David Benson 12a5d7053c release
Former-commit-id: 42e8961f59
2017-02-03 12:57:29 +00:00

1214 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2006-2016, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2016, Gaudenz Alder
* Constructs a new point for the optional x and y coordinates. If no
* coordinates are given, then the default values for <x> and <y> are used.
* @constructor
* @class Implements a basic 2D point. Known subclassers = {@link mxRectangle}.
* @param {number} x X-coordinate of the point.
* @param {number} y Y-coordinate of the point.
* Global types
function DiagramPage(node)
this.node = node;
* Holds the diagram node for the page.
DiagramPage.prototype.node = null;
* Holds the root cell for the page.
DiagramPage.prototype.root = null;
* Holds the view state for the page.
DiagramPage.prototype.viewState = null;
DiagramPage.prototype.getName = function()
return this.node.getAttribute('name');
DiagramPage.prototype.setName = function(value)
if (value == null)
this.node.setAttribute('name', value);
* Change types
function RenamePage(ui, page, name)
this.ui = ui;
this.page = page;
this.previous = name;
* Implementation of the undoable page rename.
RenamePage.prototype.execute = function()
var tmp = this.page.getName();
this.previous = tmp;
// Required to update page name in placeholders
this.ui.editor.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('pageRenamed'));
* Undoable change of page title.
function MovePage(ui, oldIndex, newIndex)
this.ui = ui;
this.oldIndex = oldIndex;
this.newIndex = newIndex;
* Implementation of the undoable page rename.
MovePage.prototype.execute = function()
this.ui.pages.splice(this.newIndex, 0, this.ui.pages.splice(this.oldIndex, 1)[0]);
var tmp = this.oldIndex;
this.oldIndex = this.newIndex;
this.newIndex = tmp;
// Required to update page numbers in placeholders
this.ui.editor.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('pageMoved'));
* Class: mxCurrentRootChange
* Action to change the current root in a view.
* Constructor: mxCurrentRootChange
* Constructs a change of the current root in the given view.
function SelectPage(ui, page)
this.ui = ui;
this.page = page;
this.previousPage = page;
this.neverShown = true;
if (page != null)
this.neverShown = page.viewState == null;
* Executes selection of a new page.
SelectPage.prototype.execute = function()
var prevIndex = mxUtils.indexOf(this.ui.pages, this.previousPage);
if (this.page != null && prevIndex >= 0)
var page = this.ui.currentPage;
var editor = this.ui.editor;
var graph = editor.graph;
// Stores current diagram state in the page
var data = editor.graph.compress(graph.zapGremlins(mxUtils.getXml(editor.getGraphXml(true))));
mxUtils.setTextContent(page.node, data);
page.viewState = graph.getViewState();
page.root = graph.model.root;
// Transitions for switching pages
// var curIndex = mxUtils.indexOf(this.ui.pages, page);
// mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(graph.view.canvas.style, 'transition', null);
// mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(graph.view.canvas.style, 'transform',
// (curIndex > prevIndex) ? 'translate(-50%,0)' : 'translate(50%,0)');
// Removes the previous cells and clears selection
graph.view.clear(page.root, true);
// Switches the current page
this.ui.currentPage = this.previousPage;
this.previousPage = page;
page = this.ui.currentPage;
// Switches the root cell and sets the view state
// Fires event to setting view state from realtime
editor.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('setViewState', 'change', this));
// Handles grid state in chromeless mode which is stored in Editor instance
graph.gridEnabled = graph.gridEnabled && (!this.ui.editor.chromeless ||
urlParams['grid'] == '1');
// Updates the display
// mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(graph.view.canvas.style, 'transition', 'transform 0.2s');
// mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(graph.view.canvas.style, 'transform', 'translate(0,0)');
if (this.neverShown)
this.neverShown = false;
// Fires events
editor.graph.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ROOT));
editor.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('pageSelected', 'change', this));
function ChangePage(ui, page, select, index)
SelectPage.call(this, ui, select);
this.relatedPage = page;
this.index = index;
this.previousIndex = null;
mxUtils.extend(ChangePage, SelectPage);
* Function: execute
* Changes the current root of the view.
