These now return an Array of all the target destinations.
Previously, if a single argument was passed a single non-
Array was returned.
This behavior has been changed so that an Array is always returned
even for a single argument.
Updated the test.
Hopefully this won't break any custom code out there.
Determining build-time deps as part of the download strategy is probably
a Homebrew 2 topic, so avoid the "you need to install xz" warning by
declaring xz as a dep where used.
The "don't use xz if there are alternatives" policy is still in effect,
Signed-off-by: Jack Nagel <>
Several issues with PostGIS are addressed with this refactoring:
- PostGIS takes all of its orders from the PGXS makefiles distributed with
Postgresql. This means that it installs its self into the Postgres keg and
there is nothing that can be done. The solution is to avoid `make install`
and manually install everything.
- Gettext is no longer used as there is no way to properly specify paths to a
keg-only formula when all of the flags are being dictated by PGXS.
- The list of components in the 2.0 HEAD builds has been updated.
- The default behavior for HEAD is to build the raster and topology
extensions. Because of this, the `--with-raster` and `--with-topology`
options have been dropped.
Frink is a head-only formula served up as a jar with no version information
in the path. Removing from Homebrew-core.
To reinstate, encourage upstream to tag stable releases.
- 64bit and cocoa is only possible in the 2.9 series.
- Using the bundle wxPython+wxWidgets for 2.9.x.
- Better caveats telling about all issues based on the actual options to guide the users with options/problems.
- Building gizmos, sec and ogl only for 2.8 (because 2.9 does not have these subduers)
- Python bindings for 2.8 are now built with MacOS 10.6 sdk on Lion explicitly for i386. This fixes the error of "Cursor" not found during build time in current wxmac formula.
- Added head for wxPython (may be of use later on)
- Set right home pages.
- Removed --system-python. Not needed, since the policy is to take whichever python is upfront in the path.
- Fixed bug that "gizmos", "stc" and "ogl" were not built because "$c" is not a variable expansion expression in ruby. "#{c}" was meant.
Signed-off-by: Charlie Sharpsteen <>