)
// Changes the value
var value = nodes[i].getAttribute('value');
if (value != null)
var node = mxUtils.parseXml(value).documentElement;
if (node != null)
if (nodes[i].getAttribute('replace-value') == '1')
graph.model.setValue(cell, node);
var attrs = node.attributes;
for (var j = 0; j < attrs.length; j++)
graph.setAttributeForCell(cell, attrs[j].nodeName,
(attrs[j].nodeValue.length > 0) ? attrs[j].nodeValue : null);
catch (e)
console.log('Error in value for ' + cell.id + ': ' + e);
// Changes the style
var style = nodes[i].getAttribute('style');
if (style != null)
graph.model.setStyle(cell, style);
catch (e)
console.log('Error in style for ' + cell.id + ': ' + e);
// Adds or removes an overlay icon
var icon = nodes[i].getAttribute('icon');
if (icon != null)
var desc = (icon.length > 0) ? JSON.parse(icon) : null;
if (desc == null || !desc.append)
if (desc != null)
graph.addCellOverlay(cell, createOverlay(desc));
catch (e)
console.log('Error in icon for ' + cell.id + ': ' + e);
} // for
var currentThread = null;
function scheduleUpdates()
var root = editorUi.editor.graph.getModel().getRoot();
var result = false;
if (root.value != null && typeof(root.value) == 'object')
interval = parseInt(root.value.getAttribute('updateInterval') || interval);
var url = root.value.getAttribute('updateUrl');
if (url != null)
var currentXml = mxUtils.getXml(editorUi.editor.getGraphXml());
function doUpdate()
if (url === 'demo')
mxUtils.post(url, 'xml=' + encodeURIComponent(currentXml), function(req)
if (root === editorUi.editor.graph.getModel().getRoot())
if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 300)
editorUi.handleError({message: mxResources.get('error') + ' ' +
}, function(err)
function schedule()
currentThread = window.setTimeout(doUpdate, interval);
result = true;
return result;
function startUpdates()
var result = scheduleUpdates();
if (result)
editorUi.editor.addListener('pageSelected', function()
return result;
function createDemoResponse()
var doc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
var status = doc.createElement('updates');
for (var id in graph.model.cells)
var cell = graph.model.cells[id];
if (graph.model.isVertex(cell))
// For the purpose of the demo we flag stuff to update with update="1".
// This is not needed for the general case.
if (cell.value != null && typeof(cell.value) == 'object' &&
cell.value.getAttribute('update') == '1')
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
var update = doc.createElement('update');
update.setAttribute('id', cell.id);
update.setAttribute('value', '<object tooltip="%load%% Done" load="' +
Math.round(Math.random() * 100) + '" placeholders="1">');
update.setAttribute('style', cell.style + ';fillColor=#d5e8d4;gradientColor=white;');
update.setAttribute('icon', JSON.stringify({tooltip: 'Running', align: "right",
valign: "top", image: {src: IMAGE_PATH + '/spin.gif', width: 12, height: 12}}));
// Adds another icon
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
var update = doc.createElement('update');
update.setAttribute('id', cell.id);
update.setAttribute('icon', JSON.stringify({tooltip: 'Locked', append: true,
image: {src: IMAGE_PATH + '/locked.png', width: 12, height:12}}));
var update = doc.createElement('update');
update.setAttribute('id', cell.id);
update.setAttribute('style', cell.style + ';fillColor=#d4e1f5;gradientColor=white;');
update.setAttribute('value', '<object tooltip="">');
update.setAttribute('icon', '');
return doc;
// Wait for file to be loaded if no animation data is present
if (!startUpdates())
editorUi.editor.addListener('fileLoaded', startUpdates);