policy: approval: - or: - infra team approval - infra team co-approval - excavator only touched baseline, gradle files or versions.props - excavator only touched package.json and lock files disapproval: requires: organizations: [ "palantir" ] approval_rules: - name: infra team approval requires: count: 1 teams: - "palantir/infrastructure" # Require two *contributing* infra maintainers to approve changes - name: infra team co-approval options: allow_contributor: true requires: count: 2 teams: - "palantir/infrastructure" - name: excavator only touched baseline, gradle files or versions.props requires: count: 0 if: has_author_in: users: [ "svc-excavator-bot" ] only_changed_files: paths: - "^\\.baseline/.*$" - "^.*gradle$" - "^gradle/wrapper/.*" - "^gradlew$" - "^gradlew.bat$" - "^versions.props$" - "^versions.lock$" - name: excavator only touched package.json and lock files requires: count: 0 if: has_author_in: users: [ "svc-excavator-bot" ] only_changed_files: paths: - "^.*yarn.lock$" - "^.*package.json$"