Nginx sometimes needs to find PCRE in /usr/local/lib even though
it links against the system library in /usr/lib. The upstream
configure scripts really ought to be fixed.
S3cmd is a command line tool for uploading, retrieving and managing
data in Amazon S3. It is best suited for power users who don't fear
command line. It is also ideal for scripts, automated backups
triggered from cron, etc.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
* Install privately to libexec
* The maintainer is changing so for now the distribution is
from my repository clone.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
* Install privately into libexec instead of touching any
rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. It's
a python script which I installed using the '--local' switch. This will create
a 'site-packages' folder under ~/.local/. Don't know if this is the approved
homebrew approach but it works for me.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
* Install privately into libexec and link scripts into bin.
This way we don't touch any site-packages folders.
The existing SML-NJ formula does all sorts of nasty things, like spewing
ML files into lib and polluting bin with hidden dot-folders.
Instead of removing it just yet, making it install into libexec.
If you can improve this formula, go for it, otherwise it might be retracted
in the future.
* modify the makefile so that it is only compiled as x86_64. This fixes issue
where ruby-odbc would choose iODBC over unixODBC.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
* Bumped to latest verison
* Only apply fix to 64-bit Snow Leopard
SAGA is an API that provides the basic functionality required to build
distributed applications, tools and frameworks so as to be independent of the
details of the underlying infrastructure.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
* Don't depend directly on PostgreSQl, so the user can use a non-Homebrew
version of the database. But warn if we can't find a pg-config.
Sproxy is a complimentary tool for the load testing tool Siege. Sproxy is the
[S]iege[proxy], a tool designed to harvest URLs to a urls.txt for the Siege
http/https regression tester. Sproxy is designed to work like a regular http
proxy. It listens for http requests on port 9001 (default) and it returns
requested content to the web browser while it writes the URL along with any
GET requests and/or POST data to a file for Siege.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
* Fix man file location.
ABFind is a Public Domain command-line tool that lets you search your
Address Book.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
* Compile from source
FileZilla requires wxWidgets 2.8.x, which doesn't compile 64-bit
on Snow Leopard. The upcoming wxWidgets 3.0 will compile 64-bit at
some point, but software will need to be ported forward to use it.
Since compiling FileZilla from source is of dubious benefit over
downloading the .app, removing the formula for now.
* Remove --disable-debug from the configure line.
* Patch rasqal's configure script to do a proper comparison
The configure script was checking the variable that had dots in the version
number, which blew up the comparison and kept the rasqal configure script from
finding the just brewed version of raptor.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
This is simply a (slightly) packaged up version of Aristotle Pagaltzis rename
script (which is in turn based on the Debian rename script by Larry Wall and
rename provides for more powerful renaming via Perl's support for regular
expressions. This version also provides some handy built-in utility functions.
For example, you can quickly upcase or downcase file names, as well as removing
unsafe/non-standard characters from filenames.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
The Python Imaging Library (PIL) allows Python to manipulate images.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
* Added as a formula because installing using pip does not pick up
many optional but useful dependencies.
"brew install pip" now only works with a Homebrew-provided Python, and installs
directly into that Python's cellar.
This brew, by design, will only install against a Homebrew-built
version of Python, with instructions for installing
distribute against a custom Python.
"Distribute" is a "setuptools" replacement for Python, and is
a prequisite for "pip". Homebrew suggests using pip to install
Python modules required by a few brews.
This brew, by design, will only install against a Homebrew-built
version of Python, with instructions for installing
distribute against a custom Python.
Many updates and (hopefully) improvements to the Python formula, including:
* Build as shared by default.
* Better handling of Framework builds.
* More reasonable Homebrew+site-packages support.
* Documentation (as a comment in the formula)