class Osquery < Formula desc "SQL powered operating system instrumentation and analytics" homepage "" # pull from git tag to get submodules url "", :tag => "1.6.1", :revision => "58456a659a8c370678e5a251fdf56c3c230894ee" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "0b9ef8292a5de744bedf2bddbe22365eccd29c093e6c75fcc63c07cf0737b8a3" => :el_capitan sha256 "c1ac0671a1a6744d95cc463bf66c904f5cd154be8e19a7116eb4f91559322307" => :yosemite sha256 "b6f6a810d75345636b1760e4fa0a262d0be3ea7b60968d6f8cfb7d3564c9cbe1" => :mavericks end # osquery only supports OS X 10.9 and above. Do not remove this. depends_on :macos => :mavericks depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "doxygen" => :build depends_on "boost" depends_on "rocksdb" depends_on "thrift" depends_on "yara" depends_on "libressl" depends_on "gflags" depends_on "glog" depends_on "libmagic" depends_on "cpp-netlib" resource "markupsafe" do url "" sha256 "a4ec1aff59b95a14b45eb2e23761a0179e98319da5a7eb76b56ea8cdc7b871c3" end resource "jinja2" do url "" sha256 "2e24ac5d004db5714976a04ac0e80c6df6e47e98c354cb2c0d82f8879d4f8fdb" end resource "psutil" do url "" sha256 "a0e9b96f1946975064724e242ac159f3260db24ffa591c3da0a355361a3a337f" end def install # Link dynamically against brew-installed libraries. ENV["BUILD_LINK_SHARED"] = "1" # Use LibreSSL instead of the system provided OpenSSL. ENV["BUILD_USE_LIBRESSL"] = "1" # Skip test and benchmarking. ENV["SKIP_TESTS"] = "1" ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", buildpath/"third-party/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages" ENV["THRIFT_HOME"] = Formula["thrift"].opt_prefix resources.each do |r| r.stage do system "python", "", "install", "--prefix=#{buildpath}/third-party/python/", "--single-version-externally-managed", "--record=installed.txt" end end system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args system "make" system "make", "install" end plist_options :startup => true, :manual => "osqueryd" test do (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<-EOS.undent #include using namespace osquery; class ExampleTablePlugin : public TablePlugin { private: TableColumns columns() const { return {{"example_text", TEXT_TYPE}, {"example_integer", INTEGER_TYPE}}; } QueryData generate(QueryContext& request) { QueryData results; Row r; r["example_text"] = "example"; r["example_integer"] = INTEGER(1); results.push_back(r); return results; } }; REGISTER_EXTERNAL(ExampleTablePlugin, "table", "example"); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Initializer runner(argc, argv, OSQUERY_EXTENSION); runner.shutdown(); return 0; } EOS system ENV.cxx, "test.cpp", "-o", "test", "-v", "-std=c++11", "-losquery", "-lthrift", "-lboost_system", "-lboost_thread-mt", "-lboost_filesystem", "-lglog", "-lgflags", "-lrocksdb" system "./test" end end