class Drake < Formula desc "Data workflow tool meant to be 'make for data'" homepage "" url "" version "1.0.0" sha256 "6b75504f85f01a7d213c60f87e7da0d94a4961bbc7e9b7e90f79efcc38ae5165" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "0e1d17ad42bb1bd51792aa625664f1d1fb12748ac2f1783a53da4c6e6ba74124" => :yosemite sha256 "7f1113ff253e4dccb34f54ff710da37738d39ce60fe014a97103af38a848fdb8" => :mavericks sha256 "9b83197b887b6ce5f7912afbebcad3dff4c550b4057b45673d826982f94e481f" => :mountain_lion end resource "jar" do url "" sha256 "f601f059dd23f87ccb1fa9ce1c39067e8bbeed36f08820769c6132c311e99aa8" end def install jar = "drake-#{version}-standalone.jar" inreplace "drake-pkg", /DRAKE_JAR/, libexec/jar bin.install "drake-pkg" => "drake" resource("jar").stage do libexec.install "drake.jar" => jar end end test do # count lines test (testpath/"Drakefile").write <<-EOS.undent find_lines <- [shell] echo 'drake' > $OUTPUT count_drakes_lines <- find_lines cat $INPUT | wc -l > $OUTPUT EOS # force run (no user prompt) the full workflow system bin/"drake", "--auto", "--workflow=#{testpath}/Drakefile", "+..." end end