class Ats2Postiats < Formula desc "ATS programming language implementation" homepage "" url "" sha256 "455e269f5d56f0f92f8aa83d47e8e221135d1fe57f03f4afd9d1a07ab1ad3dfe" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "610c16028ad304d1ceff668caabe1747b0dcdf0e30c53999c7180f71b35fecae" => :yosemite sha256 "ab945998ef2c119a37ca558a0c74c23d447a00598f3c2c3c139648addb3f2631" => :mavericks sha256 "88088dfb23656af89907bf82d280910b6eda7a49420e8e21246f223422614f96" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "gmp" fails_with :clang do cause "Trying to compile this with Clang is failure-galore." end def install ENV.deparallelize system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" # Disable GC support for patsopt # system "make", "GCFLAG=-D_ATS_NGC", "all" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"hello.dats").write <<-EOS.undent val _ = print ("Hello, world!\n") implement main0 () = () EOS system "#{bin}/patscc hello.dats -o hello" assert_match "Hello, world!", shell_output(testpath/"hello") end end