class Chakra < Formula desc "The core part of the JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f76a775630cf4e2a6132ef77839b7b2a28ba36adbbd86dd24a806bf7dc176538" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "4d8d0b542398ca8a510374e4cb6702f1e9bbc0533cacf589088a6b312caca879" => :mojave sha256 "e7f1fa4ced218d0069e019358e63394ff0515f4489bcd74c49d45351e15ce7f0" => :high_sierra sha256 "fc1ad91a954263720f3fa0d47e367208a4d7791bf58d922e6dc40f5de0cae72e" => :sierra sha256 "3f6ee063e19dc68ae05df4476b12272cc170369bec5ec152b3bded2b7cf7c89b" => :el_capitan end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "icu4c" # Teach the build script to recognise LLVM 10+/Clang 1000 as valid. # Merged upstream but not yet in 1.11.0; check again next release. patch do url "" sha256 "05b80e18a3e70f33ee7442a9c2b236c71e74970ba35b25817147e5e0b6ccd140" end def install args = [ "--lto-thin", "--icu=#{Formula["icu4c"].opt_include}", "--extra-defines=U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE=1", # icu4c 61.1 compatability "-j=#{ENV.make_jobs}", "-y", ] # Build dynamically for the shared library system "./", *args # Then statically to get a usable binary system "./", "--static", *args bin.install "out/Release/ch" => "chakra" include.install Dir["out/Release/include/*"] lib.install "out/Release/libChakraCore.dylib" end test do (testpath/"test.js").write("print('Hello world!');\n") assert_equal "Hello world!", shell_output("#{bin}/chakra test.js").chomp end end