ChangePage.prototype.execute = function()
// Fires event to setting view state from realtime
this.ui.editor.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('beforePageChange', 'change', this));
this.previousIndex = this.index;
if (this.index == null)
var tmp = mxUtils.indexOf(this.ui.pages, this.relatedPage);
this.ui.pages.splice(tmp, 1);
this.index = tmp;
this.ui.pages.splice(this.index, 0, this.relatedPage);
this.index = null;
SelectPage.prototype.execute.apply(this, arguments);
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.initPages = function()
this.actions.addAction('previousPage', mxUtils.bind(this, function()
this.actions.addAction('nextPage', mxUtils.bind(this, function()
this.keyHandler.bindAction(33, true, 'previousPage', true); // Ctrl+Shift+PageUp
this.keyHandler.bindAction(34, true, 'nextPage', true); // Ctrl+Shift+PageDown
// Updates the tabs after loading the diagram
var graph = this.editor.graph;
var graphViewValidateBackground = graph.view.validateBackground;
graph.view.validateBackground = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
if (this.tabContainer != null)
var prevHeight = this.tabContainer.style.height;
if (this.fileNode == null || this.pages == null ||
(this.pages.length == 1 && urlParams['pages'] == '0'))
this.tabContainer.style.height = '0px';
this.tabContainer.style.height = '30px';
if (prevHeight != this.tabContainer.style.height)
graphViewValidateBackground.apply(graph.view, arguments);
// Math workaround is only needed for initial rendering
var ignorePendingMath = false;
var lastPage = null;
var updateTabs = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
// Updates scrollbar positions and backgrounds after validation
var p = this.currentPage;
if (p != null && p != lastPage)
if (p.viewState == null || p.viewState.scrollLeft == null)
if (graph.lightbox)
if (this.chromelessResize != null)
graph.container.scrollLeft = 0;
graph.container.scrollTop = 0;
graph.container.scrollLeft = graph.view.translate.x * graph.view.scale + p.viewState.scrollLeft;
graph.container.scrollTop = graph.view.translate.y * graph.view.scale + p.viewState.scrollTop;
lastPage = p;
// Updates layers window
if (this.actions.layersWindow != null)
// Workaround for math if tab is switched before typesetting has stopped
if (typeof(MathJax) !== 'undefined' && typeof(MathJax.Hub) !== 'undefined')
// Pending math should not be rendered if the graph has no math enabled
if (!ignorePendingMath)
if (MathJax.Hub.queue.pending == 1 && !this.editor.graph.mathEnabled)
// Since there is no way to stop/undo mathjax or
// clear the queue, we do a refresh after typeset
MathJax.Hub.Queue(mxUtils.bind(this, function()
MathJax.Hub.Queue(mxUtils.bind(this, function()
ignorePendingMath = true;
else if (typeof(Editor.MathJaxClear) !== 'undefined' && !this.editor.graph.mathEnabled)
// Clears our own queue for async loading
ignorePendingMath = true;
// Adds a graph model listener to update the view
this.editor.graph.model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
var edit = evt.getProperty('edit');
var changes = edit.changes;
for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++)
if (changes[i] instanceof SelectPage ||
changes[i] instanceof RenamePage ||
changes[i] instanceof MovePage ||
changes[i] instanceof mxRootChange)
// Updates zoom in toolbar
if (this.toolbar != null)
this.editor.addListener('pageSelected', this.toolbar.updateZoom);
* Overrides setDefaultParent
Graph.prototype.createViewState = function(node)
var pv = node.getAttribute('page');
var ps = node.getAttribute('pageScale');
var pw = node.getAttribute('pageWidth');
var ph = node.getAttribute('pageHeight');
var bg = node.getAttribute('background');
var temp = node.getAttribute('backgroundImage');
var bgImg = (temp != null && temp.length > 0) ? JSON.parse(temp) : null;
return {
gridEnabled: node.getAttribute('grid') != '0',
