class Ripgrep < Formula desc "Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0983861279936ada8bc7a6d5d663d590ad34eb44a44c75c2d6ccd0ab33490055" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "8a9673593698833a3e79407423c549499c2096c206f2309baf3a6a1fa58bc83c" => :mojave sha256 "e0f43c540165eb7c181328c9e18a28f9fb65ca6e178a2d898915760c212bfcd6" => :high_sierra sha256 "3bb6e27a3adaf94129c18491a552899a354ce36846ec2a849ca5ad40e848ad62" => :sierra end depends_on "asciidoc" => :build depends_on "docbook-xsl" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "rust" => :build depends_on "pcre2" def install ENV["XML_CATALOG_FILES"] = etc/"xml/catalog" system "cargo", "install", "--root", prefix, "--path", ".", "--features", "pcre2" # Completion scripts and manpage are generated in the crate's build # directory, which includes a fingerprint hash. Try to locate it first out_dir = Dir["target/release/build/ripgrep-*/out"].first man1.install "#{out_dir}/rg.1" bash_completion.install "#{out_dir}/rg.bash" fish_completion.install "#{out_dir}/" zsh_completion.install "complete/_rg" end test do (testpath/"Hello.txt").write("Hello World!") system "#{bin}/rg", "Hello World!", testpath end end