class Lazygit < Formula desc "Simple terminal UI for git commands" homepage "" url "" sha256 "b3c503de6b34fd4284fd70655e7f42feafc07f090e7f7cc00db261f56c583c46" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "95f5a69111a7bd3cc59302bdf298558be833a45f4586f94770c1e1505275fa33" => :catalina sha256 "742b61d507cc26dd2164fbd79a4fdb29fce9bfbcda93fa4e3b2486cb5592a9ab" => :mojave sha256 "2f64cf57b5fb8b40f798de7b4057c208aa20caec8a1a31b7ddf9ec4dfa59d1ab" => :high_sierra end depends_on "go" => :build def install system "go", "build", "-mod=vendor", "-o", bin/"lazygit", "-ldflags", "-X main.version=#{version} -X main.buildSource=homebrew" end # lazygit is a terminal GUI, but it can be run in 'client mode' for example to write to git's todo file test do (testpath/"git-rebase-todo").write "" ENV["LAZYGIT_CLIENT_COMMAND"] = "INTERACTIVE_REBASE" ENV["LAZYGIT_REBASE_TODO"] = "foo" system "#{bin}/lazygit", "git-rebase-todo" assert_match "foo", (testpath/"git-rebase-todo").read end end