require "formula" # Note that x.even are stable releases, x.odd are devel releases class Node < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "80f2160b0525763b557742aa73d8dacf1a71e53c" bottle do revision 3 sha1 "42d3400b26a5c75c9474d82e4a87ad7befdc14c3" => :mavericks sha1 "718aa836d684e2590d58d7a424af5811bd015ee5" => :mountain_lion sha1 "9bef3cd554caa933de28cd22ee743daeffb3df21" => :lion end head "" option "enable-debug", "Build with debugger hooks" option "without-npm", "npm will not be installed" option "without-completion", "npm bash completion will not be installed" depends_on :python => :build fails_with :llvm do build 2326 end resource "npm" do url "" sha1 "78125bb55dc592b9cbf4aff44e33d5d81c9471af" end def install args = %W{--prefix=#{prefix} --without-npm} args << "--debug" if build.include? "enable-debug" system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" resource("npm").stage libexec/"npm" if build.with? "npm" end def post_install return if build.without? "npm" node_modules = HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/node_modules" node_modules.mkpath cp_r libexec/"npm", node_modules npm_root = node_modules/"npm" npmrc = npm_root/"npmrc" npmrc.atomic_write("prefix = #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}\n") ENV["NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG"] = npmrc { system "make", "install" } system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/npm", "install", "--global", "npm@latest", "--prefix", HOMEBREW_PREFIX Pathname.glob(npm_root/"man/*") do |man| man.children.each do |file| ln_sf file, "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/#{man.basename}" end end if build.with? "completion" bash_completion.install_symlink \ npm_root/"lib/utils/" => "npm" end end def caveats if build.without? "npm"; <<-end.undent Homebrew has NOT installed npm. If you later install it, you should supplement your NODE_PATH with the npm module folder: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/node_modules end end end test do path = testpath/"test.js" path.write "console.log('hello');" output = `#{bin}/node #{path}`.strip assert_equal "hello", output assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/npm", "install", "npm@latest" if build.with? "npm" end end