class Nailgun < Formula desc "Command-line client, protocol and server for Java programs" homepage "" url "" sha256 "3c1567c8633cdf1a942fbcd13eb07564800866cb4d80680b3fbe8ee07c53e7a3" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "7fd2830001fb4033007cba9bdb515076e4d7397c381a3335d2515e055f834075" => :high_sierra sha256 "b7e959ca2b996cb7c13409693840d0454fe8a646a64813e9c7d3ac21aa1555df" => :sierra sha256 "ccbf9b5b95cbf1b59e1a5698abd13fc9597624e4acafb2f58c840dad444e8cd9" => :el_capitan end head do url "" # The -Xdoclint used in pom.xml causes a build error on Java 7 patch do url "" sha256 "802fcb83cd93227dcfa8f988ec5665d980d04087813b776bf25aed15495bdc4f" end end depends_on "maven" => :build def install system "make", "install", "CC=#{}", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags}" require "rexml/document" pom_xml ="pom.xml")) jar_version = REXML::XPath.first(pom_xml, "string(/pom:project/pom:version)", "pom" => "") system "mvn", "clean", "install" libexec.install Dir["nailgun-server/target/*.jar"] bin.write_jar_script libexec/"nailgun-server-#{jar_version}.jar", "ng-server", "-server" end test do fork { exec "#{bin}/ng-server", "8765" } sleep 1 # the server does not begin listening as fast as we can start a background process system "#{bin}/ng", "--nailgun-port", "8765", "ng-version" Kernel.system "#{bin}/ng", "--nailgun-port", "8765", "ng-stop" # ng-stop always returns a non-zero exit code even on successful exit true end end