class Jrnl < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "Command-line note taker" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ec9dcf01f67a2329218fcd090b56042379937b269ddbd8c0c64097636f012e63" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "9e0a96ab3932c457b4fd476e3b7bdfd32956e31bb1b261c1fab34113834ec48a" => :catalina sha256 "e2535675419ec4769c229c7d468d9dd4139e14245286dd766a1eab8a650723a7" => :mojave sha256 "0325b924a82ce0153d3e9d683fc55190d154d45ee9279fc6d136f50506417af3" => :high_sierra end depends_on "python" resource "entrypoints" do url "" sha256 "d2d587dde06f99545fb13a383d2cd336a8ff1f359c5839ce3a64c917d10c029f" end resource "future" do url "" sha256 "e39ced1ab767b5936646cedba8bcce582398233d6a627067d4c6a454c90cfedb" end resource "keyring" do url "" sha256 "6232b972dfbd44fd9bd649242dbf17f616988b152d4268f9ca1dcc704b467381" end resource "keyrings.alt" do url "" sha256 "b59c86b67b9027a86e841a49efc41025bcc3b1b0308629617b66b7011e52db5a" end resource "parsedatetime" do url "" sha256 "3d817c58fb9570d1eec1dd46fa9448cd644eeed4fb612684b02dfda3a79cb84b" end resource "pycrypto" do url "" sha256 "f2ce1e989b272cfcb677616763e0a2e7ec659effa67a88aa92b3a65528f60a3c" end resource "python-dateutil" do url "" sha256 "e27001de32f627c22380a688bcc43ce83504a7bc5da472209b4c70f02829f0b8" end resource "pytz" do url "" sha256 "ffb9ef1de172603304d9d2819af6f5ece76f2e85ec10692a524dd876e72bf277" end resource "six" do url "" sha256 "70e8a77beed4562e7f14fe23a786b54f6296e34344c23bc42f07b15018ff98e9" end resource "tzlocal" do url "" sha256 "4ebeb848845ac898da6519b9b31879cf13b6626f7184c496037b818e238f2c4e" end def install virtualenv_install_with_resources end test do (testpath/"").write <<~EOS #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 spawn #{bin}/jrnl today: Wrote this fancy test. expect -exact "Path to your journal file (leave blank for ~/journal.txt):" send -- "#{testpath}/journal\n" expect -exact "Enter password for journal (leave blank for no encryption): " send -- "Homebrew\n" expect "Do you want to store the password in your keychain?" send -- "N\n" expect -exact "Journal will be encrypted." expect "Entry added to default journal" expect eof EOS chmod 0755, testpath/"" system "./" assert_predicate testpath/"journal", :exist? assert_predicate testpath/".jrnl_config", :exist? end end