Gaudenz Alder d9fca61424 6.3.6 release
Former-commit-id: abf9e41ea6
2017-03-16 17:10:25 +01:00

358 lines
10 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
var isLocalStorage = false;
var mxLoadStylesheets = false;
<!-- CSS for print output is needed for using current window -->
<style type="text/css">
@media print {
table.mxPageSelector { display: none; }
hr.mxPageBreak { display: none; }
@media screen {
table.mxPageSelector { position: fixed; right: 10px; top: 10px;font-family: Arial; font-size:10pt; border: solid 1px darkgray;background: white; border-collapse:collapse; }
table.mxPageSelector td { border: solid 1px gray; padding:4px; }
body.mxPage { background: gray; }
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mxgraph/css/common.css" charset="UTF-8" type="text/css">
<script src="js/app.min.js"></script>
// NOTE: SVG Output fixes missing symbols in AsciiMath
// but produces larger output with clipping problems
function render(data)
var graph = new Graph(document.getElementById('graph'));
data.border = parseInt(data.border) || 0;
data.w = parseFloat(data.w) || 0;
data.h = parseFloat(data.h) || 0;
data.scale = parseFloat(data.scale) || 1;
// Parses XML
var xmlDoc = mxUtils.parseXml(data.xml);
var diagrams = null;
var from = 0;
// Handles mxfile
if (xmlDoc.documentElement.nodeName == 'mxfile')
diagrams = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('diagram');
if (diagrams.length > 0)
from = Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(data.from) || from, diagrams.length - 1));
var diagramNode = diagrams[from];
if (diagramNode != null)
xmlDoc = mxUtils.parseXml(graph.decompress(mxUtils.getTextContent(diagramNode)));
* Implements %page% and %pagenumber% placeholders
var graphGetGlobalVariable = graph.getGlobalVariable;
graph.getGlobalVariable = function(name)
if (name == 'page')
return (diagrams == null) ? 'Page-1' :
(diagrams[from].getAttribute('name') || ('Page-' + (from + 1)));
else if (name == 'pagenumber')
return from + 1;
return graphGetGlobalVariable.apply(this, arguments);
// Enables math typesetting
var math = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('math') == '1';
if (math)
mxClient.NO_FO = true;
// Createa graph instance
graph.foldingEnabled = false;
// Sets background image
var bgImg = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('backgroundImage');
if (bgImg != null)
bgImg = JSON.parse(bgImg);
graph.setBackgroundImage(new mxImage(bgImg.src, bgImg.width, bgImg.height));
// Parses XML into graph
var codec = new mxCodec(xmlDoc);
codec.decode(xmlDoc.documentElement, graph.getModel());
// Loads background color
var bg = (data.bg != null && data.bg.length > 0) ? data.bg : xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('background');
// Normalizes values for transparent backgrounds
if (bg == 'none' || bg == '')
bg = null;
// Checks if export format supports transparent backgrounds
if (bg == null && data.format != 'gif' && data.format != 'png')
bg = '#ffffff';
// Sets background color on page
if (bg != null)
document.body.style.backgroundColor = bg;
// Sets initial value for PDF page background
graph.pdfPageVisible = false;
// Handles PDF output where the output should match the page format if the page is visible
if (data.format == 'pdf' && xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('page') == '1' && data.w == 0 && data.h == 0)
var pw = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('pageWidth');
var ph = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('pageHeight');
graph.pdfPageVisible = true;
if (pw != null && ph != null)
graph.pageFormat = new mxRectangle(0, 0, parseFloat(pw), parseFloat(ph));
var ps = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('pageScale');
if (ps != null)
graph.pageScale = ps;
graph.getPageSize = function()
return new mxRectangle(0, 0, this.pageFormat.width * this.pageScale,
this.pageFormat.height * this.pageScale);
graph.getPageLayout = function()
var size = this.getPageSize();
var bounds = this.getGraphBounds();
if (bounds.width == 0 || bounds.height == 0)
return new mxRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
// Computes untransformed graph bounds
var x = Math.ceil(bounds.x / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.x);
var y = Math.ceil(bounds.y / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.y);
var w = Math.floor(bounds.width / this.view.scale);
