2018-02-02 06:38:57 +00:00
class Petsc < Formula
desc "Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation"
homepage "https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/"
2018-05-01 04:21:59 +00:00
url "http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/petsc/release-snapshots/petsc-lite-3.9.1.tar.gz"
sha256 "8e3455d2ef0aed637d4d8033dab752551e049a088f893610b799aa3188a5c246"
2018-05-14 06:51:35 +00:00
revision 2
2018-02-02 06:38:57 +00:00
2018-04-26 09:09:34 +00:00
bottle do
2018-05-14 07:43:09 +00:00
sha256 "9c817bd47333c272b7f2f8781cc69ffd689704445c7b66d136aa27780889c7a5" => :high_sierra
sha256 "ba63ad7efd234e251903839f079c63c205da0eabe2bc438c216534bc01556846" => :sierra
sha256 "26c299e53ee0ca68ac26dd9328522e695ab9c3c42683c0c1f0ab63e8273feee5" => :el_capitan
2018-04-26 09:09:34 +00:00
2018-02-02 06:38:57 +00:00
depends_on "hdf5"
depends_on "hwloc"
depends_on "metis"
depends_on "netcdf"
depends_on "open-mpi"
depends_on "scalapack"
depends_on "suite-sparse"
def install
ENV["CC"] = "mpicc"
ENV["CXX"] = "mpicxx"
ENV["F77"] = "mpif77"
ENV["FC"] = "mpif90"
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
system "make", "all"
system "make", "install"
test do
test_case = "#{pkgshare}/examples/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex1.c"
system "mpicc", test_case, "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", "-lpetsc", "-o", "test"
output = shell_output("./test")
# This PETSc example prints several lines of output. The last line contains
# an error norm, expected to be small.
line = output.lines.last
assert_match /^Norm of error .+, Iterations/, line, "Unexpected output format"
error = line.split[3].to_f
assert (error >= 0.0 && error < 1.0e-13), "Error norm too large"