diff --git a/Formula/elasticsearch@1.7.rb b/Formula/elasticsearch@1.7.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 021e266450..0000000000
--- a/Formula/elasticsearch@1.7.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-class ElasticsearchAT17 < Formula
- desc "Distributed search & analytics engine"
- homepage "https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch"
- url "https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.7.6.tar.gz"
- sha256 "78affc30353730ec245dad1f17de242a4ad12cf808eaa87dd878e1ca10ed77df"
- revision 1
- bottle :unneeded
- keg_only :versioned_formula
- depends_on :java => "1.7+"
- def cluster_name
- "elasticsearch_#{ENV["USER"]}"
- end
- def install
- # Remove Windows files
- rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"]
- rm_f Dir["bin/*.exe"]
- # Move libraries to `libexec` directory
- libexec.install Dir["lib/*.jar"]
- (libexec/"sigar").install Dir["lib/sigar/*.{jar,dylib}"]
- # Install everything else into package directory
- prefix.install Dir["*"]
- # Remove unnecessary files
- rm_f Dir["#{lib}/sigar/*"]
- # Set up Elasticsearch for local development:
- inreplace "#{prefix}/config/elasticsearch.yml" do |s|
- # 1. Give the cluster a unique name
- s.gsub!(/#\s*cluster\.name\: elasticsearch/, "cluster.name: #{cluster_name}")
- # 2. Configure paths
- s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.data: /path/to.+$}, "path.data: #{var}/elasticsearch/")
- s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.logs: /path/to.+$}, "path.logs: #{var}/log/elasticsearch/")
- s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.plugins: /path/to.+$}, "path.plugins: #{var}/lib/elasticsearch/plugins")
- # 3. Bind to loopback IP for laptops roaming different networks
- s.gsub!(/#\s*network\.host\: [^\n]+/, "network.host:")
- end
- inreplace "#{bin}/elasticsearch.in.sh" do |s|
- # Configure ES_HOME
- s.sub!(%r{#\!/bin/sh\n}, "#!/bin/sh\n\nES_HOME=#{prefix}")
- # Configure ES_CLASSPATH paths to use libexec instead of lib
- s.gsub!(%r{ES_HOME/lib/}, "ES_HOME/libexec/")
- end
- inreplace "#{bin}/plugin" do |s|
- # Add the proper ES_CLASSPATH configuration
- s.sub!(/SCRIPT="\$0"/, %Q(SCRIPT="$0"\nES_CLASSPATH=#{libexec}))
- # Replace paths to use libexec instead of lib
- s.gsub!(%r{\$ES_HOME/lib/}, "$ES_CLASSPATH/")
- end
- end
- def post_install
- # Make sure runtime directories exist
- (var/"elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}").mkpath
- (var/"log/elasticsearch").mkpath
- (var/"lib/elasticsearch/plugins").mkpath
- ln_s etc/"elasticsearch", prefix/"config"
- end
- def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
- Data: #{var}/elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}/
- Logs: #{var}/log/elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}.log
- Plugins: #{var}/lib/elasticsearch/plugins/
- Config: #{etc}/elasticsearch/
- end
- plist_options :manual => "elasticsearch --config=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/elasticsearch@1.7/config/elasticsearch.yml"
- def plist; <<-EOS.undent
- KeepAlive
- Label
- #{plist_name}
- ProgramArguments
- #{opt_bin}/elasticsearch
- --config=#{prefix}/config/elasticsearch.yml
- EnvironmentVariables
- -Xss200000
- RunAtLoad
- WorkingDirectory
- #{var}
- StandardErrorPath
- #{var}/log/#{name}.log
- StandardOutPath
- #{var}/log/#{name}.log
- end
- test do
- system "#{bin}/plugin", "--list"
- end
diff --git a/Formula/elasticsearch@2.3.rb b/Formula/elasticsearch@2.3.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a502c51f42..0000000000
--- a/Formula/elasticsearch@2.3.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-class ElasticsearchAT23 < Formula
- desc "Distributed search & analytics engine"
- homepage "https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch"
- url "https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/distribution/tar/elasticsearch/2.3.5/elasticsearch-2.3.5.tar.gz"
- sha256 "1119a8c18620b98c4b85261318663a1f26dea92a26f34dfeb7f813fb7cbb468a"
- bottle :unneeded
- keg_only :versioned_formula
- depends_on :java => "1.7+"
- def cluster_name
- "elasticsearch_#{ENV["USER"]}"
- end
- def install
- # Remove Windows files
- rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"]
- rm_f Dir["bin/*.exe"]
- # Install everything else into package directory
- libexec.install "bin", "config", "lib", "modules"
- # Set up Elasticsearch for local development:
- inreplace "#{libexec}/config/elasticsearch.yml" do |s|
- # 1. Give the cluster a unique name
- s.gsub!(/#\s*cluster\.name\: .*/, "cluster.name: #{cluster_name}")
- # 2. Configure paths
- s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.data: /path/to.+$}, "path.data: #{var}/elasticsearch/")
- s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.logs: /path/to.+$}, "path.logs: #{var}/log/elasticsearch/")
- end
- inreplace "#{libexec}/bin/elasticsearch.in.sh" do |s|
- # Configure ES_HOME
- s.sub!(%r{#\!/bin/sh\n}, "#!/bin/sh\n\nES_HOME=#{libexec}")
- end
- inreplace "#{libexec}/bin/plugin" do |s|
- # Add the proper ES_CLASSPATH configuration
- s.sub!(/SCRIPT="\$0"/, %Q(SCRIPT="$0"\nES_CLASSPATH=#{libexec}/lib))
- # Replace paths to use libexec instead of lib
- s.gsub!(%r{\$ES_HOME/lib/}, "$ES_CLASSPATH/")
- end
- # Move config files into etc
- (etc/"elasticsearch").install Dir[libexec/"config/*"]
- (etc/"elasticsearch/scripts").mkpath
- (libexec/"config").rmtree
- bin.write_exec_script Dir[libexec/"bin/elasticsearch"]
- end
- def post_install
- # Make sure runtime directories exist
- (var/"elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}").mkpath
- (var/"log/elasticsearch").mkpath
- ln_s etc/"elasticsearch", libexec/"config"
- (libexec/"plugins").mkdir
- end
- def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
- Data: #{var}/elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}/
- Logs: #{var}/log/elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}.log
- Plugins: #{libexec}/plugins/
- Config: #{etc}/elasticsearch/
- plugin script: #{libexec}/bin/plugin
- end
- plist_options :manual => "elasticsearch"
- def plist; <<-EOS.undent
- KeepAlive
- Label
- #{plist_name}
- ProgramArguments
- #{opt_bin}/elasticsearch
- EnvironmentVariables
- RunAtLoad
- WorkingDirectory
- #{var}
- StandardErrorPath
- #{var}/log/#{name}.log
- StandardOutPath
- #{var}/log/#{name}.log
- end
- test do
- system "#{libexec}/bin/plugin", "list"
- pid = "#{testpath}/pid"
- begin
- mkdir testpath/"config"
- system "#{bin}/elasticsearch", "-d", "-p", pid, "--path.home", testpath
- sleep 10
- system "curl", "-XGET", "localhost:9200/"
- ensure
- Process.kill(9, File.read(pid).to_i)
- end
- end