//gridColor: node.getAttribute('gridColor') || mxSettings.getGridColor(),
gridSize: parseFloat(node.getAttribute('gridSize')) || mxGraph.prototype.gridSize,
guidesEnabled: node.getAttribute('guides') != '0',
foldingEnabled: node.getAttribute('fold') != '0',
shadowVisible: node.getAttribute('shadow') == '1',
pageVisible: (this.lightbox) ? false : ((pv != null) ? (pv != '0') : this.defaultPageVisible),
background: (bg != null && bg.length > 0) ? bg : this.defaultGraphBackground,
backgroundImage: (bgImg != null) ? new mxImage(bgImg.src, bgImg.width, bgImg.height) : null,
pageScale: (ps != null) ? ps : mxGraph.prototype.pageScale,
pageFormat: (pw != null && ph != null) ? new mxRectangle(0, 0,
parseFloat(pw), parseFloat(ph)) : this.pageFormat,
tooltips: node.getAttribute('tooltips') != '0',
connect: node.getAttribute('connect') != '0',
arrows: node.getAttribute('arrows') != '0',
mathEnabled: node.getAttribute('math') != '0',
selectionCells: null,
defaultParent: null,
scrollbars: this.defaultScrollbars,
scale: 1
* Overrides setDefaultParent
Graph.prototype.getViewState = function()
return {
defaultParent: this.defaultParent,
currentRoot: this.view.currentRoot,
gridEnabled: this.gridEnabled,
//gridColor: this.view.gridColor,
gridSize: this.gridSize,
guidesEnabled: this.graphHandler.guidesEnabled,
foldingEnabled: this.foldingEnabled,
shadowVisible: this.shadowVisible,
scrollbars: this.scrollbars,
pageVisible: this.pageVisible,
background: this.background,
backgroundImage: this.backgroundImage,
pageScale: this.pageScale,
pageFormat: this.pageFormat,
tooltips: this.tooltipHandler.isEnabled(),
connect: this.connectionHandler.isEnabled(),
arrows: this.connectionArrowsEnabled,
scale: this.view.scale,
scrollLeft: this.container.scrollLeft - this.view.translate.x * this.view.scale,
scrollTop: this.container.scrollTop - this.view.translate.y * this.view.scale,
translate: this.view.translate.clone(),
lastPasteXml: this.lastPasteXml,
pasteCounter: this.pasteCounter,
mathEnabled: this.mathEnabled
* Overrides setDefaultParent
Graph.prototype.setViewState = function(state)
if (state != null)
this.lastPasteXml = state.lastPasteXml;
this.pasteCounter = state.pasteCounter || 0;
this.mathEnabled = state.mathEnabled;
this.gridEnabled = state.gridEnabled;
//this.view.gridColor = state.gridColor;
this.gridSize = state.gridSize;
this.graphHandler.guidesEnabled = state.guidesEnabled;
this.foldingEnabled = state.foldingEnabled;
this.setShadowVisible(state.shadowVisible, false);
this.scrollbars = state.scrollbars;
this.pageVisible = state.pageVisible;
this.background = state.background;
this.backgroundImage = state.backgroundImage;
this.pageScale = state.pageScale;
this.pageFormat = state.pageFormat;
this.view.scale = state.scale;
this.view.currentRoot = state.currentRoot;
this.defaultParent = state.defaultParent;
this.connectionArrowsEnabled = state.arrows;
// Checks if current root or default parent have been removed
if (!this.model.contains(this.view.currentRoot))
this.view.currentRoot = null;
if (!this.model.contains(this.defaultParent))
if (state.translate != null)
this.view.translate = state.translate;
this.view.currentRoot = null;
this.view.scale = 1;
this.gridEnabled = true;
this.gridSize = mxGraph.prototype.gridSize;
this.pageScale = mxGraph.prototype.pageScale;
this.pageFormat = mxSettings.getPageFormat();
this.pageVisible = this.defaultPageVisible;
this.background = this.defaultGraphBackground;
this.backgroundImage = null;
this.scrollbars = this.defaultScrollbars;
this.graphHandler.guidesEnabled = true;
this.foldingEnabled = true;
this.defaultParent = null;
this.lastPasteXml = null;
this.pasteCounter = 0;
this.mathEnabled = false;
this.connectionArrowsEnabled = true;
// Implicit settings
this.pageBreaksVisible = this.pageVisible;
this.preferPageSize = this.pageVisible;
* Executes selection of a new page.
