// t: current time, b: begInnIng value, c: change In value, d: duration function easeOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b; } function renderText(x, y, fontSize, color, text, font) { if (text == 'HIGH SCORE') debugger; ctx.save(); if (!font) { font = 'px/0 Roboto'; } fontSize *= settings.scale; ctx.font = fontSize + font; ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fillText(text, x, y + (fontSize / 2) - 9 * settings.scale); ctx.restore(); } function drawScoreboard() { if (scoreOpacity < 1) { scoreOpacity += 0.01; textOpacity += 0.01; } ctx.globalAlpha = textOpacity; var scoreSize = 50; var scoreString = String(score); if (scoreString.length == 6) { scoreSize = 43; } else if (scoreString.length == 7) { scoreSize = 35; } else if (scoreString.length == 8) { scoreSize = 31; } else if (scoreString.length == 9) { scoreSize = 27; } if (rush ==1){ var color = "rgb(236, 240, 241)"; } else{ var color = "#e74c3c"; } var fontSize = settings.platform == 'mobile' ? 35 : 30; if (gameState === 0) { renderText(trueCanvas.width / 2 + gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height / 2 + gdy, 60, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", String.fromCharCode("0xf04b"), 'px FontAwesome'); renderText(trueCanvas.width / 2 + gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height / 2 + gdy - 170 * settings.scale, 150, "#2c3e50", "Hextris"); renderText(trueCanvas.width / 2 + gdx + 5 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height / 2 + gdy + 100 * settings.scale, fontSize, "rgb(44,62,80)", 'Play!'); } else if (gameState != 0 && textOpacity > 0) { textOpacity -= 0.05; renderText(trueCanvas.width / 2 + gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height / 2 + gdy, 60, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", String.fromCharCode("0xf04b"), 'px FontAwesome'); renderText(trueCanvas.width / 2 + gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height / 2 + gdy - 170 * settings.scale, 150, "#2c3e50", "Hextris"); renderText(trueCanvas.width / 2 + gdx + 5 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height / 2 + gdy + 100 * settings.scale, fontSize, "rgb(44,62,80)", 'Play!'); ctx.globalAlpha = scoreOpacity; renderText(trueCanvas.width / 2 + gdx, trueCanvas.height / 2 + gdy, scoreSize, color, score); } else { ctx.globalAlpha = scoreOpacity; renderText(trueCanvas.width / 2 + gdx, trueCanvas.height / 2 + gdy, scoreSize, color, score); } ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } function clearGameBoard() { drawPolygon(trueCanvas.width / 2, trueCanvas.height / 2, 6, trueCanvas.width / 2, 30, hexagonBackgroundColor, 0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); } function drawPolygon(x, y, sides, radius, theta, fillColor, lineWidth, lineColor) { ctx.fillStyle = fillColor; ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = lineColor; ctx.beginPath(); var coords = rotatePoint(0, radius, theta); ctx.moveTo(coords.x + x, coords.y + y); var oldX = coords.x; var oldY = coords.y; for (var i = 0; i < sides; i++) { coords = rotatePoint(oldX, oldY, 360 / sides); ctx.lineTo(coords.x + x, coords.y + y); oldX = coords.x; oldY = coords.y; } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; } function toggleClass(element, active) { if ($(element).hasClass(active)) { $(element).removeClass(active); } else { $(element).addClass(active); } } function showText(text) { var messages = { 'paused': "

Press p to resume
", 'pausedAndroid': "

Press to resume
Don't like ads? Want to support the developer? Tap for the ad-free version.
", 'start': "
Press enter to start
", 'gameover': "
Game Over: " + score + " pts

High Scores:
" }; if (text == 'paused') { if (settings.os == 'android') { text = 'pausedAndroid'; } } if (text == 'gameover') { //Clay('client.share.any', {text: 'Think you can beat my score of '+ score + ' in Super Cool Game?'}) var allZ = 1; var i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (highscores.length > i) { messages['gameover'] += ""; } } var restartText; if (settings.platform == 'mobile') { restartText = 'Tap anywhere to restart!'; } else { restartText = 'Press enter (or click anywhere!) to restart!'; } messages['gameover'] += "
" + (i + 1) + ". " + highscores[i] + " pts

" + restartText + "
"; if (allZ) { for (i = 0; i < highscores.length; i++) { if (highscores[i] !== 0) { allZ = 0; } } } } messages['gameover'] += "
Share Your Score on Twitter!!!
" $(".overlay").html(messages[text]); $(".overlay").fadeIn("1000", "swing"); if (text == 'gameover') { if (settings.platform == 'mobile') { $('.tg').css('margin-top', '6px'); $("#tapToRestart").css('margin-top','-19px') } } } function setMainMenu() { gameState = 4; canRestart = false; setTimeout(function() { canRestart = 's'; }, 500); $('#restartBtn').hide(); if ($("#pauseBtn").replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '') == "btn_pause.svg") { $("#pauseBtn").attr("src","./images/btn_resume.svg"); } else { $("#pauseBtn").attr("src","./images/btn_pause.svg"); } } function hideText() { $(".overlay").fadeOut("1000", function() { $(".overlay").html(""); }) } function gameOverDisplay() { if( localStorage.getItem("been_mobile") != "true" || true){ settings.ending_block=true; if(settings.os == "android"){ sweetAlert({ title: "Hey we'll only bother you once ", text:"We do have an Android app!", showCancelButton: true, closeOnCancel: true , confirmButtonText: "Take me to it!", },function(isConfirm){ if(isConfirm){ window.location.href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hextris.hextris" } else{ settings.end_block=false; } }); } if(settings.os == "ios"){ sweetAlert({ title: "Hey we'll only bother you once ", text:"We do have an IOS app!", showCancelButton: true, closeOnCancel: true , confirmButtonText: "Take me to it!", },function(isConfirm){ if(isConfirm){ window.location.href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hextris/id903769553?mt=8"; } else{ settings.end_block=false; } }); } } localStorage.setItem("been_mobile", "true"); $("#attributions").show(); var c = document.getElementById("canvas"); c.className = "blur"; showText('gameover'); showbottombar(); } function pause(o) { writeHighScores(); var message; if (o) { message = ''; } else { message = 'paused'; } var c = document.getElementById("canvas"); if (gameState == -1) { $('#fork-ribbon').fadeOut(150, 'linear'); $('#restartBtn').fadeOut(150, "linear"); if ($('#helpScreen').is(':visible')) { $('#helpScreen').fadeOut(150, "linear"); } $("#pauseBtn").attr("src", "./images/btn_pause.svg"); $('.helpText').fadeOut(200, 'linear'); hideText(); hidebottombar(); setTimeout(function() { gameState = prevGameState; }, 200) } else if (gameState != -2 && gameState !== 0 && gameState !== 2) { $('#restartBtn').fadeIn(150, "linear"); $('.helpText').fadeIn(200, 'linear'); showbottombar(); if (message == 'paused') { showText(message); } $('#fork-ribbon').fadeIn(150, 'linear'); $("#pauseBtn").attr("src","./images/btn_resume.svg"); prevGameState = gameState; gameState = -1; } }