class CabalInstall < Formula desc "Command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage" homepage "" url "" sha256 "a432a7853afe96c0fd80f434bd80274601331d8c46b628cd19a0d8e96212aaf1" revision 1 head "", :branch => "2.4" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "5605a9a7cef6e7615126345ba43b690f16c80aa853c31cc394b0376c847f6def" => :catalina sha256 "07896a69965d55253b30aa20470090245ab523a6ee22efe6b10d3b0ffb4a16e4" => :mojave sha256 "72616fee2252d33d00e79ecd1778f0f8abffd71e339482dda5927c10d2574746" => :high_sierra end # Temporarily depend on older GHC for building cabal-install itself, due to # # depends_on "ghc@8.6" => :build depends_on "ghc" uses_from_macos "zlib" def install ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["ghc@8.6"].opt_bin cd "cabal-install" if build.head? system "sh", "", "--sandbox" bin.install ".cabal-sandbox/bin/cabal" bash_completion.install "bash-completion/cabal" end test do system "#{bin}/cabal", "--config-file=#{testpath}/config", "info", "Cabal" end end