class Gnuradio < Formula desc "SDK providing the signal processing runtime and processing blocks" homepage "" url "" sha256 "9c06f0f1ec14113203e0486fd526dd46ecef216dfe42f12d78d9b781b1ef967e" revision 2 bottle do sha256 "7f2b54d889d4d568736e9ae8221b0a652015d6abb18b1466a5637f92a007884f" => :sierra sha256 "7b70a05aeeb12d4457c81093880786468210d8dc1a409bc1181d6910607e3b3f" => :el_capitan sha256 "464555aaac52b55b9e09ec2b0b2e0e4cabc024b655a1bf815d7ddde59aec92fe" => :yosemite end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on :python if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard depends_on "boost" depends_on "cppunit" depends_on "fftw" depends_on "gsl" depends_on "zeromq" # For documentation depends_on "doxygen" => :build depends_on "sphinx-doc" => :build depends_on "uhd" => :recommended depends_on "sdl" => :recommended depends_on "jack" => :recommended depends_on "portaudio" => :recommended # gnuradio is known not to compile against CMake >3.3.2 currently. resource "cmake" do url "" sha256 "e75a178d6ebf182b048ebfe6e0657c49f0dc109779170bad7ffcb17463f2fc22" end resource "numpy" do url "" sha256 "8b9f453f29ce96a14e625100d3dcf8926301d36c5f622623bf8820e748510858" end # cheetah starts here resource "Markdown" do url "" sha256 "b8370fce4fbcd6b68b6b36c0fb0f4ec24d6ba37ea22988740f4701536611f1ae" end resource "Cheetah" do url "" sha256 "be308229f0c1e5e5af4f27d7ee06d90bb19e6af3059794e5fd536a6f29a9b550" end # cheetah ends here resource "lxml" do url "" sha256 "062e6dbebcbe738eaa6e6298fe38b1ddf355dbe67a9f76c67a79fcef67468c5b" end resource "cppzmq" do url "" sha256 "f042d4d66e2a58bd951a3eaf108303e862fad2975693bebf493931df9cd251a5" end def install ENV["CHEETAH_INSTALL_WITHOUT_SETUPTOOLS"] = "1" ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", libexec/"vendor/lib/python2.7/site-packages" resource("cmake").stage do args = %W[ --prefix=#{buildpath}/cmake --no-system-libs --parallel=#{ENV.make_jobs} --datadir=/share/cmake --docdir=/share/doc/cmake --mandir=/share/man --system-zlib --system-bzip2 ] # if MacOS.version <= :lion args << "--no-system-curl" else args << "--system-curl" end system "./bootstrap", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end ENV.prepend_path "PATH", buildpath/"cmake/bin" res = %w[Markdown Cheetah lxml numpy] res.each do |r| resource(r).stage do system "python", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(libexec/"vendor") end end resource("cppzmq").stage include.to_s args = std_cmake_args args << "-DENABLE_DEFAULT=OFF" enabled_components = %w[gr-analog gr-fft volk gr-filter gnuradio-runtime gr-blocks testing gr-pager gr-noaa gr-channels gr-audio gr-fcd gr-vocoder gr-fec gr-digital gr-dtv gr-atsc gr-trellis gr-zeromq] enabled_components << "gr-wavelet" enabled_components << "gr-video-sdl" if build.with? "sdl" enabled_components << "gr-uhd" if build.with? "uhd" enabled_components += %w[doxygen sphinx] if build.with? "documentation" enabled_components.each do |c| args << "-DENABLE_#{c.upcase.split("-").join("_")}=ON" end mkdir "build" do system "cmake", "..", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end rm bin.children.reject(&:executable?) bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", :PYTHONPATH => ENV["PYTHONPATH"]) end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/gnuradio-config-info -v").chomp end end