moreutils: remove options

This commit is contained in:
FX Coudert 2019-01-04 11:19:49 +01:00
parent a6f64c9796
commit 60c72ba90d

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@ -14,15 +14,11 @@ class Moreutils < Formula
sha256 "9f2e15ade4e996988704728fa9d3b9263a1337b33847ba68afb8863a3293162d" => :el_capitan
option "without-parallel", "Build without the 'parallel' tool."
option "without-errno", "Build without the 'errno' tool, for compatibility with 'pwntools'."
option "without-ts", "Build without the 'ts' tool, for compatibility with 'task-spooler'."
depends_on "docbook-xsl" => :build
conflicts_with "parallel", :because => "Both install a `parallel` executable." if build.with? "parallel"
conflicts_with "pwntools", :because => "Both install an `errno` executable." if build.with? "errno"
conflicts_with "task-spooler", :because => "Both install a `ts` executable." if build.with? "ts"
conflicts_with "parallel", :because => "Both install a `parallel` executable."
conflicts_with "pwntools", :because => "Both install an `errno` executable."
conflicts_with "task-spooler", :because => "Both install a `ts` executable."
resource "Time::Duration" do
url ""
@ -50,12 +46,6 @@ class Moreutils < Formula
inreplace "Makefile" do |s|
s.gsub! "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/docbook-xsl",
%w[parallel errno ts].each do |util|
next if build.with? util
s.gsub! /^BINS=.*\K#{util}/, "", false
s.gsub! /^MANS=.*\K#{util}\.1/, ""
s.gsub! /^PERLSCRIPTS=.*\K#{util}/, "", false
system "make", "all"
system "make", "check"