class Deno < Formula desc "Command-line JavaScript / TypeScript engine" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v0.7.0", :revision => "5265bd7cb1f86af99b01d73c537d52a50df95fe2" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "470aa4ad260593875fff68af034a574d447ddeeacb0a0f6ca5b99052c196cec0" => :mojave sha256 "4cb01d19914fa93b83ac936c408f2cbffa5a2caf33828ddb94609da9e8cd9e64" => :high_sierra sha256 "d66b1a52a81928a4a7624fe18f1dea496519993f8c71a51d9e60fe5ca2bfde4c" => :sierra end depends_on "llvm" => :build depends_on "ninja" => :build depends_on "node" => :build depends_on "rust" => :build # depends_on :macos => :el_capitan resource "gn" do url "", :revision => "64b846c96daeb3eaf08e26d8a84d8451c6cb712b" end def install # Build gn from source, move it to the expected location and add it to the PATH (buildpath/"gn").install resource("gn") cd "gn" do system "python", "build/" system "ninja", "-C", "out/", "gn" end (buildpath/"third_party/v8/buildtools/mac").install buildpath/"gn/out/gn" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", buildpath/"third_party/v8/buildtools/mac" # GN args for building a release build with homebrew clang / llvm gn_args = { :clang_base_path => "\"#{Formula["llvm"].prefix}\"", :is_debug => false, :is_official_build => true, :symbol_level => 0, } gn_args_string = { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(" ") ENV["DENO_BUILD_MODE"] = "release" # Build with the homebrew provided gn and ninja system "gn", "gen", "--args=#{gn_args_string}", "target/release" system "ninja", "-j", ENV.make_jobs, "-C", "target/release", "-v", "deno" bin.install "target/release/deno" end test do (testpath/"hello.ts").write <<~EOS console.log("hello", "deno"); EOS hello = shell_output("#{bin}/deno run hello.ts") assert_includes hello, "hello deno" end end