class Unrar < Formula desc "Extract, view, and test RAR archives" homepage "" url "" sha256 "a725923a627bc8b3dd670a347b57701e1ad61f5f4e7b789d09244fb4b7f97b29" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "555a39a080ba65da9f8d4a5c02fc95eb810221f9e88dfb741261ce32622e7a00" => :catalina sha256 "c2011afe36f228c13123bbe3c4a777439f353c5b183313160f0118b79d3af417" => :mojave sha256 "cb838a0e04135acb5b7bd0e92f7a73371208c407c8abeaf0c42b60ae367b609d" => :high_sierra end def install # upstream doesn't particularly care about their unix targets, # so we do the dirty work of renaming their shared objects to # dylibs for them. inreplace "makefile", "", "libunrar.dylib" system "make" # Explicitly clean up for the library build to avoid an issue with an # apparent implicit clean which confuses the dependencies. system "make", "clean" system "make", "lib" bin.install "unrar" lib.install "libunrar.dylib" end test do contentpath = "directory/file.txt" rarpath = testpath/"archive.rar" data = "UmFyIRoHAM+QcwAADQAAAAAAAACaCHQggDIACQAAAAkAAAADtPej1LZwZE" \ "QUMBIApIEAAGRpcmVjdG9yeVxmaWxlLnR4dEhvbWVicmV3CsQ9ewBABwA=" rarpath.write data.unpack1("m") assert_equal contentpath, `#{bin}/unrar lb #{rarpath}`.strip assert_equal 0, $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus system "#{bin}/unrar", "x", rarpath, testpath assert_equal "Homebrew\n", (testpath/contentpath).read end end