class Hub < Formula desc "Add GitHub support to git on the command-line" homepage "" url "" sha256 "653cb1efed6d39348f630472b68f79b11704f52fdd7aebd82f7a6dbe18c32c59" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "546ade95cc6351c4e70eeb2ef5ccbcae36d9bd751ca000f313070893a405a819" => :el_capitan sha256 "642dfcd6c6cde344a2cf98f820e4d3bf9c95120b2a88508503c674bf8c23eaa7" => :yosemite sha256 "576dd3fd69abf000eb1e3eefa64a98a25eed69bef14b372b2de554c9f4b08b3e" => :mavericks end option "without-completions", "Disable bash/zsh completions" depends_on "go" => :build def install system "script/build", "-o", "hub" bin.install "hub" man1.install Dir["man/*"] if build.with? "completions" bash_completion.install "etc/" zsh_completion.install "etc/hub.zsh_completion" => "_hub" end end test do system "git", "init" %w[haunted house].each { |f| touch testpath/f } system "git", "add", "haunted", "house" system "git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Initial Commit" assert_equal "haunted\nhouse", shell_output("#{bin}/hub ls-files").strip end end