
Closes #17155.

Signed-off-by: ilovezfs <ilovezfs@icloud.com>
This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Beurdouche 2017-08-23 15:52:37 -07:00 committed by ilovezfs
parent 5e6a7d8517
commit 2cfb84810a

View file

@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ class Fstar < Formula
desc "ML-like language aimed at program verification"
homepage "https://www.fstar-lang.org/"
url "https://github.com/FStarLang/FStar.git",
:tag => "v0.9.4.0",
:revision => "2137ca0fbc56f04e202f715202c85a24b36c3b29"
revision 2
:tag => "v0.9.5.0",
:revision => "fa9b1fda52216678e364656f5f40b3309ef8392d"
head "https://github.com/FStarLang/FStar.git"
bottle do
@ -24,26 +23,24 @@ class Fstar < Formula
ENV["OPAMROOT"] = buildpath/"opamroot"
ENV["OPAMYES"] = "1"
# avoid having to depend on coreutils
# Avoid having to depend on coreutils
inreplace "src/ocaml-output/Makefile", "$(DATE_EXEC) -Iseconds",
"$(DATE_EXEC) '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'"
system "opam", "init", "--no-setup"
inreplace "opamroot/compilers/4.04.2/4.04.2/4.04.2.comp",
'["./configure"', '["./configure" "-no-graph"' # avoid X11
# remove when the OPAM deps have OCaml 4.05.0 compatible versions
system "opam", "switch", "4.04.2"
inreplace "opamroot/compilers/4.05.0/4.05.0/4.05.0.comp",
'["./configure"', '["./configure" "-no-graph"' # Avoid X11
if build.stable?
system "opam", "config", "exec", "opam", "install", "batteries=2.5.3",
"zarith=1.4.1", "yojson=1.3.3", "pprint=20140424"
system "opam", "config", "exec", "opam", "install", "batteries=2.7.0",
"zarith=1.5", "yojson=1.4.0", "pprint=20140424", "stdint=0.4.2",
system "opam", "config", "exec", "opam", "install", "batteries", "zarith",
"yojson", "pprint"
"yojson", "pprint", "stdint", "menhir"
system "opam", "config", "exec", "--", "make", "-C", "src", "boot-ocaml"
system "opam", "config", "exec", "--", "make", "-C", "src/ocaml-output"
(libexec/"bin").install "bin/fstar.exe"
(bin/"fstar.exe").write <<-EOS.undent
@ -67,10 +64,10 @@ class Fstar < Formula
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
F* code can be extracted to OCaml code.
To compile the generated OCaml code, you must install the
package 'batteries' from the Opam package manager:
To compile the generated OCaml code, you must install
some packages from the OPAM package manager:
- brew install opam
- opam install batteries
- opam install batteries zarith yojson pprint stdint menhir
F* code can be extracted to F# code.
To compile the generated F# (.NET) code, you must install