ruby@2.3: remove rubygems resource.

This commit is contained in:
Mike McQuaid 2018-02-21 09:10:29 +00:00
parent 0bc09832fc
commit 54e532026b

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@ -26,14 +26,6 @@ class RubyAT23 < Formula
depends_on "openssl"
depends_on :x11 if build.with? "tcltk"
# This should be kept in sync with the main Ruby formula
# but a revision bump should not be forced every update
# unless there are security fixes in that Rubygems release.
resource "rubygems" do
url ""
sha256 "bbe35ce6646e4168fcb1071d5f83b2d1154924f5150df0f5fca0f37d2583a182"
def program_suffix
build.with?("suffix") ? "23" : ""
@ -99,42 +91,9 @@ class RubyAT23 < Formula
# A newer version of ruby-mode.el is shipped with Emacs
elisp.install Dir["misc/*.el"].reject { |f| f == "misc/ruby-mode.el" }
# This is easier than trying to keep both current & versioned Ruby
# formulae repeatedly updated with Rubygem patches.
resource("rubygems").stage do
ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin
system ruby, "setup.rb", "--prefix=#{buildpath}/vendor_gem"
rg_in = lib/"ruby/#{api_version}"
# Remove bundled Rubygem version.
rm_rf rg_in/"rubygems"
rm_f rg_in/"rubygems.rb"
rm_f rg_in/"ubygems.rb"
rm_f bin/"gem#{program_suffix}"
# Drop in the new version.
rg_in.install Dir[buildpath/"vendor_gem/lib/*"]
bin.install buildpath/"vendor_gem/bin/gem" => "gem#{program_suffix}"
(libexec/"gembin").install buildpath/"vendor_gem/bin/bundle" => "bundle#{program_suffix}"
(libexec/"gembin").install_symlink "bundle#{program_suffix}" => "bundler#{program_suffix}"
def post_install
# Since Gem ships Bundle we want to provide that full/expected installation
# but to do so we need to handle the case where someone has previously
# installed bundle manually via `gem install`.
rm_f %W[
rm_rf Dir[HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/ruby/gems/#{api_version}/gems/bundler-*"]
rubygems_bindir.install_symlink Dir[libexec/"gembin/*"]
# Customize rubygems to look/install in the global gem directory
# instead of in the Cellar, making gems last across reinstalls
config_file = lib/"ruby/#{api_version}/rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb"
@ -225,12 +184,5 @@ class RubyAT23 < Formula
assert_equal "hello\n", hello_text
ENV["GEM_HOME"] = testpath
system "#{bin}/gem#{program_suffix}", "install", "json"
(testpath/"Gemfile").write <<~EOS
source ''
gem 'gemoji'
system rubygems_bindir/"bundle#{program_suffix}", "install", "--binstubs=#{testpath}/bin"
assert_predicate testpath/"bin/gemoji", :exist?, "gemoji is not installed in #{testpath}/bin"