var prevGameState; function showText(text){ var messages = { 'paused':"

Press p to resume
", 'start':"
Press enter to start
", 'gameover':"
Game Over: "+score+" pts

1. "+highscores[0]+"
2. "+highscores[1]+"
3. "+highscores[2]+"

Press enter to restart
", }; var pt = document.getElementById("overlay"); pt.className = ''; pt.innerHTML = messages[text]; } function hideText(text){ var pt = document.getElementById("overlay"); pt.className = 'faded'; pt.innerHTML = ''; } function gameOverDisplay(){ var c = document.getElementById("canvas"); c.className = "blur"; showText('gameover'); } function pause(x,o,message) { message = 'paused'; var c = document.getElementById("canvas"); if (gameState == -1 ) { hideText(); c.className = ''; setTimeout(function(){ gameState = prevGameState; }, 300); } else if(gameState != -2 && gameState !== 0 && gameState !== 2) { c.className = "blur"; showText(message); prevGameState = gameState; gameState = -1; } } keypress.register_combo({ keys: "left", on_keydown: function() { if (MainClock && gameState !== 0) { MainClock.rotate(1); } } }); keypress.register_combo({ keys: "right", on_keydown: function() { if (MainClock && gameState !== 0){ MainClock.rotate(-1); } } }); keypress.register_combo({ keys: "p", on_keydown: function(){pause();} }); keypress.register_combo({ keys: "q", on_keydown: function() { toggleDevTools(); } }); keypress.register_combo({ keys: "e", on_keydown: function() { exportHistory(); } }); keypress.register_combo({ keys: "i", on_keydown: function() { importHistory(); } }); keypress.register_combo({ keys: "enter", on_keydown: function() { if (gameState==2 || gameState==1 || importing == 1) { init(1); } if (gameState===0) { resumeGame(); } } }); $(document).ready(function(){ $("#pauseBtn").on('touchstart mousedown', function() { pause(); if ($($("#pauseBtn").children()[0]).attr('class').indexOf('pause') == -1) { $("#pauseBtn").html(''); } else { $("#pauseBtn").html(''); } return false; }); $("#restartBtn").on('touchstart mousedown', function() { if (gameState==2 || gameState==1 || importing == 1) { init(1); } if (gameState===0) { resumeGame(); } }); }, false); function handleClickTap(x) { if (!MainClock || gameState === 0 || gameState==2 || gameState==-1) { return; } if (x < window.innerWidth/2) { if (gameState != 1 && gameState != -2 && gameState != -1 ){ if (importing === 0) { resumeGame(); } else { init(1); } } MainClock.rotate(1); } if (x > window.innerWidth/2) { if (gameState != 1 && gameState != -2 && gameState != -1) { if (importing === 0) { resumeGame(); } else { init(1); } } MainClock.rotate(-1); } }