zpaq 7.13 (devel)

- devel spec for the latest version
- zpaq >7.05 does not yet have an OS X compatible Makefile, so adapt it
- backport new Makefile to 7.05
- use upstream's test case

Closes #1013.

Signed-off-by: ilovezfs <ilovezfs@icloud.com>
This commit is contained in:
ilovezfs 2016-05-12 16:58:27 -07:00
parent 51e0e955d1
commit 492084472f

View file

@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
class Zpaq < Formula
desc "Incremental, journaling command-line archiver"
homepage "http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq.html"
url "http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq705.zip"
sha256 "d8abe3e3620d4c6f3ddc1da149acffa4c24296fd9c74c9d7b62319e308b63334"
version "7.05"
revision 1
head "https://github.com/zpaq/zpaq.git"
stable do
url "http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq705.zip"
sha256 "d8abe3e3620d4c6f3ddc1da149acffa4c24296fd9c74c9d7b62319e308b63334"
version "7.05"
# Should be removed once >7.05 ships as stable
resource "backport_makefile" do
url "http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq713.zip"
sha256 "9120cf4fb1afdecea3ac4f690d7b0577f7cb004ca6b152856edd8ac444f0d919"
bottle do
cellar :any_skip_relocation
sha256 "f0998826effe4dae407d041c4143a39b3645dc46a82456b4e86ac88f106babd3" => :el_capitan
@ -15,20 +24,53 @@ class Zpaq < Formula
sha256 "a2d2215b51cc18370f5ebe700160d1d7143ce5d680b2365a5adb4bb1622d06fc" => :mountain_lion
def install
system "make"
include.install "libzpaq.h"
bin.install "zpaq"
devel do
url "http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq713.zip"
sha256 "9120cf4fb1afdecea3ac4f690d7b0577f7cb004ca6b152856edd8ac444f0d919"
version "7.13"
system "pod2man", "zpaq.pod", "zpaq.1"
man1.install "zpaq.1"
resource "test" do
url "http://mattmahoney.net/dc/calgarytest2.zpaq"
sha256 "b110688939477bbe62263faff1ce488872c68c0352aa8e55779346f1bd1ed07e"
def install
# Should be removed once >7.05 ships as stable
if build.stable?
resource("backport_makefile").stage do
buildpath.install "Makefile"
# Makefile introduced for >7.05 has not yet been adapted for OS X
# Reported 12th May 2016 to mattmahoneyfl@gmail.com
inreplace "Makefile" do |s|
# Use OS X style dylib names
s.gsub! "libzpaq.so.0.1", "libzpaq.0.1.dylib"
s.gsub! "libzpaq.so", "libzpaq.dylib"
# ld: unknown option: -soname
# ld: file not found: libzpaq.0.1.dylib
# use the correct arguments to compile a dylib
s.gsub! "-Wl,-soname,$(SONAME) -o $@ $<",
"-Wl -dynamiclib libzpaq.o zpaq.o -o $(SONAME)"
# clang: error: no such file or directory: 'zpaq.o'
# libzpaq.0.1.dylib needs both libzpaq.o and zpaq.o
s.gsub! "$(SONAME): libzpaq.o", "$(SONAME): libzpaq.o zpaq.o"
# OS X `install` command doesn't have `-t`
s.gsub! /(install -m.* )-t (.*) (.*)(\r)/, "\\1 \\3 \\2\\4"
system "make"
system "make", "check"
system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}"
test do
archive = testpath/"test.zpaq"
zpaq = bin/"zpaq"
system zpaq, "a", archive, "#{include}/libzpaq.h"
system zpaq, "l", archive
assert_equal "7kSt", archive.read(4)
resource("test").stage testpath
assert_match /all OK/, shell_output("#{bin}/zpaq x calgarytest2.zpaq 2>&1")