class MysqlCluster < Formula desc "Shared-nothing clustering and auto-sharding for MySQL" homepage "" url "" sha256 "2a93deda2a1451a24ec8f8e62aa4e2d547e006a757c19481627efd2372752546" bottle do sha256 "563c3a2337f717edd22af2a2570ecbcd1550a18a5fefe3b049e62683cdf7a4c8" => :sierra sha256 "b1a0bcd342668543236cbd392152e9830071bdf3acda4f9c98753c761f7b02dc" => :el_capitan sha256 "8c49517858b08c6ce47fc29eb4cf9f1526f8601972c0cd81e6903379c6bd7a00" => :yosemite end option "with-test", "Build with unit tests" option "with-embedded", "Build the embedded server" option "with-libedit", "Compile with editline wrapper instead of readline" option "with-archive-storage-engine", "Compile with the ARCHIVE storage engine enabled" option "with-blackhole-storage-engine", "Compile with the BLACKHOLE storage engine enabled" option "with-local-infile", "Build with local infile loading support" option "with-debug", "Build with debug support" deprecated_option "with-tests" => "with-test" deprecated_option "enable-local-infile" => "with-local-infile" deprecated_option "enable-debug" => "with-debug" depends_on :java => "1.7+" depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pidof" unless MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion depends_on "openssl" conflicts_with "memcached", :because => "both install `bin/memcached`" conflicts_with "mysql", "mariadb", "percona-server", :because => "mysql, mariadb, and percona install the same binaries." fails_with :clang do build 500 cause "" end resource "boost" do url "" sha256 "727a932322d94287b62abb1bd2d41723eec4356a7728909e38adb65ca25241ca" end def install # Make sure the var/mysql-cluster directory exists (var/"mysql-cluster").mkpath # dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _clock_gettime if MacOS.version == "10.11" && MacOS::Xcode.installed? && MacOS::Xcode.version >= "8.0" inreplace "configure.cmake", "(clock_gettime", "(everything_is_terrible" end args = [".", "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=#{prefix}", "-DMYSQL_DATADIR=#{var}/mysql-cluster", "-DINSTALL_MANDIR=#{man}", "-DINSTALL_DOCDIR=#{doc}", "-DINSTALL_INFODIR=#{info}", # CMake prepends prefix, so use share.basename "-DINSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR=#{share.basename}/mysql", "-DWITH_SSL=yes", "-DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8", "-DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci", "-DSYSCONFDIR=#{etc}"] # mysql-cluster >5.7.x mandates Boost as a requirement to build & has a # strict version check in place to ensure it only builds against expected # release. (buildpath/"boost_1_59_0").install resource("boost") args << "-DWITH_BOOST=#{buildpath}/boost_1_59_0" # To enable unit testing at build, we need to download the unit testing suite if build.with? "test" args << "-DENABLE_DOWNLOADS=ON" else args << "-DWITH_UNIT_TESTS=OFF" end # Build the embedded server args << "-DWITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=ON" if build.with? "embedded" # Compile with readline unless libedit is explicitly chosen args << "-DWITH_READLINE=yes" if build.without? "libedit" # Compile with ARCHIVE engine enabled if chosen args << "-DWITH_ARCHIVE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1" if build.with? "archive-storage-engine" # Compile with BLACKHOLE engine enabled if chosen args << "-DWITH_BLACKHOLE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1" if build.with? "blackhole-storage-engine" # Build with local infile loading support args << "-DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=1" if build.with? "local-infile" # Build with debug support args << "-DWITH_DEBUG=1" if build.with? "debug" system "cmake", *args system "make" system "make", "install" # We don't want to keep a 240MB+ folder around most users won't need. (prefix/"mysql-test").cd do system "./", "status", "--vardir=#{Dir.mktmpdir}" end rm_rf prefix/"mysql-test" # Don't create databases inside of the prefix! # See: rm_rf prefix/"data" # Link the setup script into bin bin.install_symlink prefix/"scripts/mysql_install_db" # Fix up the control script and link into bin inreplace "#{prefix}/support-files/mysql.server" do |s| s.gsub!(/^(PATH=".