class Nexus < Formula desc "Repository manager for binary software components" homepage "" url "" version "2.13.0-01" sha256 "4c4e88a2410e1740e688ea1ab3c6066a6a90f76c479e10e4718c517a27f3a614" bottle :unneeded def install rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] # Put the sonatype-work directory in the var directory, to persist across version updates inreplace "nexus-#{version}/conf/", "nexus-work=${bundleBasedir}/../sonatype-work/nexus", "nexus-work=#{var}/nexus" libexec.install Dir["nexus-#{version}/*"] bin.install_symlink libexec/"bin/nexus" end plist_options :manual => "nexus start" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/nexus start RunAtLoad EOS end test do output = `#{bin}/nexus status` assert_match "Nexus OSS is", output end end