function render() { var grey = '#bdc3c7'; if (gameState === 0) { grey = "rgb(220, 223, 225)"; } ctx.clearRect(0, 0, trueCanvas.width, trueCanvas.height); clearGameBoard(); if (gameState === 1 || gameState === 2 || gameState === -1 || gameState === 0) { if (op < 1) { op += 0.01; } ctx.globalAlpha = op; drawPolygon(trueCanvas.width / 2 , trueCanvas.height / 2 , 6, (settings.rows * settings.blockHeight) * (2/Math.sqrt(3)) + settings.hexWidth, 30, grey, false,6); drawTimer(); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } var i; for (i = 0; i < MainHex.blocks.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < MainHex.blocks[i].length; j++) { var block = MainHex.blocks[i][j]; block.draw(true, j); } } for (i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { blocks[i].draw(); } MainHex.draw(); if (gameState ==1 || gameState ==-1 || gameState === 0) { drawScoreboard(); } if (gameState != 0 && gameState != 2) { } for (i = 0; i < MainHex.texts.length; i++) { var alive = MainHex.texts[i].draw(); if(!alive){ MainHex.texts.splice(i,1); i--; } } if ((MainHex.ct < 650 && (gameState !== 0) && !MainHex.playThrough)) { if (MainHex.ct > (650 - 50)) { ctx.globalAlpha = (50 - (MainHex.ct - (650 - 50)))/50; } if (MainHex.ct < 50) { ctx.globalAlpha = (MainHex.ct)/50; } renderBeginningText(); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } if (gameState == -1) { ctx.globalAlpha = 0.9; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(236,240,241)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, trueCanvas.width, trueCanvas.height); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } settings.prevScale = settings.scale; settings.hexWidth = settings.baseHexWidth * settings.scale; settings.blockHeight = settings.baseBlockHeight * settings.scale; } function renderBeginningText() { renderText((trueCanvas.width)/2 + 1.5 * settings.scale, (trueCanvas.height)/3 - 35 - 135 * settings.scale, 20, '#2c3e50', 'Tap on the left or the right of the screen', '20px Roboto'); renderText((trueCanvas.width)/2 + 1.5 * settings.scale, (trueCanvas.height)/3 - 35 - 105 * settings.scale, 20, '#2c3e50', 'to rotate the hexagon.', '20px Roboto'); drawKey("",(trueCanvas.width)/2 + 1.5 * settings.scale - 5 , (trueCanvas.height)/3 - 35 - 107 * settings.scale); renderText((trueCanvas.width)/2 + 1.5 * settings.scale, (trueCanvas.height * 3.1)/3 - 35 - 135 * settings.scale, 20, '#2c3e50', 'Match 3+ blocks to score points.', '20px Roboto'); renderText((trueCanvas.width)/2 + 1.5 * settings.scale, (trueCanvas.height * 3.1 )/3 - 35 - 105 * settings.scale, 20, '#2c3e50', 'Tap the center to double the speed.', '20px Roboto'); //renderText((trueCanvas.width)/2 + 1.5 * settings.scale, (trueCanvas.height)/2 - 35 - 65 * settings.scale, 20, '#2c3e50', (settings.platform == 'mobile' ? 'Tap the middle to toggle 2x speed!' : 'Hold the down arrow to toggle 2x speed!'), '20px Roboto'); } function drawKey(key, x, y) {; switch (key) { case "left": ctx.translate(x, y + settings.scale * 13); ctx.rotate(3.14159); ctx.font = "20px Fontawesome"; ctx.scale(settings.scale, settings.scale); ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode("0xf04b"), 0, 0); break; case "right": ctx.font = "20px Fontawesome"; ctx.translate(x , y + settings.scale * 27.5); ctx.scale(settings.scale, settings.scale); ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode("0xf04b"), 0, 0); break; default: drawKey("left", x - 5, y); drawKey("right", x + 5, y); } ctx.restore(); }