class Lazygit < Formula desc "Simple terminal UI for git commands" homepage "" url "" sha256 "d0be7a4ef6b5946fc10808d17439962d914782e7b47977d79370b595eada2493" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "88e9e481164fea96aa885292f0dc64b5f6d392b660bdb3a2c8c5807daf5ccadb" => :mojave sha256 "b4eb79e9501602e20e2a438650fc622d11814310be03987ca7f48fed1585f2e7" => :high_sierra sha256 "48966c29484af44cbe369798b6bcff81fa8e2902c848153d9f962664150a10c4" => :sierra end depends_on "go" => :build # adapted from def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath bin_path = buildpath/"src/" # Copy all files from their current location (GOPATH root) # to $GOPATH/src/ bin_path.install Dir["*"] cd bin_path do # Install the compiled binary into Homebrew's `bin` - a pre-existing # global variable system "go", "build", "-ldflags", "-X main.version=0.7.2 -X main.buildSource=homebrew", "-o", bin/"lazygit", "." end end # lazygit is a terminal GUI, but it can be run in 'client mode' for example to write to git's todo file test do (testpath/"git-rebase-todo").write "" ENV["LAZYGIT_CLIENT_COMMAND"] = "INTERACTIVE_REBASE" ENV["LAZYGIT_REBASE_TODO"] = "foo" system "#{bin}/lazygit", "git-rebase-todo" assert_match "foo", (testpath/"git-rebase-todo").read end end