Libdnet uses `autoreconf` and has deps on automake and libtool
when using XCode-4.3 or greater; however, the previous commit I
authored has the wrong conditional where it also checks if the
formula is building HEAD. That's not right. There is no HEAD,
and `autoreconf` is used for stable.
* Remove `if ARGV.build_head?`
This was tested on Lion by removing automake, autoconf, and libtool
then using `brew install libdnet` which now builds all the deps.
It was also tested on SL using the system autotools without any
ENV vars set, such as LIBTOOLIZE. Tested with XCode-4.3.2, 4.0.2.
Signed-off-by: Jack Nagel <>
Libdnet is used by snort, but the manual autoreconf statements
cause a build error on Lion. This is likely due to some subtle
changes in autoconf-2.69.
* Remove manual autotools statements.
* Set `ACLOCAL` to include the `config` directory.
* Use `autoreconf -ivf` the way the `autoconf` docs recommend.
* Remove the unrecognized `--disable-debug` flag.
This compiles with or without the `--with-python` flag, and it
functions well in `snort` using all five compilers from XCode
4.3.2 and 4.0.2 on Lion and Snow Leopard. It's interesting to
see software from 2007 build the python bindings and install
them into the HB site-packages correctly.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>