var h = Math.floor(bounds.height / this.view.scale);
var x0 = Math.floor(x / size.width);
var y0 = Math.floor(y / size.height);
var w0 = Math.ceil((x + w) / size.width) - x0;
var h0 = Math.ceil((y + h) / size.height) - y0;
return new mxRectangle(x0, y0, w0, h0);
// Fits the number of background pages to the graph
graph.view.getBackgroundPageBounds = function()
var layout = this.graph.getPageLayout();
var page = this.graph.getPageSize();
return new mxRectangle(this.scale * (this.translate.x + layout.x * page.width),
this.scale * (this.translate.y + layout.y * page.height),
this.scale * layout.width * page.width,
this.scale * layout.height * page.height);
if (!graph.pdfPageVisible)
var b = graph.getGraphBounds();
// Floor is needed to keep rendering crisp
if (data.w > 0 && data.h > 0)
var s = Math.min(data.w / b.width, data.h / b.height);
Math.floor(data.border / s - b.x),
Math.floor(data.border / s - b.y));
graph.view.scaleAndTranslate(data.scale, Math.floor(data.border - b.x),
Math.floor(data.border - b.y));
// Disables border for PDF page export
data.border = 0;
// Moves to first page in page layout
var layout = graph.getPageLayout();
var page = graph.getPageSize();
var dx = layout.x * page.width;
var dy = layout.y * page.height;
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
graph.view.setTranslate(Math.floor(-dx), Math.floor(-dy));
// Gets the diagram bounds and sets the document size
var bounds = (graph.pdfPageVisible) ? graph.view.getBackgroundPageBounds() : graph.getGraphBounds();
bounds.width = Math.ceil(bounds.width + data.border);
bounds.height = Math.ceil(bounds.height + data.border);
// Waits for all images to finish loading
var cache = new Object();
var waitCounter = 1;
// Decrements waitCounter and invokes callback when finished
function decrementWaitCounter()
if (--waitCounter < 1)
if (typeof window.callPhantom === 'function')
else if (window.console != null)
console.log('loading complete');
function waitForImages(tagName, attributeName)
var imgs = document.body.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
waitCounter += imgs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++)
// No load events for image elements in Phantom using indirection instead
var src = imgs[i].getAttribute(attributeName);
if (typeof window.callPhantom !== 'function' && window.console != null)
console.log((cache[src] == null) ? 'loading' : 'cached', src);
if (src != null && src.length > 0 && cache[src] == null)
cache[src] = new Image();
cache[src].onload = decrementWaitCounter;
cache[src].onerror = decrementWaitCounter;
cache[src].src = src;
// Includes images in SVG and HTML labels
waitForImages('image', 'xlink:href');
waitForImages('img', 'src');
// Waits for MathJax to finish rendering
function renderMath(elt)
if (math && window.MathJax != null && window.MathJax.Hub != null)
// Asynchronous callback when MathJax has finished
window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(function ()
// Converts the graph to a vertical sequence of pages for PDF export
if (graph.pdfPageVisible)
// Workaround to match available paper size
var printScale = 0.72
var pf = graph.pageFormat || mxConstants.PAGE_FORMAT_A4_PORTRAIT;
var scale = 1 / graph.pageScale;
var autoOrigin = false;
var border = 0;
// Negative coordinates are cropped or shifted if page visible
var gb = graph.getGraphBounds();
var border = 0;
var x0 = 0;
var y0 = 0;
// Applies print scale
pf = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(pf);
pf.width = Math.ceil(pf.width * printScale);
pf.height = Math.ceil(pf.height * printScale);
scale *= printScale;
// Starts at first visible page
var layout = graph.getPageLayout();
x0 -= layout.x * pf.width;
y0 -= layout.y * pf.height;
var preview = new mxPrintPreview(graph, scale, pf, border, x0, y0);
preview.printBackgroundImage = true;
preview.autoOrigin = autoOrigin;
preview.backgroundColor = bg;
// Renders print output into this document and removes the graph container
preview.open(null, window);
bounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, pf.width, pf.height);
if (data.format != 'pdf')
document.body.style.width = Math.ceil(bounds.x + bounds.width) + 'px';
document.body.style.height = (Math.ceil(bounds.y + bounds.height) + 1) + 'px';
// Immediate return if not waiting for any content
<body style="margin:0px;">
<div id="graph" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></div>