geoconvert: slim down tests.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 44 deletions
@ -21,50 +21,6 @@ class Geographiclib < Formula
test do
# This just replicates a subset of the cmake tests (namely, those
# that don't depend on additional data files). Note however that
# the results are not checked. For this, add "make test" to the
# installation commands.
system "GeoConvert", "-p", "-3", "-m", "--input-string", "33.3 44.4"
system "GeoConvert", "-d", "--input-string", "38smb"
system "GeoConvert", "-p", "-2", "--input-string", "30d30'30\" 30.50833"
system "GeoConvert", "-p", "9", "--input-string", "0 179.99999999999998578"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "-p", "0", "--input-string", "40.6 -73.8 49d01'N 2d33'E"
system "GeodSolve", "-p", "0", "--input-string", "40d38'23\"N 073d46'44\"W 53d30' 5850e3"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "-p", "0", "-e", "6.4e6", "-1/150", "--input-string", "0.07476 0 -0.07476 180"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "-p", "0", "-e", "6.4e6", "-1/150", "--input-string", "0.1 0 -0.1 180"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "--input-string", "36.493349428792 0 36.49334942879201 .0000008"
system "GeodSolve", "-p", "0", "--input-string", "0.01777745589997 30 0 10e6"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "--input-string", "88.202499451857 0 -88.202499451857 179.981022032992859592"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "--input-string", "89.262080389218 0 -89.262080389218 179.992207982775375662"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "--input-string", "89.333123580033 0 -89.333123580032997687 179.99295812360148422"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "--input-string", "56.320923501171 0 -56.320923501171 179.664747671772880215"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "--input-string", "52.784459512564 0 -52.784459512563990912 179.634407464943777557"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "--input-string", "48.522876735459 0 -48.52287673545898293 179.599720456223079643"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "-e", "89.8", "-1.83", "-p", "1", "--input-string", "0 0 -10 160"
system "GeodSolve", "-i", "-e", "89.8", "-1.83", "-p", "1", "--input-string", "0 0 -10 160", "-E"
system "Planimeter", "--input-string", "89 0;89 90;89 180;89 270"
system "Planimeter", "-r", "--input-string", "-89 0;-89 90;-89 180;-89 270"
system "Planimeter", "--input-string", "0 -1;-1 0;0 1;1 0"
system "Planimeter", "--input-string", "90 0; 0 0; 0 90"
system "Planimeter", "-l", "--input-string", "90 0; 0 0; 0 90"
system "Planimeter", "-p", "8", "--input-string", "9 -0.00000000000001;9 180;9 0"
system "Planimeter", "-p", "8", "--input-string", "9 0.00000000000001;9 0;9 180"
system "Planimeter", "-p", "8", "--input-string", "9 0.00000000000001;9 180;9 0"
system "Planimeter", "-p", "8", "--input-string", "9 -0.00000000000001;9 0;9 180"
system "ConicProj", "-a", "40d58", "39d56", "-l", "77d45W", "-r", "--input-string", "220e3 -52e3"
system "ConicProj", "-a", "0", "0", "-e", "6.4e6", "-0.5", "-r", "--input-string", "0 8605508"
system "ConicProj", "-c", "-30", "-30", "--input-string", "-30 0"
system "ConicProj", "-r", "-c", "0", "0", "--input-string", "1113195 -1e10"
system "ConicProj", "-r", "-c", "0", "0", "--input-string", "1113195 inf"
system "ConicProj", "-r", "-c", "45", "45", "--input-string", "0 -1e100"
system "ConicProj", "-r", "-c", "45", "45", "--input-string", "0 -inf"
system "ConicProj", "-r", "-c", "90", "90", "--input-string", "0 -1e150"
system "ConicProj", "-r", "-c", "90", "90", "--input-string", "0 -inf"
system "CartConvert", "-e", "6.4e6", "1/100", "-r", "--input-string", "10e3 0 1e3"
system "CartConvert", "-e", "6.4e6", "-1/100", "-r", "--input-string", "1e3 0 10e3"
system "TransverseMercatorProj", "-k", "1", "--input-string", "90 75"
system "TransverseMercatorProj", "-k", "1", "-r", "--input-string", "0 10001965.7293127228"
Reference in a new issue