class Cvsync < Formula desc "Portable CVS repository synchronization utility" homepage "" url "" sha256 "75d99fc387612cb47141de4d59cb3ba1d2965157230f10015fbaa3a1c3b27560" bottle do cellar :any rebuild 2 sha256 "da10e78630bf61ac77576e3f10033730bf335e24324681f32c973cd9a2d645be" => :catalina sha256 "1a7f82970b208df4bafed99ce20de7f4d94be51f79152ad75c85fb69ecaff51e" => :mojave sha256 "1ea4fcb1bcb64f91915919e485b374eb2e16b69fb60f589242c3a140d3c16c7f" => :high_sierra sha256 "4e92dd3b6a74831724c2da74f761660fa25630d9c44be9d80a0d72dc522e1fae" => :sierra end depends_on "openssl@1.1" def install ENV["PREFIX"] = prefix ENV["MANDIR"] = man ENV["CVSYNC_DEFAULT_CONFIG"] = etc/"cvsync.conf" ENV["CVSYNCD_DEFAULT_CONFIG"] = etc/"cvsyncd.conf" ENV["HASH_TYPE"] = "openssl" # Makefile from 2005 assumes Darwin doesn't define `socklen_t' and defines # it with a CC macro parameter making gcc unhappy about double define. inreplace "mk/", /^CFLAGS \+= \-Dsocklen_t=int/, "" # Remove owner and group parameters from install. inreplace "mk/", /^INSTALL_(.{3})_OPTS\?=.*/, 'INSTALL_\1_OPTS?= -c -m ${\1MODE}' # These paths must exist or "make install" fails. bin.mkpath lib.mkpath man1.mkpath system "make", "install" end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/cvsync -h 2>&1", 1) end end