EditorUi.prototype.updatePageRoot = function(page)
if (page.root == null)
var node = this.editor.extractGraphModel(page.node);
if (node != null)
page.graphModelNode = node;
// Converts model XML into page object with root cell
page.viewState = this.editor.graph.createViewState(node);
var codec = new mxCodec(node.ownerDocument);
page.root = codec.decode(node).root;
// Initializes page object with new empty root
page.root = this.editor.graph.model.createRoot();
return page;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.selectPage = function(page)
var edit = this.editor.graph.model.createUndoableEdit();
// Special flag to bypass autosave for this edit
edit.ignoreEdit = true;
var change = new SelectPage(this, page);
this.editor.graph.model.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.UNDO, 'edit', edit));
EditorUi.prototype.selectNextPage = function(forward)
var next = this.currentPage;
if (next != null && this.pages != null)
var tmp = mxUtils.indexOf(this.pages, next);
if (forward)
this.selectPage(this.pages[mxUtils.mod(tmp + 1, this.pages.length)]);
else if (!forward)
this.selectPage(this.pages[mxUtils.mod(tmp - 1, this.pages.length)]);
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.insertPage = function(page, index)
if (this.editor.graph.isEnabled())
page = (page != null) ? page : this.createPage();
index = (index != null) ? index : this.pages.length;
// Uses model to fire event and trigger autosave
var change = new ChangePage(this, page, page, index);
return page;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createPage = function(name)
var page = new DiagramPage(this.fileNode.ownerDocument.createElement('diagram'));
page.setName((name != null) ? name : this.createPageName());
return page;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createPageName = function()
// Creates a lookup with names
var existing = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)
var tmp = this.pages[i].getName();
if (tmp != null && tmp.length > 0)
existing[tmp] = tmp;
// Avoids existing names
var nr = this.pages.length;
var name = null;
name = mxResources.get('pageWithNumber', [++nr]);
while (existing[name] != null);
return name;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.removePage = function(page)
var graph = this.editor.graph;
if (graph.isEnabled())
var next = this.currentPage;
if (next == page)
if (this.pages.length > 1)
var tmp = mxUtils.indexOf(this.pages, page);
if (tmp == this.pages.length - 1)
next = this.pages[tmp];
// Removes label with incorrect page number to force
// default page name which is OK for a single page
next = this.insertPage();
graph.model.execute(new RenamePage(this, next, mxResources.get('pageWithNumber', [1])));
// Uses model to fire event to trigger autosave
graph.model.execute(new ChangePage(this, page, next));
return page;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.duplicatePage = function(page, name)
var graph = this.editor.graph;
var newPage = null;
if (graph.isEnabled())
if (graph.isEditing())
// Clones the current page and takes a snapshot of the graph model and view state
var newPage = new DiagramPage(page.node.cloneNode(false));
newPage.root = graph.cloneCells([graph.model.root])[0];
newPage.viewState = graph.getViewState();
// Resets zoom and scrollbar positions
newPage.viewState.scale = 1;
newPage.viewState.scrollLeft = null;
newPage.viewState.scrollRight = null;
newPage = this.insertPage(newPage, mxUtils.indexOf(this.pages, page) + 1);
return newPage;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.renamePage = function(page)
var graph = this.editor.graph;
if (graph.isEnabled())
var dlg = new FilenameDialog(this, page.getName(), mxResources.get('rename'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(name)
if (name != null && name.length > 0)
this.editor.graph.model.execute(new RenamePage(this, page, name));
}), mxResources.get('rename'));
this.showDialog(dlg.container, 300, 80, true, true);
return page;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.movePage = function(oldIndex, newIndex)
this.editor.graph.model.execute(new MovePage(this, oldIndex, newIndex));
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createTabContainer = function()
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.backgroundColor = '#dcdcdc';
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
div.style.overflow = 'hidden';
div.style.height = '0px';
return div;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.updateTabContainer = function()
if (this.tabContainer != null && this.pages != null)
var graph = this.editor.graph;
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.style.position = 'relative';
wrapper.style.display = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? 'inline' : 'inline-block';
wrapper.style.verticalAlign = 'top';
wrapper.style.height = this.tabContainer.style.height;
wrapper.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
wrapper.style.overflow = 'hidden';
wrapper.style.fontSize = '12px';
// Allows for negative left margin of first tab
wrapper.style.marginLeft = '30px';
// Automatic tab width to match available width
// TODO: Fix tabWidth in chromeless mode
var btnWidth = (this.editor.chromeless) ? 29 : 59;
var tabWidth = Math.min(140, Math.max(20, (this.tabContainer.clientWidth - btnWidth) / this.pages.length) + 1);
var startIndex = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)
// Install drag and drop for page reorder
(mxUtils.bind(this, function(index, tab)
if (this.pages[index] == this.currentPage)
tab.style.backgroundColor = '#eeeeee';
tab.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
tab.style.borderTopStyle = 'none';
tab.setAttribute('draggable', 'true');
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'dragstart', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (graph.isEnabled())
// Workaround for no DnD on DIV in FF
if (mxClient.IS_FF)
// LATER: Check what triggers a parse as XML on this in FF after drop
evt.dataTransfer.setData('Text', '<diagram/>');
startIndex = index;
// Blocks event
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'dragend', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
startIndex = null;
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'dragover', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (startIndex != null)
evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'drop', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (startIndex != null && index != startIndex)
// TODO: Shift drag for insert/merge?
