class Proftpd < Formula desc "Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software" homepage "" url "" mirror "" mirror "" sha256 "91ef74b143495d5ff97c4d4770c6804072a8c8eb1ad1ecc8cc541b40e152ecaf" revision 1 bottle do sha256 "200fb8d376b7b9df6528444d4544824561ddb0ad1090acce6f851502b28327ed" => :catalina sha256 "d8e913133feffb5e1e669991f345ca04e014501833af51cc67527d99a53b72df" => :mojave sha256 "654875de19ba33e14985e88c24fbd54a27877966cb26177bfbffd89286a2f2b2" => :high_sierra sha256 "5bbb5075bd0e1091feb88f5a57172d2c5ee1e31caa5c5f6e92009f7da1cffcce" => :sierra end # Patch CVE-2019-12815. The fix for this CVE did not result in a new release. # This patch has been backported into the 1.3.6 branch. Remove patch on next release. # Additional information: # # # patch do url "" sha256 "c4c54a0dec446ee940dc1267e64d502374e0735355005bbfe67c46bdb12d203a" end def install # fixes unknown group 'nogroup' # inreplace "sample-configurations/basic.conf", "nogroup", "nobody" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}", "--localstatedir=#{var}" ENV.deparallelize install_user = ENV["USER"] install_group = `groups`.split[0] system "make", "INSTALL_USER=#{install_user}", "INSTALL_GROUP=#{install_group}", "install" end plist_options :manual => "proftpd" def plist; <<~EOS Label #{plist_name} RunAtLoad KeepAlive ProgramArguments #{opt_sbin}/proftpd UserName root WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} StandardErrorPath /dev/null StandardOutPath /dev/null EOS end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{opt_sbin}/proftpd -v") end end