Gecode was updated to 3.7.2 in 672c5ab20b77 which fixed the error with
clang. Geocode passes make check.
* Remove fails_with block.
* Remove unrecognized configure option for dependency-tracking
* Remove --disable-debug option. It is the defualt.
* Add --disable-examples option. This stops two dozen example
binaries from filling /usr/local/bin that have common names like
golf, sudoku, grocery, and partition.
Signed-off-by: Jack Nagel <>
OpenColorIO (OCIO) is a complete color management solution geared
towards motion picture production with an emphasis on visual effects
and computer animation. See:
OCIO is at version 1.0.6 and has been in development since 2003. It
is one of several open source projects actively sponsored by Sony
OCIO is a new dep for OpenImageIO (OIIO), adding functionality.
OCIO has a built-in test suite that is passes. There are stable
and head methods available. It builds using the system OpenGL,
and little-cms2, along with pkg-config and cmake. An Alias is
added for this formula to ocio. It has python bindings enabled
with a user option, following the example of vtk.
OCIO head and stable build and run very well on Lion and SL using
all five compilers from XCode-4.3.2, 4.0.2, and CLT-4.3.2, thanks
to patches the devs merged upstream for us.
EDIT: code fix redacted args.
EDIT: shrink formula comments.
EDIT: test against XCode-4.3.1.
EDIT: remove the unnecessary which python-config
EDIT: change to version 1.0.6. Remove rescue clause. Tests work.
EDIT: tests pass against XCode-4.3.2.
EDIT: modify the caveats for accuracy using the dev's suggestions.
EDIT: remove the `\n` after the caveat url
Signed-off-by: Misty De Meo <>
Movgrab is a command line program to download videos from the net.
Given a url, it has the code to handle about 25 different sites.
This version 1.1.9 compiles on Lion and 64bit Snow Leopard.
It will occasionally segfault while running the CLI during a
download, but Colum, the author, has not been able to track it
down as of yet because it is not consistent. He is lacking a Mac
to test it using gdb and could use help from anyone with experience
in network steams, C, and gdb.
EDIT: moved patches to a DATA block rather than inreplace
EDIT: fix the "inline" issue with c99 & Clang.
EDIT: update from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9. No changes to patches.
EDIT: all patches including --no-recursion are upstream via email.
This would closeHomebrew/homebrew#10074ClosesHomebrew/homebrew#10101.
Signed-off-by: Misty De Meo <>
Luajit 2.0.0beta9 has patches upstream that fix the compile errors
with clang and llvm, thanks to the help of the developer, Paul.
Remove the patches at 2.0.0beta10 due out at the end of April.
All changes were discussed in several emails. The plan is:
* Change the Hotfix patch to apply only to stable.
* Patch for missing /usr/include/unwind.h on 10.6.8 with clang.
* Patch src/Makefile to not call -dumpspec. Clang doesn't have it.
* Remove the instruction to the user to `sudo ln -s`.
* Remove the fails_with_llvm. It compiles against llvm 2336.
* Inreplaces should persist through version updates.
* Respect the developer's choice that optimization is best at -O2.
* Remove the hardcoded -O2 so we can set -O2 or switch to -Og.
* Override the hardcoded CC=gcc. Use
* Remove the -march=i686 from CCOPT_X86. We set accurate march.
* Use args for clarity.
* For debug builds using clang, use -Og. See clang man page.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
SimGrid is a toolkit that provides core functionalities for the
simulation of distributed applications in heterogeneous distributed
environments. The specific goal of the project is to facilitate research
in the area of parallel and distributed large scale systems, such as
Grids, P2P systems and clouds. Its use cases encompass heuristic
evaluation, application prototyping or even real application development
and tuning. (from the project homepage
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
This commit upgrades mariadb's formula to 5.3.5 GA, force use of LLVM
and make it correctly depend on brew's readline.
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
"MiniSat is a minimalistic, open-source SAT solver, developed to help
researchers and developers alike to get started on SAT."
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <>
Moved setting ENV['LD'] = ENV['CXX'] to after ENV.llvm is (possibly) set. Otherwise ENV['LD'] might end up as llvm-gcc rather than the expected CXX version. Verified that this fixed the issue I had installing QT on my machine. Fixes issue Homebrew/homebrew#11202. See also Homebrew/homebrew#11198.
By the comment above where ENV.llvm is set, maybe it was supposed to be using clang rather than llvm-gcc though because my Xcode is 3.2.6. clang is "Apple clang version 1.7 (tags/Apple/clang-77) (based on LLVM 2.9svn)", and llvm-gcc is "i686-apple-darwin10-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.6)".
In any case, moving these two lines made it compile and install fine on my system.
FixesHomebrew/homebrew#11261, Homebrew/homebrew#11202, Homebrew/homebrew#11198.
- Removed drush_make install since it is now included with Drush
Signed-off-by: Jack Nagel <>