*)(")/, "\\1:#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin\\2") # pidof can be replaced with pgrep from proctools on Mountain Lion s.gsub!(/pidof/, "pgrep") if MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion end bin.install_symlink prefix/"support-files/mysql.server" libexec.install "#{bin}/" plist_path("ndb_mgmd").write ndb_mgmd_startup_plist("ndb_mgmd") plist_path("ndb_mgmd").chmod 0644 plist_path("ndbd").write ndbd_startup_plist("ndbd") plist_path("ndbd").chmod 0644 plist_path("mysqld").write mysqld_startup_plist("mysqld") plist_path("mysqld").chmod 0644 end def post_install (var/"mysql-cluster/ndb_data").mkpath (var/"mysql-cluster/mysqld_data").mkpath (var/"mysql-cluster/conf").mkpath (var/"mysql-cluster/conf/my.cnf").write my_cnf unless File.exist? var/"mysql-cluster/conf/my.cnf" (var/"mysql-cluster/conf/config.ini").write config_ini unless File.exist? var/"mysql-cluster/conf/config.ini" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To get started with MySQL Cluster, read MySQL Cluster Quick Start at Default configuration files have been created inside: #{var}/mysql-cluster Note that in a production system there are other parameters that you would set to tune the configuration. Set up databases to run AS YOUR USER ACCOUNT with: unset TMPDIR mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="#{opt_prefix}" --datadir=#{var}/mysql-cluster/mysqld_data --tmpdir=/tmp For a first cluster, you may start with a single MySQL Server (mysqld), a pair of Data Nodes (ndbd) and a single management node (ndb_mgmd): ndb_mgmd -f #{var}/mysql-cluster/conf/config.ini --initial --configdir=#{var}/mysql-cluster/conf/ ndbd -c localhost:1186 ndbd -c localhost:1186 mysqld --defaults-file=#{var}/mysql-cluster/conf/my.cnf & mysql -h -P 5000 -u root -p (Leave the password empty and press Enter) create database clusterdb; use clusterdb; create table simples (id int not null primary key) engine=ndb; insert into simples values (1),(2),(3),(4); select * from simples; To shutdown everything: mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown ndb_mgm -e shutdown EOS end def my_cnf; <<-EOCNF.undent [mysqld] ndbcluster datadir=#{var}/mysql-cluster/mysqld_data basedir=#{opt_prefix} port=5000 EOCNF end def config_ini; <<-EOCNF.undent [ndb_mgmd] hostname=localhost datadir=#{var}/mysql-cluster/ndb_data NodeId=1 [ndbd default] noofreplicas=2 datadir=#{var}/mysql-cluster/ndb_data [ndbd] hostname=localhost NodeId=3 [ndbd] hostname=localhost NodeId=4 [mysqld] NodeId=50 EOCNF end # Override Formula#plist_name def plist_name(extra = nil) extra ? super()+"-"+extra : super()+"-ndb_mgmd" end # Override Formula#plist_path def plist_path(extra = nil) extra ? super().dirname+(plist_name(extra)+".plist") : super() end plist_options :manual => "mysql.server start" def mysqld_startup_plist(name); <<-EOS.undent KeepAlive Label #{plist_name(name)} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/mysqld --defaults-file=#{var}/mysql-cluster/conf/my.cnf RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{var} EOS end def ndb_mgmd_startup_plist(name); <<-EOS.undent KeepAlive Label #{plist_name(name)} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/ndb_mgmd --nodaemon -f #{var}/mysql-cluster/conf/config.ini --initial --configdir=#{var}/mysql-cluster/conf/ RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{var} StandardOutPath #{var}/mysql-cluster/#{name}.log EOS end def ndbd_startup_plist(name); <<-EOS.undent KeepAlive Label #{plist_name(name)} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/ndbd --nodaemon -c localhost:1186 RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{var} StandardOutPath #{var}/mysql-cluster/#{name}.log EOS end test do begin # Expects datadir to be a completely clean dir, which testpath isn't. dir = Dir.mktmpdir system bin/"mysqld", "--initialize-insecure", "--user=#{ENV["USER"]}", "--basedir=#{prefix}", "--datadir=#{dir}", "--tmpdir=#{dir}" pid = fork do exec bin/"mysqld", "--bind-address=", "--datadir=#{dir}" end sleep 2 output = shell_output("curl") output.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") if output.respond_to?(:force_encoding) assert_match version.to_s, output ensure Process.kill(9, pid) Process.wait(pid) end end end