var colors = ["#e74c3c", "#f1c40f", "#3498db", "#2ecc71"]; var hexColorsToTintedColors = { "#e74c3c":"rgb(241,163,155)", "#f1c40f":"rgb(246,223,133)", "#3498db":"rgb(151,201,235)", "#2ecc71":"rgb(150,227,183)" }; //legacy support var rgbToHex = { "rgb(231,76,60)":"#e74c3c", "rgb(241,196,15)":"#f1c40f", "rgb(52,152,219)":"#3498db", "rgb(46,204,113)":"#2ecc71" }; //legacy support var rgbColorsToTintedColors = { "rgb(231,76,60)":"rgb(241,163,155)", "rgb(241,196,15)":"rgb(246,223,133)", "rgb(52,152,219)":"rgb(151,201,235)", "rgb(46,204,113)":"rgb(150,227,183)" }; var hexagonBackgroundColor = 'rgb(236, 240, 241)'; var hexagonBackgroundColorClear = 'rgba(236, 240, 241, 0.5)'; var centerBlue = 'rgb(44,62,80)'; //tumblr? var angularVelocityConst = 4; // t: current time, b: begInnIng value, c: change In value, d: duration function easeOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b; } var colorSounds = {"#e74c3c": new Audio("../sounds/lowest.ogg"), "#f1c40f":new Audio("../sounds/highest.ogg"), "#3498db":new Audio("../sounds/middle.ogg"), "#2ecc71":new Audio("../sounds/highest.ogg") //fix this later }; function renderText(x, y, fontSize, color, text, font) {; if (!font) { font = 'px/0 Roboto'; } fontSize *= settings.scale; ctx.font = fontSize + font; ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fillText(text, x, y + (fontSize / 2) - 9 * settings.scale); ctx.restore(); } scoreOpacity = 0; var textOpacity=0; function drawScoreboard() { if (scoreOpacity < 1) { scoreOpacity += 0.01; textOpacity += 0.01; } ctx.globalAlpha = textOpacity; if (gameState === 0) { renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 60, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", String.fromCharCode("0xf04b"), 'px FontAwesome'); renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy - 170 * settings.scale, 150, "#2c3e50", "Hextris"); renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 5 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy + 100 * settings.scale, 20, "rgb(44,62,80)", 'Play!'); } else if(gameState!=0 && textOpacity>0){ textOpacity -= 0.05; renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 60, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", String.fromCharCode("0xf04b"), 'px FontAwesome'); renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy - 170 * settings.scale, 150, "#2c3e50", "Hextris"); renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 5 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy + 100 * settings.scale, 20, "rgb(44,62,80)", 'Play!'); ctx.globalAlpha = scoreOpacity; renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 50, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", score); } else { ctx.globalAlpha = scoreOpacity; renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 50, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", score); } ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } function clearGameBoard() { drawPolygon(trueCanvas.width / 2, trueCanvas.height / 2, 6, trueCanvas.width / 2, 30, hexagonBackgroundColor, 0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); } function drawPolygon(x, y, sides, radius, theta, fillColor, lineWidth, lineColor) { ctx.fillStyle = fillColor; ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = lineColor; ctx.beginPath(); var coords = rotatePoint(0, radius, theta); ctx.moveTo(coords.x + x, coords.y + y); var oldX = coords.x; var oldY = coords.y; for (var i = 0; i < sides; i++) { coords = rotatePoint(oldX, oldY, 360 / sides); ctx.lineTo(coords.x + x, coords.y + y); oldX = coords.x; oldY = coords.y; } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; } function showHighScores() { $('#highscores').html(function() { var str = '
  • High Scores:
  • '; for (var i = 0; i < highscores.length; i++) { str += '
  • ' + highscores[i]+ '
  • '; } return str; }); toggleClass('#highscores', 'not-visible'); } function toggleClass(element, active) { if ($(element).hasClass(active)) { $(element).removeClass(active); } else { $(element).addClass(active); } } var prevGameState; function showText(text){ var messages = { 'paused':"

    Press p to resume
    ", 'pausedMobile':"
    ", 'start':"
    Press enter to start
    ", 'gameover':"
    Game Over: "+score+" pts

    High Scores:
    1. "+highscores[0]+"
    2. "+highscores[1]+"
    3. "+highscores[2]+"

    Press enter to restart
    ", }; var pt = document.getElementById("overlay"); pt.className = 'unfaded'; if (text == 'paused' && settings.platform == 'mobile') { text = 'pausedMobile'; } pt.innerHTML = messages[text]; } function hideText(text){ var pt = document.getElementById("overlay"); pt.className = 'faded'; pt.innerHTML = ''; } function gameOverDisplay(){ var c = document.getElementById("canvas"); c.className = "blur"; showText('gameover'); } function pause(o) { var message; if (o) { message = ''; } else { message = 'paused'; } var c = document.getElementById("canvas"); if (gameState == -1 ) { hideText(); c.className = ''; setTimeout(function(){ gameState = prevGameState; }, 300); } else if(gameState != -2 && gameState !== 0 && gameState !== 2) { c.className = "blur"; if (message != 'paused') { message = ''; } showText(message); prevGameState = gameState; gameState = -1; } }