class FirefoxDependency < Requirement fatal true default_formula "xulrunner" if MacOS.version < :yosemite def self.firefox_installation paths = ["~/Applications/", "~/Applications/", "/Applications/", "/Applications/", "~/Applications/", "/Applications/"] paths.find { |p| File.exist? File.expand_path(p) } end satisfy { Formula["xulrunner"].installed? || FirefoxDependency.firefox_installation } def message "Firefox or xulrunner must be available." end end class Slimerjs < Formula desc "Scriptable browser for Web developers" homepage "" url "" sha256 "4333ae1c7898789c71b65ba5767cd1781290cdad36cb64d58ef289933482c81b" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha1 "77b0703ee315c809ea9a1307b88f0a622affeedc" => :mavericks sha1 "aa5654afdd8d2dc049878d2898b9fb7fa33911ab" => :mountain_lion end # Min supported OS X version by Firefox & xulrunner is 10.6 depends_on :macos => :leopard depends_on FirefoxDependency def install if build.head? cd "src" do system "zip", "-r", "omni.ja", "chrome/", "components/", "modules/", "defaults/", "chrome.manifest", "-x@package_exclude.lst" libexec.install %w[application.ini omni.ja slimerjs] end else libexec.install %w[application.ini omni.ja slimerjs] end bin.install_symlink libexec/"slimerjs" end def caveats s = "" if (firefox_installation = FirefoxDependency.firefox_installation) s += <<-EOS.undent You MUST provide an installation of Mozilla Firefox and set the environment variable SLIMERJSLAUNCHER pointing to it, e.g.: export SLIMERJSLAUNCHER=#{firefox_installation}/Contents/MacOS/firefox EOS end s += <<-EOS.undent Note: If you use SlimerJS with an unstable version of Mozilla Firefox/XULRunner (>38.*) you may have to change the [Gecko]MaxVersion in #{libexec}/application.ini EOS s end test do if build.with?("xulrunner") system "#{bin}/slimerjs", "-v" system "#{bin}/slimerjs", "loadspeed.js", "" end end end