class Spatialindex < Formula desc "General framework for developing spatial indices" homepage "" url "" sha256 "52d6875deea12f88e6918d192cbfd38d6e78d13f84e1fd10cca66132fa063941" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "bdda20e0607a6ac0a2bbf3ee37c0d507b7f9ede93f2210c3b33887b1682c173e" => :mojave sha256 "81cb9da70510a276cf06cc993f1b94aa27ce688b923aeac8170df372496bd371" => :high_sierra sha256 "98434cec34dcc25434dd5ea1ea669b4f4471f1b361f17dbe408c1e984eb6016f" => :sierra end def install ENV.cxx11 ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-std=c++11" system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do # write out a small program which inserts a fixed box into an rtree # and verifies that it can query it (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~EOS #include using namespace std; using namespace SpatialIndex; class MyVisitor : public IVisitor { public: vector matches; void visitNode(const INode& n) {} void visitData(const IData& d) { matches.push_back(d.getIdentifier()); } void visitData(std::vector& v) {} }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { IStorageManager* memory = StorageManager::createNewMemoryStorageManager(); id_type indexIdentifier; RTree::RTreeVariant variant = RTree::RV_RSTAR; ISpatialIndex* tree = RTree::createNewRTree( *memory, 0.5, 100, 10, 2, variant, indexIdentifier ); /* insert a box from (0, 5) to (0, 10) */ double plow[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 }; double phigh[2] = { 5.0, 10.0 }; Region r = Region(plow, phigh, 2); std::string data = "a value"; id_type id = 1; tree->insertData(data.size() + 1, reinterpret_cast(data.c_str()), r, id); /* ensure that (2, 2) is in that box */ double qplow[2] = { 2.0, 2.0 }; double qphigh[2] = { 2.0, 2.0 }; Region qr = Region(qplow, qphigh, 2); MyVisitor q_vis; tree->intersectsWithQuery(qr, q_vis); return (q_vis.matches.size() == 1) ? 0 : 1; } EOS system ENV.cxx, "-std=c++11", "test.cpp", "-L#{lib}", "-lspatialindex", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end