2019-10-26 20:09:46 +00:00
class Mpv < Formula
desc "Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2"
homepage "https://mpv.io"
url "https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/archive/v0.30.0.tar.gz"
sha256 "33a1bcb7e74ff17f070e754c15c52228cf44f2cefbfd8f34886ae81df214ca35"
head "https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv.git"
2019-11-05 05:59:58 +00:00
bottle do
sha256 "a6126ab264bbe4f59cc8f27fbaba953a6654943f50c7869a42c74646baa44084" => :catalina
sha256 "876809a4bbe6af6f5dce055a7c7246b0b48db9237b6a7ba0151ef3b17eb2e1d8" => :mojave
sha256 "fc82056229104bf1898040d8cfd01eafa3a86afa18cdb0a1776afb63f0d72e7d" => :high_sierra
2019-10-26 20:09:46 +00:00
depends_on "docutils" => :build
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "python" => :build
depends_on "ffmpeg"
depends_on "jpeg"
depends_on "libarchive"
depends_on "libass"
depends_on "little-cms2"
depends_on "lua@5.1"
depends_on "mujs"
depends_on "uchardet"
depends_on "vapoursynth"
depends_on "youtube-dl"
def install
# LANG is unset by default on macOS and causes issues when calling getlocale
# or getdefaultlocale in docutils. Force the default c/posix locale since
# that's good enough for building the manpage.
ENV["LC_ALL"] = "C"
args = %W[
2019-12-06 20:16:18 +00:00
system "python3", "bootstrap.py"
2019-10-26 20:09:46 +00:00
system "python3", "waf", "configure", *args
system "python3", "waf", "install"
test do
system bin/"mpv", "--ao=null", test_fixtures("test.wav")