class Sparse < Formula desc "Static C code analysis tool" homepage "" url "" sha256 "fdb05c84c8a62833b0920a0f855708b3843cb00df64d1582cba1c1da7df65b61" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e1b3677825bb6ba5e50e6d0da79836fd34d1e1c0249053d11640d88114d3fcbb" => :catalina sha256 "a96ecc9bb289caf14f4dcf9dd5a0b1d04e2336d1c1e79eafd8af6cb3f3a9e5dd" => :mojave sha256 "ec9b7f151a40b278fe062c354cbbdfb47c5a2420b1cf87a04d5813d0221e47f9" => :high_sierra end depends_on "gcc" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version < 1100 # error: use of unknown builtin '__builtin_clrsb' fails_with :clang if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version < 1100 def install # BSD "install" does not understand the GNU -D flag. # Create the parent directories ourselves. inreplace "Makefile", "install -D", "install" bin.mkpath man1.mkpath system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end test do (testpath/"test.C").write("int main(int a) {return a;}\n") system "#{bin}/sparse", testpath/"test.C" end end