2012-06-19 20:19:41 +00:00
require 'formula'
class Abcmidi < Formula
homepage 'http://www.ifdo.ca/~seymour/runabc/top.html'
2013-04-03 04:39:26 +00:00
url 'http://www.ifdo.ca/~seymour/runabc/abcMIDI-2013-03-26.zip'
version '2013-03-26'
sha1 '723ef4745255681ce274c0ff2109a22b1be2ed88'
2012-06-19 20:19:41 +00:00
def install
2013-04-03 04:39:26 +00:00
# configure creates a "Makefile" file. A "makefile" file already exist in
# the tarball. On case-sensitive file-systems, the "makefile" file won't
# be overridden and will be chosen over the "Makefile" file.
system "rm", "makefile"
system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}"
# The Makefile is broken when using --prefix (value is added to path twice).
# abcmidi author is notified (2012-06-20). In the meantime, here's a fix.
inreplace "Makefile", "$(DESTDIR)${prefix}", "$(DESTDIR)"
system "make", "install"
2012-06-19 20:19:41 +00:00
def test
system "#{bin}/abc2midi"