brewkit.rb changes ENV destructively, so lets not do that everytime a formula
is required. Now it's possible for other tools to require a formula
description without worrying about side-effects.
We don't want beta libs and Erlang doesn't need it.
Also disabled installation of erlang docs as we just delete them, we need to make the delete step optional.
Thou shall not bump a packaging system's erlang version before it's released
even though you love to live on the edge.
Signed-off-by: Max Howell <>
Agreed, Homebrew sticks to stable releases in the main url, the @head url is used for cutting edge.
Is it a DSL? No. But people call it that apparently.
To add a dependency:
class Doe <Formula
depends_on 'ray'
depends_on 'mee' => :optional
depends_on 'far' => :recommended
Sew would be a formula you have defined in this Formula file. This is useful,
eg. see Python's formula. Formula specified in this fashion cannot be linked
into the HOMEBREW_PREFIX, they are considered private libraries. This allows
you to create custom installations that are very specific to your formula.
More features to come, like specifying versions
Updated erlang with changes to brewkit
Added deps.
Crypto still broke.
Signed-off-by: Max Howell <>
I removed the flag to make manpages optional as the Homebrew default is to
install manapges.