this.movePage(startIndex, index);
}))(i, this.createTabForPage(this.pages[i], tabWidth, this.pages[i] != this.currentPage));
this.tabContainer.innerHTML = '';
// Adds floating menu with all pages and insert option
var menutab = this.createPageMenuTab();
var insertTab = null;
// Not chromeless and not read-only file
if (graph.isEnabled())
insertTab = this.createPageInsertTab();
if (wrapper.clientWidth > this.tabContainer.clientWidth - btnWidth)
if (insertTab != null)
insertTab.style.position = 'absolute';
insertTab.style.right = '0px';
wrapper.style.marginRight = '30px';
var temp = this.createControlTab(4, '&nbsp;&#10094;&nbsp;');
temp.style.position = 'absolute';
temp.style.right = (this.editor.chromeless) ? '29px' : '55px';
temp.style.fontSize = '13pt';
var temp2 = this.createControlTab(4, '&nbsp;&#10095;');
temp2.style.position = 'absolute';
temp2.style.right = (this.editor.chromeless) ? '0px' : '29px';
temp2.style.fontSize = '13pt';
// TODO: Scroll to current page
var dx = Math.max(0, this.tabContainer.clientWidth - ((this.editor.chromeless) ? 86 : 116));
wrapper.style.width = dx + 'px';
var fade = 50;
mxEvent.addListener(temp, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
wrapper.scrollLeft -= Math.max(20, dx - 20);
mxUtils.setOpacity(temp, (wrapper.scrollLeft > 0) ? 100 : fade);
mxUtils.setOpacity(temp2, (wrapper.scrollLeft < wrapper.scrollWidth - wrapper.clientWidth) ? 100 : fade);
mxUtils.setOpacity(temp, (wrapper.scrollLeft > 0) ? 100 : fade);
mxUtils.setOpacity(temp2, (wrapper.scrollLeft < wrapper.scrollWidth - wrapper.clientWidth) ? 100 : fade);
mxEvent.addListener(temp2, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
wrapper.scrollLeft += Math.max(20, dx - 20);
mxUtils.setOpacity(temp, (wrapper.scrollLeft > 0) ? 100 : fade);
mxUtils.setOpacity(temp2, (wrapper.scrollLeft < wrapper.scrollWidth - wrapper.clientWidth) ? 100 : fade);
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createTab = function(hoverEnabled)
var tab = document.createElement('div');
tab.style.display = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? 'inline' : 'inline-block';
tab.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
tab.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
tab.style.position = 'relative';
tab.style.overflow = 'hidden';
tab.style.marginLeft = '-1px';
tab.style.height = this.tabContainer.clientHeight + 'px';
tab.style.padding = '8px 4px 8px 4px';
tab.style.border = '1px solid #c0c0c0';
tab.style.borderBottomStyle = 'solid';
tab.style.backgroundColor = this.tabContainer.style.backgroundColor;
tab.style.cursor = 'default';
tab.style.color = 'gray';
if (hoverEnabled)
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'mouseenter', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (!this.editor.graph.isMouseDown)
tab.style.backgroundColor = '#d3d3d3';
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'mouseleave', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
tab.style.backgroundColor = this.tabContainer.style.backgroundColor;
return tab;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createControlTab = function(paddingTop, html)
var tab = this.createTab(true);
tab.style.paddingTop = paddingTop + 'px';
tab.style.cursor = 'pointer';
tab.style.width = '30px';
tab.style.lineHeight = '30px';
tab.innerHTML = html;
if (tab.firstChild != null && tab.firstChild.style != null)
mxUtils.setOpacity(tab.firstChild, 40);
return tab;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createPageMenuTab = function()
var tab = this.createControlTab(3, '<div class="geSprite geSprite-dots" style="display:inline-block;width:21px;height:21px;"></div>');
tab.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('pages'));
tab.style.position = 'absolute';
tab.style.left = '1px';
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
var menu = new mxPopupMenu(mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu, parent)
for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)
