erlang@18: remove options

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FX Coudert 2018-12-15 08:40:22 +01:00
parent 14a27c66ed
commit d948574f6f

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@ -13,18 +13,11 @@ class ErlangAT18 < Formula
keg_only :versioned_formula
option "without-hipe", "Disable building hipe; fails on various macOS systems"
option "with-native-libs", "Enable native library compilation"
option "with-dirty-schedulers", "Enable experimental dirty schedulers"
option "with-java", "Build jinterface application"
depends_on "autoconf" => :build
depends_on "automake" => :build
depends_on "libtool" => :build
depends_on "openssl"
depends_on "wxmac" => :recommended # for GUI apps like observer
depends_on "fop" => :optional # enables building PDF docs
depends_on :java => :optional
depends_on "wxmac"
resource "man" do
url ""
@ -65,8 +58,6 @@ class ErlangAT18 < Formula
# other modules doesn't fail with an unintelligable error.
%w[LIBS FLAGS AFLAGS ZFLAGS].each { |k| ENV.delete("ERL_#{k}") }
ENV["FOP"] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/fop" if build.with? "fop"
# Do this if building from a checkout to generate configure
system "./otp_build", "autoconf" if File.exist? "otp_build"
@ -81,29 +72,14 @@ class ErlangAT18 < Formula
args << "--enable-darwin-64bit" if MacOS.prefer_64_bit?
args << "--enable-native-libs" if build.with? "native-libs"
args << "--enable-dirty-schedulers" if build.with? "dirty-schedulers"
args << "--enable-wx" if build.with? "wxmac"
args << "--with-dynamic-trace=dtrace" if MacOS::CLT.installed?
if build.without? "hipe"
# HIPE doesn't strike me as that reliable on macOS
args << "--disable-hipe"
args << "--enable-hipe"
if build.with? "java"
args << "--with-javac"
args << "--without-javac"
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
ENV.deparallelize # Install is not thread-safe; can try to create folder twice and fail