require 'formula' class Spidermonkey < Formula desc "JavaScript-C Engine" homepage '' url '' version '1.8.5' sha1 '52a01449c48d7a117b35f213d3e4263578d846d6' revision 1 head '' bottle do sha256 "7ab660cad3aac11fbf4befa3fbbf65a7ee64d858539ad81298271389b2957375" => :yosemite sha256 "cda0b81bd974640690fe067691efca6bc7d1583117cd5db28cca43ab8e2f884c" => :mavericks sha256 "769035a4fa0ed09b71aa9747c2834a51285903e51d9bc478f865c037a8666370" => :mountain_lion end conflicts_with 'narwhal', :because => 'both install a js binary' depends_on 'readline' depends_on 'nspr' def install cd "js/src" do # Remove the broken *(for anyone but FF) install_name inreplace "config/", "-install_name @executable_path/$(SHARED_LIBRARY) ", "-install_name #{lib}/$(SHARED_LIBRARY) " end mkdir "brew-build" do system "../js/src/configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-readline", "--enable-threadsafe", "--with-system-nspr", "--with-nspr-prefix=#{Formula["nspr"].opt_prefix}", "--enable-macos-target=#{MacOS.version}" inreplace "js-config", /JS_CONFIG_LIBS=.*?$/, "JS_CONFIG_LIBS=''" # These need to be in separate steps. system "make" system "make install" # Also install js REPL. bin.install "shell/js" end end test do path = testpath/"test.js" path.write "print('hello');" assert_equal "hello", shell_output("#{bin}/js #{path}").strip end end