Also added missing deps for osm2pgsql.
Removed some ACLOCAL_FLAGS stuff as in theory this is not set in ENV.rb. Would like to see if it causes trouble. Should just work now.
The tmux distribution contains a bash completion script
in examples/ Install it as 'tmux'.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
Uses the private api call _vprocmgr_detach_from_console similar to Apple's
patch to GNU screen
Signed-off-by: Mike McQuaid <>
brewkit.rb changes ENV destructively, so lets not do that everytime a formula
is required. Now it's possible for other tools to require a formula
description without worrying about side-effects.
tmux is a "terminal multiplexer", it enables a number of terminals
(or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. tmux is
intended to be a simple, modern, BSD-licensed alternative to
programs such as GNU screen.