(mxUtils.bind(this, function(index)
var item = menu.addItem(this.pages[index].getName(), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
}), parent);
// Adds checkmark to current page
if (this.pages[index] == this.currentPage)
menu.addCheckmark(item, Editor.checkmarkImage);
if (this.editor.graph.isEnabled())
var item = menu.addItem(mxResources.get('insertPage'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
}), parent);
menu.div.className += ' geMenubarMenu';
menu.smartSeparators = true;
menu.showDisabled = true;
menu.autoExpand = true;
// Disables autoexpand and destroys menu when hidden
menu.hideMenu = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
mxPopupMenu.prototype.hideMenu.apply(menu, arguments);
var x = mxEvent.getClientX(evt);
var y = mxEvent.getClientY(evt);
menu.popup(x, y, null, evt);
// Allows hiding by clicking on document
return tab;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createPageInsertTab = function()
var tab = this.createControlTab(4, '<div class="geSprite geSprite-plus" style="display:inline-block;width:21px;height:21px;"></div>');
tab.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('insertPage'));
var graph = this.editor.graph;
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
return tab;
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createTabForPage = function(page, tabWidth, hoverEnabled)
var tab = this.createTab(hoverEnabled);
var name = page.getName();
tab.setAttribute('title', name);
mxUtils.write(tab, name);
tab.style.maxWidth = tabWidth + 'px';
tab.style.width = tabWidth + 'px';
this.addTabListeners(page, tab);
if (tabWidth > 42)
tab.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis';
return tab;
* Translates this point by the given vector.
* @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation.
* @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation.
EditorUi.prototype.addTabListeners = function(page, tab)
var graph = this.editor.graph;
var model = graph.model;
mxEvent.addListener(tab, 'dblclick', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
var menuWasVisible = false;
var pageWasActive = false;
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(tab, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
// Do not consume event here to allow for drag and drop of tabs
menuWasVisible = this.currentMenu != null;
pageWasActive = page == this.currentPage;
if (!graph.isMouseDown && !pageWasActive)
}), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (graph.isEnabled() && !graph.isMouseDown &&
((mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt) && pageWasActive) ||
if (!mxEvent.isTouchEvent(evt) || !menuWasVisible)
var menu = new mxPopupMenu(this.createPageMenu(page));
menu.div.className += ' geMenubarMenu';
menu.smartSeparators = true;
menu.showDisabled = true;
menu.autoExpand = true;
// Disables autoexpand and destroys menu when hidden
menu.hideMenu = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
mxPopupMenu.prototype.hideMenu.apply(menu, arguments);
var x = mxEvent.getClientX(evt);
var y = mxEvent.getClientY(evt);
menu.popup(x, y, null, evt);
this.setCurrentMenu(menu, tab);
* Returns true if the given string contains an mxfile.
EditorUi.prototype.createPageMenu = function(page, label)
return mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu, parent)
var graph = this.editor.graph;
var model = graph.model;
menu.addItem(mxResources.get('insert'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
this.insertPage(null, mxUtils.indexOf(this.pages, page) + 1);
}), parent);
menu.addItem(mxResources.get('delete'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
}), parent);
menu.addItem(mxResources.get('rename'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
this.renamePage(page, label);
}), parent);
menu.addItem(mxResources.get('duplicate'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
this.duplicatePage(page, mxResources.get('copyOf', [page.getName()]));
}), parent);