// t: current time, b: begInnIng value, c: change In value, d: duration
function easeOutCubic(t, b, c, d) {
    return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b;

function renderText(x, y, fontSize, color, text, font) {
    if (!font) {
        font = 'px/0 Roboto';

    fontSize *= settings.scale;
    ctx.font = fontSize + font;
    ctx.textAlign = 'center';
    ctx.fillStyle = color;
    ctx.fillText(text, x, y + (fontSize / 2) - 9 * settings.scale);

function drawScoreboard() {
    if (scoreOpacity < 1) {
        scoreOpacity += 0.01;
        textOpacity += 0.01;

    ctx.globalAlpha = textOpacity;
    if (gameState === 0) {
        renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 60, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", String.fromCharCode("0xf04b"), 'px FontAwesome');
        renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy - 170 * settings.scale, 150, "#2c3e50", "Hextris");
        renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 5 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy + 100 * settings.scale, 20, "rgb(44,62,80)", 'Play!');
    else if(gameState!=0 && textOpacity>0){
        textOpacity -= 0.05;
        renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 60, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", String.fromCharCode("0xf04b"), 'px FontAwesome');
        renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 6 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy - 170 * settings.scale, 150, "#2c3e50", "Hextris");
        renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx + 5 * settings.scale, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy + 100 * settings.scale, 20, "rgb(44,62,80)", 'Play!');
        ctx.globalAlpha = scoreOpacity;
        renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 50, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", score);
    else {
        ctx.globalAlpha = scoreOpacity;
        renderText(trueCanvas.width/2+ gdx, trueCanvas.height/2+ gdy, 50, "rgb(236, 240, 241)", score);

    ctx.globalAlpha = 1;

function clearGameBoard() {
    drawPolygon(trueCanvas.width / 2, trueCanvas.height / 2, 6, trueCanvas.width / 2, 30, hexagonBackgroundColor, 0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');

function drawPolygon(x, y, sides, radius, theta, fillColor, lineWidth, lineColor) {
    ctx.fillStyle = fillColor;
    ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
    ctx.strokeStyle = lineColor;
    var coords = rotatePoint(0, radius, theta);
    ctx.moveTo(coords.x + x, coords.y + y);
    var oldX = coords.x;
    var oldY = coords.y;
    for (var i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
        coords = rotatePoint(oldX, oldY, 360 / sides);
        ctx.lineTo(coords.x + x, coords.y + y);
        oldX = coords.x;
        oldY = coords.y;

    ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';

function showHighScores() {
    $('#highscores').html(function() {
        var str = '<li> High Scores: </li>';
        for (var i = 0; i < highscores.length; i++) {
            str += '<li>' + highscores[i]+'</li>';
        return str;
    toggleClass('#highscores', 'not-visible');

function toggleClass(element, active) {
    if ($(element).hasClass(active)) {
    else {

function showText(text){
    var messages = {
        'paused':"<div class='centeredHeader unselectable'>Paused</div><br><div class='unselectable centeredSubHeader'>Press p to resume</div><div style='height:100px;line-height:100px;cursor:pointer;'><div class = 'centeredSubSubHeader'>Click here for the main menu!</div></div>",
        'pausedMobile':"<div class='centeredHeader unselectable'>Paused</div><div style='height:100px;line-height:100px;cursor:pointer;'><div class = 'centeredSubSubHeader'>Tap here for the main menu!</div></div>",
        'start':"<div class='centeredHeader unselectable' style='line-height:80px;'>Press enter to start</div>",
        'gameover':"<div class='centeredHeader unselectable'> Game Over: "+score+" pts</div><br><div style='font-size:24px;' class='centeredHeader unselectable'> High Scores:</div><table class='tg' style='margin:0px auto'>"
    if (text == 'gameover') {
        var allZ = 1;
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            if (highscores[i] !== undefined && highscores[i] != 0) {
                messages['gameover'] += "<tr> <th class='tg-031e'>1.</th> <th class='tg-031e'>"+highscores[i] + " pts</th> </tr>";
        var restartText;
        if (settings.platform == 'mobile') {
            restartText = 'Tap anywhere to restart!';
        } else {
            restartText = 'Press enter (or click anywhere!) to restart!';

        messages['gameover'] += "</table><br><div class='unselectable centeredSubHeader'>" + restartText + "</div>";
        if (allZ) {
            for (i = 0; i < highscores.length; i++) {
                if (highscores[i] != 0) {
                    allZ = 0;

    var pt = document.getElementById("overlay");
    pt.className = 'unfaded';
    if (text == 'paused') {
        if (settings.platform == 'mobile') {
            text = 'pausedMobile';
    } else {

    pt.innerHTML = messages[text];

    if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
        $("#restartBtn").on('touchstart', function() {
            if (gameState==2 || gameState==1 || importing == 1) {
                canRestart = false;
            else if (gameState===0) {

    else {
        $("#restartBtn").on('mousedown', function() {
            if (gameState==2 || gameState==1 || importing == 1) {
                canRestart = false;
            else if (gameState===0) {

    if (text == 'paused') {
        $(".centeredSubSubHeader").on('mousedown', function() {
            localStorage.setItem("saveState", exportSaveState());
            canRestart = false;
            setTimeout(setMainMenu, 2);

    } else if (text == 'pausedMobile') {
        $(".centeredSubSubHeader").on('touchstart', function() {
            localStorage.setItem("saveState", exportSaveState());
            setTimeout(setMainMenu, 2);
            canRestart = false;

function setMainMenu() {
    gameState = 4;
    canRestart = false;
        canRestart = 's';
    }, 500);
    if ($($("#pauseBtn").children()[0]).attr('class').indexOf('pause') == -1) {
        $("#pauseBtn").html('<i class="fa fa-pause fa-2x"></i>');
    } else {
        $("#pauseBtn").html('<i class="fa fa-play fa-2x"></i>');

function hideText(text){
    var pt = document.getElementById("overlay");
    pt.className = 'faded';
    pt.innerHTML = '';
function gameOverDisplay(){
    var c = document.getElementById("canvas");
    c.className = "blur";

function pause(o) {
    var message;
    if (o) {
        message = '';
    } else {
        message = 'paused';

    var c = document.getElementById("canvas");
    if (gameState == -1 ) {
        gameState = prevGameState;

    else if(gameState != -2 && gameState !== 0 && gameState !== 2) {
        if (message == 'paused') {

        prevGameState = gameState;
        gameState = -1;